ITT: The worst movie you've ever seen

ITT: The worst movie you've ever seen

Have you only ever seen like 3 movies

You've seen worse movies, DCuck

There is this guy I work with who is a genuine out-of-Africa negro. He told me that GotG 1 was a terrible movie, and he didn't see how anyone could be entertained by it at all.

Maybe OP is a genuine African negro?

Africans are typically more cultured and have higher IQs than American Niggers.

I'm sure he got all those pop-culture references too

fifty shades of shit

I haven't seen it, but i agree. Also, i have tried to watch the new Mad Max movie twice, but fell asleep both times and gave up. I guess cinematics is more important than writing now?

>hehe OP is black
Pol go home

Or I assume OP is Sup Forums and insinuating that he has the comedic taste of an African will offend him.

I don't really have that much of a personal stake in the whole racism thing, I just want to troll a contrarian.

That's actually not true, in terms of IQ. Culture is a different story.

The new rogue star wars movie. I've never seen a star wars movie and thought I'd give it a chance because it was on Netflix.

I was pissed off last night after watching it for that steaming pile of shit wasting two hours of my life.


They aren't objectively the worst movies I've seen, but they were the biggest most disappointing movie experiences I've ever had because my expectations were incredibly high.

>he references Lynn



>coworker keeps telling me to watch all of these cape shit movies

should I just tell him I find superhero movies boring and don't like him, what do you do when normies recommend flicks?

Tell him capeshit is shallow and pedantic, and it insists upon itself.

prometheus was a good movie it just had bad writing

>bad writing
>it was a good movie though

The absolute STATE of Sup Forums.

The new mad max was probably fun in theaters, but on a TV in the living room it's pretty boring, at least it was for me.

Prometheus was an interesting experience, but it wasn't a good movie. A good movie sets out to do something and does that thing. Good writing was as integral to this movie being "good" as good atmosphere was. Those were its selling points. It failed utterly in writing. Thanks Lindeloff.

I hate it so goddamn much

I have a screen that fills about 1/3 of my field of vision from my chair and it is okay on that. Not nearly as good as the theater experience. Shit must be pathetic on a phone.

To be fair this is probably true for a lot of action movies.

>I've never seen a star wars movie so I watched the star wars movie specifically targeted at lifelong fans of star wars who will get internal star wars references and understand the setting intimately

Why? You don't like Nick Cage running out with a baseball bat which goes BONK on trees?

Man, this is one of a small handful of films I saw in theaters and forget I've ever seen until someone brings it up.

I have rewatched this movie multiple times


