
I am curious, how many of you are serious? Posting our holy savior and spiritual liege Pepe, the high priest of Kek, is fun.. but that isnt changing the real world. It doesnt change the fact that ethnic Europeans are dying out. It doesnt change the fact that niggers are taking over USA and muslims taking over Europe.
Hollywood is pumping out movies. All media is getting their agenda out. Affirmative action is well funded. Welfare is here to stay. Hate crime against whites all over the place..
In short, the future of white civilization does not exist.
And what is anyone doing against this? What are your goals? What are your values? Your culture? Where is Sup Forums bible? Or a single comprehensive document?
Is there a single, centralized, functional, capable, acting Sup Forums organization anywhere in the world? Where is Sup Forums media? Where are Sup Forums businesses and finances? A single building? A weapons plant, a farm, an army, anything?
Why is there no organized effort anywhere? Whites used to run the world. Non-white autonomy did not exist. Before white man's medicine, there was less than a million niggers in the world. There was no civilization, non-whites lived like animals. And now, whites are going to disappear and no amount of repeating digits can change this.
We need a bible or a mein kampf of our own. Some sort of document upon which an organization can form. Our own culture, values, and goals. After this, everything else can come, even a space program. So I wonder, how come there's no real world organization anywhere?
The enemy is organized. We arent. Without organization, we will all die and disappear.

Other urls found in this thread: skinned mesolithic hunters

friendly reminder that Sup Forums is satire

I hate Islam, but I'm not going to make this into a racial war kind of thing. If you want to break up your economies by picking on minorities indiscriminately, then be my guest. Model minorities have greatly boosted your economies, and without them, you would suffer even more.

But behind all good satire, there is a
truth behind it.

..what are you talking about? I am talking about rapists, murderers, criminals, home invaders, gang bangers, and all other kinds of violent thugs all over Sweden, muslim gangs all over Germany and UK, black terrorists all over USA..

None of these are lawfully punished. Our very own rule of law has failed us.
We have actual CRIMINALS walking around and getting away with it, thanks to politics and current feminist leftist bullshit. CRIMINALS. All evading the court.

20 years ago, there were gunships on the borders. You burn a car, you go to jail. You break the law, you answer for it.

It might be satire in eastern Europe but it isnt satire here.

>None of these are lawfully punished.
A lot BLM idiots are getting their asses beat and being sent to prison. The USA is also on high-security alert for terrorist-sympathizers and extreme mudslimes.

It has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with retarded ideology. I agree certain ideologies are "high-risk", but conflating that with race is retarded and shows how ignorant you are.

> thanks to politics and current feminist leftist bullshit.
That's only widely prevalent in the some sections of the humanities in universities, like anthropology. Perhaps, it is different state-by-state.

>You break the law, you answer for it.
People still do. No system is perfect, however, and can work to improve.

>A lot BLM
A lot of BLM*

So you believe that race is completely irrelevant?

Well, consider this. Ethnic Europeans, in comparison to all other races on Earth (with the exception of some far east Asians), had the most ruthless climate and environment.
Everywhere else, survival required little to no intellect, only aggression.

On the other hand, whites had to develop snares, tools, better clothing, better shelters.. white evolutionary pressure was much higher.
You cant believe in evolution, and in 'all equal' multiculti egalitarian bullshit.

Race matters. Without race, there would be no culture in this world. Most people would still live like animals.

While every individual should be judged individually, there is significant correlation with race and intelligence and aggression. Margin of error is acceptable.

Not even to mention that eugenics work 100% of the time as well.

There isn't enough energy in the sky to push even an electron to escape velocity. The security system is perfect. No one gets out, from within. This is why the devil jews think it's just darkness. He hates them.

>So you believe that race is completely irrelevant?
No. Never said or implied that. It's relevant in a way that takes awhile to explain though. It's more about potentiality and "tilting", even within races there is a lot of variability.

>Everywhere else, survival required little to no intellect, only aggression.
Ethnic Europeans are not the only ones to have historically dealt with hell. Have you read the history of various other countries in-depth? Be honest.

>On the other hand, whites had to develop snares, tools, better clothing, better shelters.. white evolutionary pressure was much higher.
In modern times, most technological advancements came from ethnic Europeans, but in pre-modern times, most of it came from the Middle East: such as the creation of brick, windmills, staple, first taxation system, complex roads, first cultivation of spinach + others, and much much more. Read about other cultures.

>Race matters. Without race, there would be no culture in this world. Most people would still live like animals.
Race is important, but you are giving it too much causal power. Look at experience-dependent neuroplasticity, as an example. Also, read this:

This ethnic European had a history of psychopaths and serial killers in his family. He also had the MAO-A variant gene that is associated with increased aggression. A PET scan showed his brain to resemble a psychopath, much to his astonishment, but due to proper upbringing, he turned out fine. On the macroscopic scale, it seemed his brain was nearly* identical to a psychopath, but perhaps, on the mesoscopic scale he was fine, due to experience-dependent plasticity.

"Fallon's being tongue-in-cheek — sort of. He doesn't believe his fate or anyone else's is entirely determined by genes. They merely tip you in one direction or another."


Because like most of us, we've accepted the fact that whites are going extinct and they're the ones grounding their own plane.

It's a sad and scary thought that whites will no longer rule the world.

Stranger things have happened.

Whites split the atom, invented supersonic munitions, killed their own god, detonated nukes in the only atmosphere they had, and than did it again just because they were pissed.

This defeatist attitude is plain and simple stupid. Only threat to the white world is that rogue nuclear state Israel. Everything else could be resolved very simply and on a local level.


>While every individual should be judged individually, there is significant correlation with race and intelligence and aggression.
There is also the issue of epigenetic modifications occurring to the fetus according to the pregnant woman's diet, stress-level, and so forth. For example, if the pregnant woman eats something with the preservative BPA, then it can cause detrimental personality effects to the child as he grows up.

Finally, in order to reinforce the importance of experience-dependent plasticity: consider how rats on a specific post-natal day, called "critical period" (a period of heightened sensitivity of neural plasticity), if played anxiolytic music, then when they grow up, they will come to prefer such music over others, and these has neural underpinnings. Likewise, keeping a rat dark-reared on a specific post-natal day, keeps the blind the rest of their life due to that critical period being essential to proper brain wiring.

You think you know all this but you fail to realize that you are trapped in here with us.

You dance w/ the devil, the devil don't change, the devil changes you

>For example, if the pregnant woman eats something with the preservative BPA, then it can cause detrimental personality effects to the child as he grows up.
Stress from the pregnant mother can likewise induce epigenetic changes to the fetus.**

At the end of the day, it's the brain that's more important, and the brain changes. For example, meditation has been shown to increase grey matter density, density of white matter tracts, gyrification of cortex, and have positive functional neuroplastic benefits. It can increase emotional regulation and attention. This has been applied in therapeutic settings with "Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction". Stuff like studying, likewise, has neuroplastic benefits, something you need to do more of.

Your brain is always changing according to experience.

I still think that hundred thousand years spent in a harsh environment and also a period spent in ice age had more impact than just a few days.

I am no expert in this, but this just explains the real word better. For example, you have blacks from very rich families in the west, and yet their kids are not significantly more intelligent than poor family blacks.

The brain is more important than external flesh. It does not matter if you are White, Brown, or whatever. What matters is if your brain is structurally and functionally good. That's it.

The ApoE4 allele, which increases risk of Alzheimer's Disease, is most prevalent among the Japanese and Northern Europeans. Does this make you inferior? No. It just means you should eat a low carb, low fat diet in order to minimize your risk, and even though it's most prevalent among those races, that does not mean you have that gene.

This whole world is a dream that decays with your brain.

There were no modern ethnic Europeans during the Ice Age.

Europeans are a mix of three people:
1) dark skinned, blue eyed mesolithic hunters (look it up)
2) Neolithic Anatolian farmers
3) Indo-European nomads from the Southern Russian steppes

in varying degrees of admixture**

There were no Indo-European nomads before the last ice-age, and they had significant genetic impact on Northern Europeans. Correct me on this.

Without some sort of organized effort, white race could really perish.

>There were no Indo-European nomads before the last ice-age
Proto-Indo-European admixture happened after the last ice age**. Correct me on this.

You basically sound like a Stormfag here, no offense.

Never said I was an expert, all I said is that:

1) there is a strong correlation with all the glorious achievements of humanity, and race
2) this theory, white probably not technically correct, simply fits

General public does not have to be expert. Standard model is wrong, for example. We still teach kids electrons orbit nucleus for example. We still draw electrons as tiny balls, and this is 100% incorrect, we know very well that electrons act more as.. some sort of clouds. And that if you confine them tightly enough in a computer register, they leak.

I study different thing, I am no race expert, but all I am saying is, this theory fits, it explains our world right enough, and would increase our quality of life if we built policies around it.

We both agree that eugenics work, right?

>1) there is a strong correlation with all the glorious achievements of humanity, and race
Look at the individual level: we see failures in all races. We all see a high percentage of model minorities in USA such as Taiwanese, Indians, Persians, and Lebanese. They contribute a lot to the American economy, and they are not tainted by stupid ideologies like Islam.

>And that if you confine them tightly enough in a computer register, they leak.
Isn't it more about a field of potentials, however? I heard more quantum physicists describe it as a field of potential, likewise human beings are the same, but I am saying it is ridiculous to reduce it wholly to race, given in-group variability and much more (e.g., epigenetic modifications to the fetus due to the stress level and diet of pregnant women -- stuff like BPA exposure to pregnant women changes the temperament of children as they develop). Gene expression can change thanks to deacetylation**.

>We both agree that eugenics work, right?
I would prefer neural augmentation. Eugenics by itself would not work, but neural augmentation would. That is sci-fi at this point, however.

>we see failures in all races.
but also successes in many* such as those I listed*

We got fatter pigs, faster racing horses, taller corn, blood hounds, and all other kind of useful things from eugenics. Eugenics clearly work. And race clearly matters.

While I cant technically pinpoint it all with 100% accuracy, I have a theory that simply fits enough.
And if this theory doesnt become mainstream in general population, white race might disappear.

>We got fatter pigs, faster racing horses, taller corn, blood hounds, and all other kind of useful things from eugenics. Eugenics clearly work. And race clearly matters.
If you can pinpoint the genes that correlate with greater intelligence (e.g., in savants), then you'd increase people's potential to become more intelligent and improve the structural and functional aspects of their brains with positive neuroplasticity. However, even with potential, one must apply his or herself, or else it's wasted. Just because one has great potential means nothing.

>I have a theory that simply fits enough.
It's not entirely reducible to race is my point.

>white race might disappear.
Both the dark-skinned, blue-eyed mesolithic hunters and Proto-Indo-Europeans disappeared from Europe. Europeans are a mix of those three groups, I gave, and if you need more evidence for that claim, I can provide it. People mixed themselves out back then because they didn't have a concept of a "pure race". Their ethos and myths were more important to themselves.

so /cfg/ is satire, and all discussions on the entire site are satire?

you noobs just can't into satire, and don;t quite realise the seriousness behind all josking.

humour is a thin veneer covering truth in doubtful circumstances

anglos truly are superior

off yourself slav - and the rest of you cunts who believe satire = untruth

It doesnt matter that modern European is a mixture of 3 different tribes, what matters that modern day European is disappearing from the planet. And this is usually a good thing, it's good and natural for a weaker animal to lose territory to the better animal.

However, what doesnt make sense, is that muslims and niggers are taking ground from Europeans. This goes for Americas as well.
Muslims and niggers are not intellectually or physically or in any way superior, yet they are taking ground from the ethnic Euros all over the globe.

>what matters that modern day European is disappearing from the planet
No, they are mixing, just like those three groups did. There used to be pure Yamna (Proto Indo European) people (which were most likely a mix of other stuff), but they mixed out of existence. The genetic studies indicated they were light skinned, broad head, brown to black eyes or hair, and so forth, and the majority of Northern Europeans (especially Norwegians), have about 50% Yamna. However, there are no more pure Yamna. Those three groups I listed had significant genetic differentiation, hence why autusomal DNA analyses can break down the percentages of those three groups one has. Southern Europeans, for example, has less Yamna.

I can give sources and go more in-depth with graphs.

>it's good and natural for a weaker animal to lose territory to the better animal.
What makes humans unique is ideology. Preserving ideology that encourages good values and progress is more important than "muh racial purity", which never existed in the first place.

>is that muslims and niggers are taking ground from Europeans.
Muslims are not a race. Chechens are White and crazy fanatic Muslims. Some have red hair and blue eyes, even, look at the Chechen president. They are ISIS tier, no joke, they have beheading videos too.

>Muslims and niggers
We're having an academic discussion and you are calling Muslim a race. You realize academics would laugh at you, right?

>has less
have less*

Saying we should disregard racial purity because no one today is 100% racially pure is like saying we should stop bathing because even after taking a bath, there's at least one bacteria under your nail or something.

I am well aware that muslims are not a race, but it's just practical to simply consider them non-Europeans because majority of them are non-Europeans.

Ideology and culture and values is more important than race, but so far, there have been only certain races who could maintain certain ideologies.
Muslim countries and Africans almost always spiral into chaos and wars, and only stability over there is when a local strongman warlord dictator type shows up.
They cant have stability on their own trough democracy.

>The genetic studies indicated they were light skinned, broad head, brown to black eyes or hair,...
and tall*

>100% racially pure is like saying we should stop bathing because even after taking a bath
That is a dumb analogy. There is no racial purity, so there is nothing to preserve. Your culture was able to progress because the Proto-Indo-European migrators mixed with people already present on your lands. It makes more sense to preserve cultural values rather than ridiculous stuff like "muh racial purity" because it simply does not exist.

Also, do you consider Southern Europeans a different race? They have about 10-20% Yamnna admixture whereas Northern Europeans have about 50%. Are you two different peoples? Look up, "Lumpers and Splitters". You are going to destroy your region with this nonsense, and it's already small to begin with.

>[the] majority of them are non-Europeans.
Opposing Muslims makes sense, but to conflate it with race is stupid. Lebanese and Persians are model minorities in the USA for example, and many go on to attain post-secondary education and contribute a lot to the system.

>there have been only certain races who could maintain certain ideologies.
Nope. Europe was forced to Christianize through violence. There was a time when your "forbears" were worshiping different gods or whatnot.

>Muslim countries and Africans almost always spiral into chaos and wars,
That has only been in the 20th century, and it depends on the regions we are speaking of. Have you read books in detail about this?

>only stability over there is when a local strongman warlord dictator type shows up
20th century was not a good time period for the Middle East as a whole, but I don't think it's fair to blame it 100% on all of them.

>They cant have stability on their own trough democracy.
I find such a statement very hypocritical, since it is through the voice of the people that such a thing is to happen, no through the parochial perspective of a judgmental individual who has not studied the various regions of that sphere in-depth.

>no through
not through*

Persia and Egypt were both destroyed by islamic Arabs. Most middle easterners today are Arabs. And Arabs NEVER had any stability. Very much like Africans in the south, they never enjoyed any stability or civilization, the closest to European civil liberties they ever came was under various tyrants and warlords, and yet it was still nothing comparable to European civilizations.

>model minorities
Literally irrelevant. I mean seriously, they represent best of the best, the richest and most educated. Once they stop being minorities, you have the same shit you had at their homes.

Meanwhile Europeans had very high living standards and quality of life even before Christianity. Constantinople reached its heights under various philosophical Greek schools, most notably stoicism, while Scandinavians managed to reach America....

And in all this time, Arabs and Africans simply went around killing each other, never discovered any continent or had any civilization.

Very well said OP

>Persia and Egypt were both destroyed by islamic Arabs
Arabs never mixed with Persians. On autusomal DNA plots, Persians do not even plot closely to Arabs.

>Most middle easterners today are Arabs.
Nope. Persians don't even speak Arabic. Read a book.

>And Arabs NEVER had any stability
This is true, but this does not apply to Persians (like Safavids, Samanid, and Safavid Empires) or even Turks (like Ottomans).

>Literally irrelevant
Whatever doesn't fit your worldview is irrelevant? The fact there are model minority Lebanese, Persians, and Indians should be enough to dispel your preconception that these races are incompetent.

> they represent best of the best, the richest and most educated
Not really. There are many middle-income Persians that go into post-secondary education. There are over 500 Iranian-American professors teaching and doing research at top-ranked U.S. universities:

> Once they stop being minorities, you have the same shit you had at their homes.
That's an assumption. A lot of the chaos in the Middle East is due to manipulation and interference for geopolitical reasons. For example, Mossadegh (a democratically elected leader in 1953) was overthrown by the USA and UK for nationalizing his oil.

>Constantinople reached its heights under various philosophical Greek schools, most notably stoicism, while Scandinavians managed to reach America....
I never denied the accomplishments of Europeans, but you are literally not addressing my point. Greeks never had a high Proto-Indo-European/Yamna ancestry whereas Scandinavians do. Does that make them distinct races?

>Arabs and Africans simply went around killing each other
The Middle East is more than just Arabs. For example, consider Assyrians.

>like Safavids, Samanid, and Safavid Empires
**like Safavid, Samanid, and Sassanid Empires

Guess there is no shared philosophy, culture and values among Sup Forums types. Guess no one is serious about it and guess no organized effort will ever happen.

Guess Europe and USA will be under muslims and niggers in 10 or 20 years.

I find it hilarious how you refuse to engage me anymore. You didn't even answer my question regarding whether Scandinavians having significantly more Yamna ancestry makes them a different race from Southern Europeans. Furthermore, I also find it odd you refuse to acknowledge basic facts when they go against your worldview.

>Guess Europe and USA will be under muslims and niggers in 10 or 20 years.
No, you'll still be in your basement while others, irrespective of race, will be going for higher-education and more. You'll probably get a brain aneurysm from constantly stressing yourself, and then a minority scientist would have to operate on your brain in order to save you. Oh, the irony.

>Guess there is no shared philosophy, culture and values among Sup Forums types.
Of course. Go join Stormfront. You'd fit right at home.

>Guess Europe and USA will be under muslims and niggers in 10 or 20 years.
Your mind is not much different from them. I'm not going to generalize that to everyone of your race like a pseudointellectual. Both extreme racist conservatives and SJW liberals miss the overall nuances to these questions.

Calls to organize fall under the category of "Shit infiltrators try so they can blackmail you and steer your ideology into something safe to (((them)))."

Get fucked.

My main argument is that Europeans had the most scientific and cultural achievements in this world, and yet they are the world's minority and they just continue to shrink. Ethnic Europeans, western and southern, have no safe haven. Their countries keep getting invaded, their quality of life lowered, their economies destroyed by welfare and free housing for shitskins.

Where are token white presidents in Africa? Where are middle eastern churches? Where is foreign aid to whites?? Why are ethnic Europeans, the word's minority, only ones getting diversified???????

This is a call for discussion. Just friendly theory-crafting and such things. How would an organization for preservation of ethnic Europeans even look? How would it even start? How does one go about creating such a thing?

Not like I said 'eyo meet up tomorrow at 3 pm in the park we gonna raid FBI' or anything.

OP specifically states
> What are your goals? What are your values? Your culture? Where is Sup Forums bible? Or a single comprehensive document?
>We need a bible or a mein kampf of our own.
along with
>The enemy is organized. We arent. Without organization, we will all die and disappear.

When you have clearly outlined goals they can be manipulated.

When you state your values they will be called into question, mocked, and derided because they do not fit the mold they have prepared for you.

When you write something concrete down you are handing a weapon and ammunition to your enemies.

When you organize you will be infiltrated by outside agents bent on disempowering and neutralizing your movement. Usually this is done by the person who organized it.

There is no "alt-right".

There will be no organization.

You and yours will fall. And the landing will be quite hard.

>Europeans had the most scientific and cultural achievements in this world,
I made it clear that in the 20th and 19th centuries this is true. In the 20th century, there was a chance for the Middle East to stabilize: "A lot of the chaos in the Middle East is due to manipulation and interference for geopolitical reasons. For example, Mossadegh (a democratically elected leader in 1953) was overthrown by the USA and UK for nationalizing his oil." It is way more complex than that even. For example, look at how the USA strengthened ISIS by supporting unsavory rebels that switch sides; by attempting to topple both Assad and ISIS at the same time, the USA supported unsavory rebels, and thereby strengthened both ISIS and Al-Nusra. Moreover, consider how both the UK and USA have been pouring billions of dollars into Saudi Arabia: the powerhouse of Islamic fanaticism. Most of the terrorist attacks come from people inspired by Wahhabism or Salafism, the main religion of Saudi Arabia. Even 9/11 hijackers were funded by the Saudis.

Much of the tensions in the Middle East were exacerbated due to Western interference, as even Putin made clear.

>yet they are the world's minority and they just continue to shrink.
That depends on whether you group Southern Europeans and Northern Europeans as one race. This is why I asked you, "Do you consider Scandinavians having significantly more Yamna ancestry as making them a different race from Southern Europeans?"

>Ethnic Europeans, western and southern, have no safe haven
It's only in recent times Southern Europeans even consider Northern Europeans brethren, lol.

>Where is foreign aid to whites??
Iran accepted a shitload of Polish people during WWII.

>Why are ethnic Europeans, the word's minority, only ones getting diversified???????
You're not. In fact, most people don't even give a shit. They value other shit besides "muh racial purity", which NEVER existed. You are a mix of three different peoples.

First of all, no single man went himself on the moon. I firmly believe organization is a good thing.

Now with the rest.
>When you have clearly outlined goals they can be manipulated.
No. I mean how the fuck? [source needed] on that one. If you have CLEARLY outlined goals, than you have CLEARLY outlined goals. This is not quran or some interpretation bullshit. But CLEARLY outlined goals.
>values will be questioned
Good! How else does anything improve?
>you will be mocked Galileo was mocked. So was the guy who said germs are a thing. And they were both right. And if humanity listened, it would be much better off.
Outsider opinions do not matter on internal affairs.
>it will be used as a weapon and ammunition by your enemies
I dont get this one either. [source needed].
>you will be infiltrated
Well if you have clearly stated goals, anyone betraying them would be known as traitor, and therefore automatically not a member. If your methods and goals are very well defined, you can not be infiltrated.

>muh outsider influence
Well if you were influenced by outsiders, this is a proof of your own inferiority.
>you are mix of 3 people, only solution is to mix you even more
You are clearly a shitskin. Fuck off.

Shitskins are irrelevant to me and to what I want, so I dont even know why did you even go into a discussion. If I want racial purity I want racial purity, and no matter how many shitskins tell me 'you cant' changes that.

That guy spendt too much in his gear but left nothing for his horse

is he retarded? it's because his mongolic genes?

please respond or i won't sleep tonight im serious

>Well if you were influenced by outsiders, this is a proof of your own inferiority.
Do you have an education? I'm not saying this in mean way. You are having a difficult time processing what I am saying.

European culture was literally created from outside influence when the Proto-Indo-Europeans from Southern Russian steppes migrated to European lands and mixed with the people. They gave the Indo-European language and spread their myths. Furthermore, the Northern Europeans have more Proto-Indo-European percentage compared to the Southern Europeans, but does this mean they are different races.

>You are clearly a shitskin. Fuck off.
No, I was not implying that's what you should do. I'm saying the solution is to think of things based on a person's individual capacity.

>Shitskins are irrelevant to me and to what I want
You already have "shitskins" in your ancestry. skinned mesolithic hunters

>I dont even know why did you even go into a discussion.
That's a red herring and not an argument.

> If I want racial purity I want racial purity
I'm saying you don't have it. Do you want for me to give the actual genetic studies? You're a mix of three different people, deal with it, faggot.

>and no matter how many shitskins tell me 'you cant' changes that
Northern European scientists would tell you that too while pouring scientific data. It doesn't matter who tells you, it's scientific fact, you retard.

kek, I dont know

boyars would dismount from time to time, not all horses were war horses, most of them were spooked by battles and were used just for transportation
those are cyrillic runes, he could be educated in byzantium therefore not retarded, byzants had greek fire and all other kind of sci-fi shit for that time

>but does this mean they are different races.
but it could due to the whole "lumpers vs. splitters" thing which I doubt you looked up.**

Fine, I want to preserve the present day mixture of 3 peoples. Happy now faggot? I want 21st century Europeans to remain 21st century Europeans even in 51st century..

Modern day Europeans are clearly distinct from non-Europeans. Even today. You just need your own fucking eyes to tell a European from non-Euro, even if you are from mongrel melt-pot-stan of USA.

My argument is that ethnic Europeans are better than everyone else, and that they are disappearing without an organized effort.

>Modern day Europeans are clearly distinct from non-Europeans.
Right, and the Proto-Indo-Europeans from Southern Russian steppes were distinct from the Europeans living on your lands, yet they still mixed because they valued other things more than "preserving muh mixture". One can make the argument it was them that helped your culture progress and attain a European identity in the first place. If they decided not to mix, you would literally have European identity, no joke. So do you consider such a historical event a good example of when mixture is desirable?

>I want to preserve the present day mixture of 3 peoples. Happy now faggot? I want 21st century Europeans to remain 21st century Europeans even in 51st century..
I doubt this will remain a possibility as Slavs and East Asians become stronger. Their economies are improving rapidly, and since power allures many people, that mixture may come accommodate more.

>You just need your own fucking eyes to tell a European from non-Euro, even if you are from mongrel melt-pot-stan of USA.
Southern Europeans, like Spaniards, don't really look like Northern Europeans.

>My argument is that ethnic Europeans are better than everyone else
My argument is that you are a failure trying to make yourself feel better by saying "WE WUZ". Model minorities like Indians, Lebanese, Taiwanese, and Persians are very successful in the USA, and they outperform many Ethnic Europeans in academia. Would you say a redneck hick from the deep south of the USA, who doesn't believe in evolution, is smarter than an Indian who a PhD in theoretical physics?

>that they are disappearing without an organized effort.
I don't want to say anything regarding that, but I think this world would be a better place if you, yourself, were to disappear because you're an idiot because you're an idiot with a superiority complex who has yet to accomplish anything worth shit.

>you would literally have European identity
you literally have no European identity*
Ignore typos.

>because you're an idiot because you're an idiot with a superiority complex
because you're an idiot with a superiority complex*
Ignore typos.

Funny thing is, I am in my 3rd year studying for a physics degree, I have more than enough personal achievement but that's not the point.

The point is, that on this very day, democratic government, rule of civil/common law, separation of church and state, Europe tier living standards, 12 years of standard formal education, European culture, European values, European history, use of forensic science in the court, enligtenment and reneissance..
IS POSSIBLE ON IN EUROPEAN WORLD (Europe, north America, and Australia).

All these places have EUROPEAN MAJORITY IN COMMON.

This culture is distinct from all other cultures. These people are distinct from all other people. And that identity can exist. And it can be preserved. And I am going to do this.
Model minorities can go fuck off and be model minorities in their own shitholes.


It's not satire this is real.

I agree, pollacks have the potential to organize ourselves, gain economical and political power, and we should. so where do we start? We probably need to construct a list of milestones to achieve our goal and make sure they can not interfere.

>All these places have EUROPEAN MAJORITY IN COMMON.
Have you ever read Hume, considering you are British? You know the problem with inductions, right? Look up "problem of induction".

I like those values you listed, but nowhere do any of those values imply "preserving muh mixture". Furthermore, there have been many minorities, in the USA, that have served in the army; there have been many model minorities that have contributed a lot to academia and the economy; there have been many minorities that defend European ethos and even take time to read the myths of your forbears (e.g., The Tain).

>This culture is distinct from all other cultures.
Not really. Christianity, for example, is a blend of Zoroastrianism, Ancient Egyptian religion, and Judaism. Cultures have always influenced each other, it is unavoidable.

>And that identity can exist. And it can be preserved. And I am going to do this.
My issue is that the "preserve muh 3 mixture peoples" identity you have come to associate with is one that will fuel civil war, for it will break people up into casts based off levels of admixture. For example, there are probably Europeans, that you have confronted, who probably have an East Asian here or there in their ancestries. It is difficult to say, really.

>Model minorities can go fuck off and be model minorities in their own shitholes.
Wow, do you realize how much that would weaken your economies? Also, I'm not trying to guilt-trip you, but a lot of these "shit holes" are as such due to geopolitical exploitation.

Obviously, you will most likely never achieve greatness, and even if you did, I doubt you will cling to these backwards, trash views.

Promoting ideology that encourages social, technological, and economic progress makes more sense than wanting to circle-jerk one's brethren and talking about how great you all are.

>circle-jerk one's brethren
circle-jerk with one's "brethren"

Please criticize these things.

Basically same shit like we have today, with actual rule of law (minorities chimp out, they get imprisoned instead of covered up by the media), and instead of minority privilege (which makes zero sense), ethnic Europeans have an actual privilege in the state, its like affirmative action, but for Europeans. Why? Because of my ice age theory, basically Euros had harsher climate, had to develop better tools, better shelters, snares yada yada, intelligent ones survived, which is why we should encourage Euro genes over non-Euro genes.

>Because of my ice age theory, basically Euros had harsher climate,
What do you define as a Euro gene exclusively? Proto-Indo-European from Southern Russian steppes, dark-skinned + blue-eyed mesolithic hunter, or Anatolian neolithic farmer? You do realize, like I've said, Southern and Northern Europeans have varying admixture of these three groups, and honestly, I think at this point, a lot of you guys have at least one or two foreigners in your ancestry.

You need an identity beyond fixating on racial purity bullshit. It's going to weaken you tremendously, no joke.

"Model minorities" are not worth it. They are by definition not worth it. That one or two % of niggers that do end up doctors, engineers or officers, are not worth the 98% of them that go around looting and burning shit.

>technology as a value
I agree. And again, most of the modern tech (and science and medicine) was made by Europeans for Europeans anyway.

>geopolitical excuses
What if they arent shitholes because of geopolitical reasons, what if they have their geopolitical mess because they were shit in the first place? We might never know. All we definitely know is that they are shit. And therefore undesirable.

Seriously, if you get dominated by an outsider, by definition you are inferior...... I mean literally everyone that is shit tier can just go 'muh geopolitics', and than what??
Geopolitics can be used to indicate whether you are shit or not.

For example, I have an Italian friend who has blue eyes and blonde hair. He has one Jew in his ancestry. He typically keeps this concealed to himself, and you could never tell he has one Jew.

Does this totally destroy his "European identity"? Likewise, I know Americans have mixed with Jews a lot too. I'm not sure about the British, but why does it matter? You are going to destroy yourselves by prioritizing on such trivial bullshit over more important concerns.

>Wow, do you realize how much that would weaken your economies? Also, I'm not trying to guilt-trip you, but a lot of these "shit holes" are as such due to geopolitical exploitation.

The first problem is, now model minorities do not come here, any kind of minorities come here exploiting our welfare system, the second problem is,

we don't need model minorities. Sure, they can be useful but claiming that we need them to thrive is simply ridiculous.

Our countries did just fine before they came here, started causing fights and raping people

And it doesn't stay at minority anymore, like mr. biden said "there are gonna be less whites, and it's a good thing." The issue for us is when they become a majority at a place where they were a minority.

>My issue is that the "preserve muh 3 mixture peoples" identity you have come to associate with is one that will fuel civil war, for it will break people up into casts based off levels of admixture. For example, there are probably Europeans, that you have confronted, who probably have an East Asian here or there in their ancestries. It is difficult to say, really.

The only reason there would be a civil war is because so many are being let in, if they weren't let in to that magnitude, there would not be a risk of civil war because of racial division.

You mean Iran? Cause they do speak arabic, although their official language is persian.

Overall you've written and elaborated ideas way beyond the average chan user and I quite agree with you on most points; except when you start saying things like "no, not being replaced, they're mixing" and "no different from your brains".

You were criticizing others for unjustified assumptions and jumping to conclusions yet you're none the better.
You've stated yourself that ideologies, due to epigenetics, have a much greater influence on development rather than racial origin and that Islam is no race. Both true. I'm sure someone of your intellect doesn't need me to explain why Islam is more of a fanatic ideology than a religion (((if we consider current state of religion as the standard, otherwise they all are fanatics)))
What gives you any parvence of suspicion that they have an interest in mixing with us, rather than perpetuating hostility until they achieve dominance?

the "we're not that different" meme seriously should die off. You seem like one who's frequently in contact with the scientific world and in possession of independent thinking/rational analysis skills. Would you deny the corruption that taints the scientific community? How it obscures subjects and topics through restricted fund allocations?

So, aside from data mining being forbidden, would You Guys volunteer information to me regarding plans and tangible resources for attempting to overthrow the government, in exchange for nothing? Thanks a bunch.

>shilling "there's no race" so hard

Fine. I cant define race in a fucking atom. I'd just use Hitler's racial policy till someone in the movement figures out a better thing. Happy now?

Light eyes, light hair, taller than shitskin average, broad shoulders, burly strongman lifter genes (only Euros win strongman competitions), straight fucking nose, straight hair, ability to drink milk without shitting themselves to death. There you fucking have. There's the racial policy.

Claiming that Europeans do not exist is bullshit. James Watson, Nobel prize winner in discoverer of DNA fucking said so. I'd pull his papers, see what that fucker said. I am no race expert, but it is clear as a day that

>Seriously, if you get dominated by an outsider, by definition you are inferior......
You are not reading everything I am saying. For example, look here again: European culture was literally created from outside influence when the Proto-Indo-Europeans from Southern Russian steppes migrated to European lands and mixed with the people. They gave the Indo-European language and spread their myths. Furthermore, the Northern Europeans have more Proto-Indo-European percentage compared to the Southern Europeans, but does this mean they are different races?

>That one or two % of niggers that do end up doctors, engineers or officers, are not worth the 98% of them that go around looting and burning shit.
You are literally speaking like a Stormfag. It depends on the minority in question. A significant percentage of model minorities do not that kind of shit, and they go to achieve higher education, contributing to economy, and even volunteering to help the disabled. Statistics disagree with your bullshit.

>I agree. And again, most of the modern tech (and science and medicine) was made by Europeans for Europeans anyway.
The amount of hubris here is starting to get nauseating. China is making great progress is the sciences now too? Instead of being so cocky, why don't you actually work to achieve shit yourself?

>What if they arent shitholes because of geopolitical reason
Nope, *certain regions* are shitholes cause of that (mainly but not entirely). The evidence weighs in that direction.

>All we definitely know is that they are shit. And therefore undesirable.
Let's say someone traveled back in time and said that about your peoples during famine or bad economic periods. It's parochial.

>literally everyone that is shit tier can just go 'muh geopolitics', and than what??
If we look at the geopolitical history and what their diaspora on average value, we can make an inference. Your inference is based on ignorance and haughtiness, rather than being informed.

There's no 'You Guys' yet. Again, we are not meeting up to raid FBI, this is just for a discussion.

I thought polacks would be interested in establishing some sort of most basic ideas, values and philosophies for this only theoretical organization.


Well i am but you are busy arguing with redditfags

I never denied they don't. I'm saying, however, that Southern Europeans have significantly less Yamna admixture. Does this, therefore, make them a different race from Northern Europeans? Are you willing to break off all relations with Southern Europeans due to feelings of racial supremacy?

>I'd just use Hitler's racial policy
Lol, Hitler held sympathetic views to Persians and Northern Indians. He was a lot more "liberal" than a lot of Stormfags of this day and age, no joke.

>Lol, Hitler held sympathetic views to Persians and Northern Indians. He was a lot more "liberal" than a lot of Stormfags of this day and age, no joke.

But he wouldnt have wanted for his country to be flooded by them.

By now the real enemy are the NWO and the likes, we all know that. Personally i have no desire to exterminate others, just secure my own existence and that of my family.

Stop arguing with this shill he is only trying to waste your time.

His narrative has no place here.

I am going to do a light read on Byzantine government when I have the time. I mean I dont know, those guys were up and running for 1100 years, and they were considered generally speaking the best place to be for that whole time.

Maybe there's some wisdom in Byzantine government. They were the richest, healthiest, and mightiest peoples for a long time. If this imaginary pro-white organization adopted their ways.. I dont know, maybe something could be learned from there, maybe that would be a start.

Being called strategos and autocrator also kinda sounds cool as fuck.

I am making music to be hip with truth message.

I am just killing time until the cultural marxists make a push for our gun rights.

I cannot start executing them in the middle of the streets in broad daylight until they attempt to confiscate our firearms.

So until then, I just hang out and shitpost waiting.

>Cause they do speak arabic, although their official language is persian.
Only some of the minorities. Look at an ethnic map. Most speak Persian.

>What gives you any parvence of suspicion that they have an interest in mixing with us, rather than perpetuating hostility until they achieve dominance?
Why don't you read some actual articles on Lebanese-Americans, Iranian-Americans, Taiwanese-Americans, and Indian-Americans? I honestly doubt most will mix with Europeans though, but you need to think beyond the whole "they're against us" dynamic. A lot of them abide by the same ideology and want to strengthen their host country by contributing to the economy, academia, and so forth.

>Would you deny the corruption that taints the scientific community?
There are measures to prevent this. Conflict of Interests are typically disclosed, as an example. Dismissing scientific journals or experimental data on account of it supporting your worldview is silly.

>"no different from your brains"
What gives meaning to the world, and is the meaning projected on the world reflective of anything more substantive or absolute?

Friendly reminder that it's not.

Good idea, remember the modern way to gain power is to gain financial and political power among a few other ways.

By starting a company/joining a political party and becoming a high ranking member thereof, etc.

Need not only booksmarts but also practical smarts, you as a physics student shouldnt have it too hard if you lay out a plan and execute it.

What do you want to do? Grab some Sup Forumsacks and start a country? Do you want to build a giant wall to keep the niggers and the arabs out?

>But he wouldnt have wanted for his country to be flooded by them.
You're not being flooded by Persians or Northern Indians. You're being flooded by Syrians, who do not closely relate to either groups genetically.

Hey, I opposed the Syrian influx of refugees, man. You do realize Assad warned about this?

>i have no desire to exterminate others, just secure my own existence and that of my family.
Take the time to learn to distinguish between minorities, faggot. It's like someone approaching Europeans as if they're all the same.

Too Bad Sup Forums isnt GOOD satire it's just satire. And in order for this satire to exist a certain political mind has to exist. This means opinions get involved, Opinions give way to uninformed opinions, and needless trolling. SO it's always hard to tell when people are being serious, stupid, or trolling. But when Sup Forums is right, It's utterly hilarious

As for me, Im not white so good luck doing whatever it is. Yall seem to be a bunch of segregationists, so im just gonna take my black ass to Africa, and die to a war or disease somewhere.

I will Give OP a hint though. Since you seem to pride yourselves on smarts; those supposed smarts mean nothing when you cant convince anybody to do anything. For a bunch of people priding themselves on racial intellectual superiority you sure dont agree on anything. Those you fight, BLM, Islam, Glabalists all - regardless of how annoying they really are (and they ARE) share a common goal, and it's because they create a strong narrative that resonates with people's emotions because socializing means getting to people on that interpersonal, and emotional level. Not sure if anybody noticed, but nobody takes the opinions of Sup Forums seriously (partially because satire) of course you guys are failing your mission, what are you appealing to? angered, frustrated, keyboard warriors? The narratives you fight appeal to normal people, you're in the minority. All that KBW will do, is tell you to kill yourself


The day they come for your guns it will be too late. You think the founding fathers gave you those rights so you could collect guns to play soldier and use your free speech to shitpost?

Take your gun, go outside with likeminded people and make scene.

You don't need to shoot people, grab your gun and exercuse free speech while armed for self defense

>China is making great progress is the sciences now too?
That's a question right? The answer is no.

>Nope, *certain regions* are shitholes cause of that (mainly but not entirely). The evidence weighs in that direction.
What places? Lower IQ tends to correlate with less success. There are also other genetic advantages to European derived peoples than IQ as well. Have you read Nyborg's papers?


>I opposed the Syrian influx of refugees
I opposed the influx of Syrian refugees*

You do realize if the USA just strengthened based Assad, ISIS would have been eliminated, and there would have been influx of Syrian refugees, right? Even based Assad warned of this.

You have no one to blame but the incompetence of your own leaders, which you do a very good job or reflecting with your poorly thought-out views.

Your reply is based on the assumption that just because i said he wouldn't want to have his country flooded by them, that i said our countries are being flooded by them, wrong.

>have been influx of Syrian refugees
have been no influx of Syrian refugees*

Before all else, I want to define what values are good, and which ones are bad. What works, and what doesnt.

This is what I want for now. Just a foundation. Nothing else. After this, a document can be produced. Like.. bible or American declaration of independence etc.

So far, my only claim was that ethnic Europeans are superior people, and that we must preserve them. How, when and where, I am still really far from this.

I'm aware that we need more competent leaders.

>Europeans are dying out.
Im not so worried about that. Everybody hates refugees now. Its fashion. The americans on the otherhand should worried. Half of their population are shitskins.

This message you typed out makes no sense. I'm saying there wouldn't have been any migrant crisis or increasing ethnic tension if the West had backed based Assad in the first place. You now have an illiterate horde of savages, and this will give other minorities, who actually try to contribute to society and follow social norms, a bad name.

>Lol, Hitler held sympathetic views to Persians and Northern Indians. He was a lot more "liberal" than a lot of Stormfags of this day and age, no joke.

>But he wouldnt have wanted for his country to be flooded by them.

>You're not being flooded by Persians or Northern Indians. You're being flooded by Syrians, who do not closely relate to either groups genetically.
>Take the time to learn to distinguish between minorities, faggot. It's like someone approaching Europeans as if they're all the same.

>Your reply is based on the assumption that just because i said he wouldn't want to have his country flooded by them, that i said our countries are being flooded by them, wrong.

>ou do realize if the USA just strengthened based Assad, ISIS would have been eliminated, and there would have been influx of Syrian refugees, right? Even based Assad warned of this.

>I'm aware that we need more competent leaders.

If the course of this conversation makes no sense to you then i really have no hope for it.

The fact that this happened in the first place must be addressed so it never happens again.

We used to have gunboats on our borders, we used to arrest criminals no matter the race. I think all of Sup Forums can agree that this is a good think and it should happen again.

>You do realize if the USA just strengthened based Assad, ISIS would have been eliminated
That would've never happened. ISIS is an American creation, basically an intelligence op. Assad is part of a competing power sphere.

>You have no one to blame but the incompetence of your own leaders,
You can't really call people basically unaccountable to the people their leaders. They're totalitarian. The choice and accountability is only to minor details and decorations, since most decisions have already been decided by powerful networks completely disconnected from democratic systems.

>There are also other genetic advantages to European derived peoples than IQ as well.
Not really. Northern Europeans and Japanese people statistically have ApoE4 variant gene that increases risk of Alzheimer's Disease. Huntington's Disease is also more prevalent among Europeans.

Also, a lot of these IQ scores that'r taken of other countries are obsolete and were gathered during period of instability.

>The enemy is organized. We arent. Without organization, we will all die and disappear.

Lol, no.

That's precisely why we still survive.

If you play by their rules, you are just going to die even faster.

thank you for your advice

>That depends on whether you group Southern Europeans and Northern Europeans as one race. This is why I asked you, "Do you consider Scandinavians having significantly more Yamna ancestry as making them a different race from Southern Europeans?"

Regardless of whether we consider Northern and Southern Europeans to be the same people or different people, BOTH are being drive to be minorities in their homelands. All European-majority countries, regardless of the history or genetic makeup of the European people in that country, are being aggressively diversified to the detriment of the people.

Also, regardless of amount of Yanma ancestry, all Europeans are basically one big family:

>It's only in recent times Southern Europeans even consider Northern Europeans brethren, lol.

So what? What matters is what's happening NOW.

>Iran accepted a shitload of Polish people during WWII.

Did Poles outbreed the Iranians and replace them as the dominant group in Iran? Nope. Yet there's plenty of evidence Africans and Middle Easterners will do this to Europeans in Europe.

>You're not.

We are. The only large-scale migration of foreign peoples with significantly higher birth rates than the existing population is happening in the Western world.

>In fact, most people don't even give a shit. They value other shit besides "muh racial purity",

Most people haven't been put into a position where they've had to think about "giving a shit" about this kind of thing. There isn't anywhere in the world right now BESIDES the West with an equally large-scale influx of genetically and culturally different foreigners with much higher birthrates and crime rates than the locals, who don't have any qualms with abusing the locals' social safety nets.