Alt-Right is Blowing Up

Congratulations. We've gone meme-stream.

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Who's "we" faggot?

Sup Forums
are you stupid?

>Democrats claim to be peaceful
>Democrats claim to be compassionate
>Democrats claim to be against war
>Democrats claim to support Islam

And yet the person they support is a psychopathic maniac killer - The Truth About Hillary Clinton's Mental Illness - "We came, we saw, he died! LAUGHS" (Gaddafi) - Hillary Clinton openly states she wants war with Iran to protect Israel - Hillary laughs maniacally about war with Iran

>Hillary Clinton The Racist

Hillary Clinton calls blacks "super predators" and says they "must be brought to heel."

Hillary Clinton praises Robert Byrd, former recruiter for the KKK.

Hillary Clinton praises Margaret Sanger, a woman who said minorities must be exterminated like weeds.

Hillary Clinton praises Margaret Sanger, a woman who led a quiet campaign of genocide against minorities using abortion.

damn im neo-alt-alt-right now

the alt-right is a leftist meme word that's going to be similar to SJW if we don't brush it off.

muh, I'm not "alt-right"
muh,I'm much better than this

Who is this "alt-right"?

paleo-alt-righest here

Sup Forums is a board of peace. The racist alt-right does not define us.

I read that as paedo-alt-rightest

Pfft hahahahahaha

Look at this shit

The alt-right didn't even exist until media invented it

this! besides, the alt-right racists come from sheeky forums.

Immigrants out
Feminists out

Trump in
Children in

What about the Ctrl-Left?

I am transdemialt-right and I am triggered.


Sup Forums isn't alt right. Alt right doesn't exist, its just a box liberals throw people who don't agree with them in

>huemonkey can't into greentext
nice shiny new proxy you got there CTR

We reclaimed pepe from the normies we can reclaim this too

>Sup Forums isn't alt right.
Sure pal.

The Alt-Right is the Neo-Left.

yeah they definitely should have staggered their blistering alt-right exposes a few days instead of all publishing them at once

>Sup Forums
>a "movement" who has a jewish faggot, that sucks black cock (exclusively) as its poster boy

Pick one truckboy

>alt right
You have to go back

I'm Libertarian, and so is most of Sup Forums.

We always have been, meme candidates and parties are mere distractions.

Before you start on how the Liberty candidates are liberals, they're just trying to take votes from Hillary. Some real upstanding patriots, I think. To call their losses and do the right thing for the American people?

Could you bite the bullet and support gun control to save America?

I'm an esoteric jahanist and I am offended by this.

Wtf? I hate alt-right now.

I'm alt-left now!


Just because I share similar views to the rest of Sup Forums doesn't mean I'm part of a gay as shit buzzword group called the "Alt Right".

alt-right = partially redpilled, former sjw faggots led by a jewish faggot who likes black cock

alt-right is a reddit meme

you have to go back

Where is the label that says Sup Forums is alt right? Would you be so kind as to link it to me? Where in the sticky does it say Sup Forums is alt right? Where on the board descriptions does it say Sup Forums is an alt right board?????
Oh wait, it doesn't. Sup Forums is a nebulous mixture of any number of political ideologies, you have conservatives, communists, liberals, national socialists, every political ideology under the sun. Stop treating Sup Forums as if it NEEDS to be defined as something, it goes against the very idea of anonymous politics

Sup Forums is a board of peace

Behead those who insult KEK, and Pepe is his prophet

Don't play their game, the alt-right is a term they coined to easily attack people, do not fall to their tricks.


Seriously, they think we're a bunch of kkk white supremacists. If they only knew pol is full of confused spics and oreo niggers

>trying to fit in, the post


It's a book store



>Could you bite the bullet and support gun control to save America?
How about you take your NAP and then watch your wife and kids get raped by niggers because no gunz.

Fuck your "we" shit faggot.

Go back to Twitter.

I can't deny that I I'm an Oreo nigger...

I don't know what my assistant is up to all the time

wtf I hate Sup Forums now. I'm now a #regressivleft

Sup Forums isn't alt-right Aquafresh. This a place for nationalism.

They created it so they could have something to aim at. The problem they have right now with Trumps support is that it is so diverse and amorphous that they cannot attack it. They are hoping that his support rallies behind this created name so they have something to demonize in order to scare away the tiny fraction of undecided voters left and demoralize Trump's strong 'silent majority' base.

DAS RITE! We need a black hebrew israelite.

>using politically correct terms invented by the mainstream media to label Sup Forums when Sup Forums board is outright titled POLITICALLY INCORRECT
yeah, no
there is no we, faggot

>rolling stone


I have to believe the "We are Alt-Right" faggots on here are shills why else would anyone won't to be label by fucking liberals.

>Alt right doesn't exist, its just a box liberals throw people who don't agree with them in
these labels are just like how stupid tumblrites invented "gender" terms like xir

>Playing politics with our most important, divisive, and secure right.
where am I? Where are you?

Sup Forums is Fascist, National Socialist, Libertarian, and Reactionary. Everyone else can fuck off.

somebody claiming they're alt right is a brain dead easy way to detect a newfag on Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general

haha look at the retard everyone


>Alinsky: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it

>Sup Forums isn't alt right
Technically we are, but its just a shitty label for anyone who goes against the 2 parties, and especially the liberal left narratives.

We need a new label for Sup Forums, Ultimately right Ult-right
To meme into everyone's mind that Sup Forums is always right

wait is the washington post making an article that the "alt-right" has a take on hillary's speech and its legitmizing...

>Alt right doesn't exist
that's just retarded.

this desu



>Who is this "alt-right"?

they're misspelling it - it's "Alt-Write" and its an indie bookstore chain in some of the major cities

>I'm Libertarian, and so is most of Sup Forums.
no it isn't.


>We need a new label

No we don't.
Labeling yourself is as bad as others doing it.

Just be your fucking self and speak your mind without the need of fulfilling a in group mentality.

>We need a new label for Sup Forums
no (((we))) don't, we are the jews now

This guy gets it!
Don't drink their kool-aid.

Ctrl-Left's playdate

This is NEWS to me Shirlock!

>they're misspelling it - it's "Alt-Write" and its an indie bookstore chain in some of the major cities

I thought it was "Alt-White" and was the name for Jews and some Hispanics.


This, alt-right is a meme word used to describe anyone who isn't a neocon.

We don't NEED any label for Sup Forums. The second you begin labeling yourself and others you section them off into more easily controlled groups. The only label Sup Forums should have is Sup Forums.

I'm just a nationalist, nigger.
I have nothing to do with whatever the fuck the "alt-right" would be.

Haha ok aquafrash

Newfags can't

I'm about to blow up right now


do you see a pattern here?

we're reaching normie levels that shouldn't even be possible

You're an ignorant faggot. Richard Spencer termed the alt-right. He's a nationalist.

Jesus Christ I wish you yuropoors would stop speaking for us.

>I am libertarian and so is most of Sup Forums
Sorry to break it to you but that changed a couple of years back

Hello, I'm the racist known as "Alt-Right"

>alt right
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a nat soc board.

>The second you begin labeling yourself and others you section them off into more easily controlled groups.
When "alt-right" hits critical mass it will splinter out of the board the same way as Anonymous, a so-called "movement" that has since been co-opted by the left.

lol that webm is priceless


No you and the rest of your twitter faggots are.

Alt-right is far too soft. Here at Sup Forums we advocate complete genocide of the lesser races.


Italeave when

Indie bookstore.


>Sup Forums
I'm not alt-right. I think Richard Taylor, Milo Yiannapolous, Lauren Southern, and all of those alt-right shitheads are fucking garbage.


>Morpheus is The Illuminati!

So Hillary's speech backfired so hard that she made the alt-right mainstream? Guess that tells you how much people hate her.

this, desu. remember that both sides have prepared for this day via that thing that cuckmoot banned from the boards, desu.

bee yourself, desu. great minds think for themselves and ABC: Always Be Creating.

Divide and Conquer ...