Does promote white genocide in your opinion?

Does promote white genocide in your opinion?

No more than staged smut films promote rape or abuse.

I don't fucking know Canada, but please stop posting your monkey porn on Sup Forums

trying to anyways

run by jews.
they pick the most pure white looking pornstars they can find.
looks like they're trying to push an agenda

Honestly, if she were Photoshoped black I would not be able to tell with that nose.

Porn is degenerate.

Look at the top videos on any major porn site. It's all blacked shit.

Why haven't we crashed this shit site yet? It's made by niggers, can't be that secure.

>consenting adults get paid to put benis in bagina
oh no a vast jewish conspiracy
it's another white genocide

please stop spamming this fucking meme porn ok?

It's owned and financed by Jews but it mostly watched by gay men and Black men. Some of the owners also make gay porn so it very homo orientated which we are seeing all through so called straight porn now being more gay.

Does it bother anyone else that the videos end as the guy is cumming? How am I supposed to enjoy it without seeing his superior black seed flowing endlessly out of her vagina?

Oh no slutty porn hoes are fucking black dudes. Yeah this is horrible I'm sure these dirty porn sluts would of married a nice white man and had many children instead. Ooooooo Canada

probably due to the good cinematography more than anything else. Imo most of their girls are meh.

here's an exhaustive list of different backgrounds of those interested in blacked fetish:

jewish men

I wouldn't worry if I were you

they make us think

>sliding copy pasta

Fuck of Jew

How the fuck does a beastiality site promote genocide? Am I missing something here?

try making the same exact site only with kike girls in Canada and see hoe long before you go to jail.

Guess who owns the site, you won't believe it...a JEW!!

I just think that white girls who fuck niggers and other, rather than white guys should by KILLED
And men who fuck niggreses should be KILLED too

>automated slidepost

uncommon, at least this thread was worth something.

>It's made by niggers

>watching porn
why would you do it?

I only jerk off to white nationalist porn

A woman who would fuck a nigger is the same type of woman who would fuck a dog

idk but its one of my fav sources of porn.

between blacked and cuckolding porn i fap at least 2-3 times a day.

Reminder that 3D porn is for degenerate cucks.

2D is where it's at.

die in an apartment fire kike

>they pick the most pure white looking pornstars they can find.
what? hahahahahaha, look at their black eyebrows, they're painted mongrels

Does this post promote sage and report in your opinion?

Why would gay men watch it? Or are you really that bad at shitposting?

Its just hot to see a cute white girl going full slut just writing this gibes me a boner.

It's made by the superior jew. White minds are too weak to take down the jew, that's why there's a lot of that going around

Find some nice strong piano wire and hang yourself with it. Take a good run up.

You can imagine how his superior seed remains inside her vagina to impregnate her with black babies.

Wouldn't be that uncommon if you fuicking dindus didn't decide to ruin all that was good in here.

You guys are racists. That gentlemen is probably a very responsible man