Why do chicanos use our flag for their movement?

Why do chicanos use our flag for their movement?
They don't want to be in Mexico, they don't know anything about Mexico (most of them think that Mexico's capital is Burrito Chimichangas City).

So why they do that? You're not Mexican, m,ost of you are not even Hispanic (Spanish speaker), you're just brown Americans.

Attached: 2018 conference_Chicano Movement Mural for session.jpg (1240x826, 387K)

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>most of them think that Mexico's capital is Burrito Chimichangas City
Errr.....w-wait....is it not?
Fug, I've lived my entire live believing in a lie. I think I won't be able to go on after this.

they can do whatever they want with it, cause it's their heritage

I had written a detailed ´post on the flags in there but can't post it as dumb fuck google keeps asking me to reformat.

Anyway the Mexican flag doubles as a symbol of ethnic Mexicanos which includes Chicanos. It's not in there tho

>all those communists


Brown and proud



Chicano should be considered a completely different think from Mexican but we wuzers are stuck in the past.

Did you know that Chicanos are MEXICAN-AMERICANS?

that's why they use the Mexico flag, dimwit

chicanos are dumb and ugly

How exactly? Yucatecs from different parts of the state would have more in common with Guatemalans or Cubans than with Sonorans if not for Mexican culture/identity, likewise nothing else would join a Seri and a Zapotec. As long as you mantain an identity distinct from other Latin American groups or choose to umbrella disparate peoples that have nothing else in common but Mexican identity you're not your own thing.

Personally I'd appreciate it if you abandon distinct Mexican traditions, like Dia de Muertos or even Cino de Mayo, if you'll be doing your own thing. And drop the Aztlán thing while you're at it, Aztec culture and symbols are exclussively Mexican.

I'm just saying perhaps we should start trying to form our own identity in the US instead of clinging to the fact that we used to be Mexican before a certain war

>we wuz aztec and shieet

most mexicans came here before the mexican-american war, stupid

My family specifically got annexed

>I'm just saying perhaps we should start trying to form our own identity in the US instead of clinging to the fact that we used to be Mexican before a certain war

it's funny because the overwhelming majority of the we wuz aztlan shits probably descend from people who came after the mexican-american war

Perhaps ALL Americans should do that with their respective heritages, but as I said, if you'll be moving to that it means abandoning those traditions which are exclussive to Mexicans. I don't deny you have a right to your cultural heritage, but you cannot both reject Mexico and enjoy its perks.

Actually yes, as much as Scandis wuz Vikings.

Chicanos should change their surnames by Anglo surnames, bleach their skin and wear blue contact lenses. This or defend the Spanish Crown against the perfid Albion and his Yankee heirs, fight for their land and return North America to its rightful owner: the Spanish empire.

Attached: f739b062341b1f5c4b05bff5f66ff7a1--spain-th-century.jpg (400x392, 41K)

My great uncle changed his name but that was because he was on the run from the police

no, all of the mexican-american institutions such as LULAC and La Raza were created by pre-war Mexicans. Before the 60/70s, those groups wanted Mexicans to try hard to be as white as possible and suck up to Anglos but that obviously failed since they continued to be discriminated against. They then rejected white people and emphasized native blood and identity.

lol my great grandmother tried to be as white as possible even changed her name

>Implying you can more than barely hold your own country together

Attached: Help Catalonia.jpg (824x464, 51K)

Precisely the Catalan independence movement has been defeated and humiliated by the Spanish authorities.

I'm more Mexican than you'll ever be chilango.

Attached: 1514696829638.png (572x521, 238K)

Ellos ya vieron coco y piensan ORGULLO LATINO cuando nacieron en NYC y nunca tuvieron que vivir lo que es ser latinos en paises latinos.

>vivir lo que es ser latinos en paises latinos


Diasporafags are the lamest people , just look at all the muzzies posting with euro flags talking about how their culture is superior even when they're parasites in western countries.

That was pretty fun
Well done

A lot of pre-annexation Mexicans don't even identify as Mexican, though, but instead as Tejano, Californio or ""Spanish""

the people in this "movement" that use it are either illegal or dumb liberals from california
also there's whites that refer to every latin person as mexican. honestly most chis are very confused I blame (((TV)))