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This is supposed to be a comedy right?
they ruined it
Jesus fucking Christ lmao. 19% incoming!
my sides
Early reviews are all saying it's fantastic
What do you call that hairline. And why is his head so fucking bulbous.
More like 90% considering early reviews
to be a funny clown
because he's a werespider.
King is a hack
more like all except one
penny is extremely cute!
God how I wish it flops.
This looks stupid as shit
Can't wait for nostalgia fags to get btfo when this gets an 85%+ rating and becomes one of the highest grossing horror films of all time. I already know it's gonna happen since this board is wrong about everything anyways
All I Can hope for is it to be room tier bad funny. Like does anyone really get scared of king novels/shows? There's scarier episodes of 'are you afraid of the dark'
what the fuck lol
>20 posts 11 IPs
If you samefag enough it won't the sure massive hit it looks like, keep that up!
Whenever people say a movie is 'terrifying' or that it makes children or audiences physically do anything, i'm reminded of when Hannibal Rising came out
Critics were supposedly leaving the theatres vomiting and getting sick, but when you finally get to see the movie, its like... thats it?
All this being said, I hope its good. I'm cautiously optimistic.
Would you let him blow you for a quarter?
This is literally a comedy movie. Theres NO way a director could be this inept.
God forbid people talk to each other stupid fucking autist
I don't have any quarters,
A newfag who only just discovered this feature posted this.
come back kid, ill blow you for free!
Calm down samefag, it's not my fault you didn't know we can see original IPs
He'll do it for a dime.
it's Javier Botet right?
you are correct
You've already exposed yourself as a newfag once, dont keep doing it.
On a side note, does anyone here have slight homosexual tendencies (not full blown homosexual) and find this pennywise slightly attractive? The big expressive eyes, full lips, bunny teeth, cheek bones and "smile" are all what im looking for in a twink to dominate. Would pennywise let you fuck it in exchange for your soul? Asking for SWIM
For me it's the full dick sucking lips.
I remember the first half of the original scaring the poop out of me. I'm more tempted the revisit that than watch this new one - although it was 3hrs long and the second half sucked gonads.
What were they thinking?
This is something that would only ever scare a 5 year old
>it's a "We can't have a discussion about the upcoming IT remake without gays ruining it" episode
Think there'll be a gangbang?
>its a "we cant have a nice horror story without the writer turning it into child porn" book
King has been an annoying pussy on twitter all year. But I was still on board to watch this, I'm fine with you having very different political opinions. But this tweet was the line for me. I am not giving my money to a man that acts like such a colossal faggot. I'll download this as soon as it leaks.
You sound like that mentally disturbed Black Trump supporter that I know
Jesus Christ how embarrassing.
>what is a joke
you people.
what an asshurt babby
I'm mental because I don't want to literally give my money to someone I find to be insufferable?
Read his feed from the last 8 months. It isn't a joke. He's obsessed and whiny.
i don't get it - the post
every american should be obsessed with protesting against Trump before he completely ruins your nice country
I don't fucking get it... did an user dress his house to be a set piece from the movie and then film his tv screen or is this from some theme park thing?
You have to go back
>not wanting Trump to build a wall that will cost millions upon millions when he could be using resources instead to feed thousands of poor people all across America
btw, did they pay yet?
Why are you saying that as if you have the slightest understanding of government tax and fund distribution. It's not a giant pile of money you fucking mental toddler.
Dude that's impossible. It's people just getting emotional over politics. The American government is a machine set on a certain course, all the president does is make certain tweaks here and there without really effecting where we're going.
Do I have my own political beliefs? Sure. Do I think that Hillary, Bush, Obama, Trump, Sanders or anyone else have, had or could have the power to actually wreck the nation? No. Seriously, just turn off the TV and get off the internet for a full month. You'll see that nothing changed, you still go to fucking work and still get paid. Get back on the internet and see people crying because Trump made a typo.
>It's not a giant pile of money you fucking mental toddler.
First of all, do you understand how building a wall works? It's not as simple and cheap as you think:
Nah Trump still wants poor druglord Mexicans to pay for his wall
That guy is very stupid. Donald clearly said the mexicans will pay for the wall.
Since we Sup Forums now, CHECKED
Yeah they're called trade tariffs. The plan has been clearly laid out for a year. Stop talking about shit based on knowing almost nothing. You look really stupid.
>Yeah they're called trade tariffs
let me guess, they will be tha biggest trade tariffs the world has ever seen?
what the fuck is going on in this thread?
Beep beep richie
>the plot of the second film will have the eldritch demon leave Derry and run for president
>one of the wealthier businessmen in the country is so fucking dumb amirite guys? Literally no idea what he's doing financially xD
Not the guy you're replying to but why are you so opposed to putting a border on your nation to stop literal billions of dollars worth of drugs to your country?
Yeah, he's so cute.
Trade tariffs with Mexico would kill whatever industry the US still has
What you're referring to is called "marketing". It is in itself much scarier than most horror films.
You are posting opinion after opinion and no proof at all. Go back to your country.
the whole "beep beep, Richie" thing was stupid.
Why does Stephen King always make his characters say dumb shit, but then pretend like because it's dumb, that somehow serves as unique characterization? Stephen King must have the biggest, brownest, a-hole in the publishing industry.
>"I wanted to stay true to the essence of the character. I knew that I didn’t want to go the road of Tim Curry [who played Pennywise in the TV miniseries]. Bill Skarsgard caught my attention. The character has a childish and sweet demeanor, but there’s something very off about him. Bill has that balance in him. He can be sweet and cute, but he can be pretty disturbing"
ahh now I see that.
>why are you so opposed to putting a border on your nation to stop literal billions of dollars worth of drugs to your country?
You do realize that so many poor families are able to continue living due to drug money? And that so much in this country has been built with drug money? Trying to demolish the selling of drugs is going to make life more hard for a lot of people.
Also, if you really want to put an end to drugs, then you are a hypocrite if you do not put an end to the tobacco company.
>He can be sweet and cute
So it all makes sense now.
Sup Forums BTFO. This was his plan all along
Why do Trump bronies have to be so thin skinned? They dedicate daily threads to an ex-cokehead/novelist's off topic tweets that reach the bump limit.
Tim Curry BTFO
When will people realise the TV series wasn't that good?
because he's one of those guys who buys the drugs
Billy a cute
>Waaah why does a gang of kids have an inside joke to say when their autistic friend says something stupid
Yes excellent question you friendless autist. I'd love to see how dull the books you've written are.
Why does Tim Curry's doll look like it REALLY doesn't want to belong there?
He looks like this faggot from freshman year who would constantly squeeze my ass.
>When will people realise the TV series wasn't that good?
When they read the book
They modeled it after Tim Curry's current face.
>It's a Stephen King details the burning down of a Black People's shelter episode
why does he look like young steve buscemi
was steve naughty? someone should investigate this.
What's with all the cursing and language and hatred when King writes about children being threatened by something? Did he have like some really bad relationship with his father or something?
Another scene is when Beverly is being threatened by her father who goes on about raping her hard (this is when Pennywise pretends to be her father).
Shouldn't have walked around with such a juicy ass then fagboy
Pennywise feeds on fear.
I haven't read the book. Is there actual vore?
> room with silent statues, dolls or mannequins
> protagonist walks through room, shitting bricks
> one of the statues, dolls, mannequins turns its head as protagonist walks by
> it is actually our monster or demon
This has to be one of the most annoying and over used horror tropes.
and then lose to donald
King's father was absent from his life. He was raised by a single mother, and nearly killed by a babysitter. You should listen to the audiobok, "On Writing, " it's pretty good.
Made me also realize all the youngfags here