
Invited: /Mena/, /tr/, /asean/, /Sverigetråden/, /deutsch/, /brit/ ,/mämmi/, Muslims, potential converts and anyone interesting
Not invited: homoseksual, infidels...

points we can discuss
•Do you think we should allow baastard west to draw our prophet if the picture is respectful?
•Why does america celebrate ""cristmas"" and not Ramadan? Where is fairness?
•Do you get offended when infidels tell you "merry" ""christmas"" / "Happy" ""new year""? What do you do when they tell you this?
•Do you think the continuous fake hate propaganda directed toward us in the west will cause pogroms in the future
•Do you think it's permissible to say mashallah to a non muslim person?
Joining Islam is not a conversion; it is a homecoming, it is reverting to the original faith of mankind. nothing is better.

Islam is the full and complete submission to God. We believe that this teaching has been passed through the ages from the mouths of many prophets, including and not limited to Moses and Jesus Christ (peace be upon them)

Come join the world's largest community of faithful believers, the Ummah!

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la ilaha illa Allah

I like the concept of ummah but the sunniggers are trying to kill me here

>•Do you think we should allow baastard west to draw our prophet if the picture is respectful?
>•Why does america celebrate ""cristmas"" and not Ramadan? Where is fairness?
they summon satan every year 25th of december
>•Do you get offended when infidels tell you "merry" ""christmas"" / "Happy" ""new year""? What do you do when they tell you this?
i ignore them
>•Do you think the continuous fake hate propaganda directed toward us in the west will cause pogroms in the future
>•Do you think it's permissible to say mashallah to a non muslim person?

This is a no sectarianism thread pls brother mind your language...

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>Do you think we should allow baastard west to draw our prophet if the picture is respectful?
>Do you get offended when infidels tell you "merry" ""christmas"" / "Happy" ""new year""? What do you do when they tell you this?
i live in islamic country this doesnt happen
>Do you think the continuous fake hate propaganda directed toward us in the west will cause pogroms in the future
we dont care, we will fight whoever wants to fight us
>Do you think it's permissible to say mashallah to a non muslim person?
yes because everything is allahs will

Friendly reminder to recite al-mulk before going to bed brother

What does everyone think of j*Ws?

>not inviting /fr/

inshallah brother

jews are fine, but zionism isnt.

You fuckers will not survive WWIII, mashalloh.
>Tfw deliberately added pigs fat in shawarma on ramadan
>People told that it tastes better

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I don't consider secular mulims to be muslims desu

Zionism is our enemy not the jews

i thought about making this general today when i was in toilet

Anybody that worships mohammed the war prophet will die in war.

He is quite literally the false prophet from the bible.

kys Fritz

I disagree

>selling shawarma for a living.

That’s respectful, mate

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>Do you think we should allow baastard west to draw our prophet if the picture is respectful?
Yes, and it's not as we had a say anyway.

>Why does america celebrate ""cristmas"" and not Ramadan? Where is fairness?
this question is retarded

>Do you get offended when infidels tell you "merry" ""christmas"" / "Happy" ""new year""?
No because I'm not autistic

>Do you think the continuous fake hate propaganda directed toward us in the west will cause pogroms in the future

>Do you think it's permissible to say mashallah to a non muslim person?

this desu

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This is a no sectarianism thread pls brother mind your language..

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Is immigration good?

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secular muslim is called munafiqun. In their last breath, even syahadah wont save them as they are not consider as muslim. An ustaz pointed out to me that it is important to recite syahadah daily just because we might accidentally done something that will consider us as munafik.

nothing such as secular islam, only islam.

I am muslim but on fridays I drink beer
is this haram?

yes but you're still a muslim whatever they can say
beer is disgusting tho

I have to drink it
in my job you cannot avoid drinking

Meanwhile on Dutch state television (the city elections are coming up)


try to find another job, you will grow man tits with beer

It's an acquired taste, it's disgusting until you drink ALOT of it. Then it becomes tastier than milk or water given the mood/circumstances.

How will the umma solve nationalism, tribalism, racialism and so on? who gets to be on top? syrians, saudis, iranians? will we still live in our own former countries and continue as usual just with Islam or will arabs exterminate all other races and populate the world?

its only bad if they're committing crime and disturbing local peace. Else its fine. Look at rohingya/nigerian/arab here. They are mostly segregated because trouble maker and we used to have nigerian problem because they are disturbing peace before our lad group up and beat them up before giving them to police and now they only know to scam.

i find it bitter and have a weird taste
djz kanker mongool

my father has been drinking beer for all his life and has no man tits

>secular muslim is called munafiqun

not only it's haram but it lower your testosterone, enjoy low energy and fat gut.

what do you mean by secular?

beer is shit, water is the patrician choice

Try a Guinness stout. If you want to. You'll like that. Not bitter and used nitrogen instead of carbon so it's much smoother.

Islam is next on the chopping block once WW3 commences.

Europe has mostly failed at integrating foreigners.
What mass immigration has led to is a rapid rise of islamophobia.

nigga if I didn't drink I would never earn money
money is the most important thing in my life

fucking degenerate

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oh ok maybe i will try it one day
do as you want lad, im not your dad

>anyone buying knockoff kebap in russia off of an infidel
even worse, you think anyone would care if they dont know? Intent is needed for sin, what brainlet ways were you raised in

i am disgusted by you, you have to stop brother, its haram, for a reason too, alcohol is bad for you, stop drinking or you will face dire consequences.

go to hell

Why is that btw? The US doesn't seem to have much trouble integrating Muslims.

are you a turk?

Stupid russian mongrel, it wont do a thing unless they know theres pig in what they are eating.

These have been the same shit questions for two years can you towelheads at leadt change them now?

you have not lived in the netherlands or in western-europe in general

you are forced to drink if you want to work at a good company? did you know how I got my current job? I went for drinks ("borrel" in Dutch) and met with a few headhunters, made them like me at those drinks, and got hired at a company where I wouldn't get hired otherwise (because of my shitty grades)

in the west you have to drink otherwise you will become a poor welfare leech or a kebab seller


So it is not as jewish prohibition, but like a permanent lent?
What a dumbass religion.

at least*

that's bs you can earn money here and keep up with your faith, you just like to drink kanker stop met liegen

half, more or less


literally one realistically obtainable job (not football star or some shit)

I worked in finance and now I work in law, in both of those places drinking is necessary if you wan't to advance up the ladder

stupid liar, you don't even make sense, i hope allah guides you to the right path, but allah only helps the righteous who want to fix themselves.

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Im native Dutch and not a Muslim. And I always drink water..

Secular like Shah Pahlavi or Ataturk.
I have a culturally muslim friend who tried to argue with me that the hijab is a symbol of oppression

i met a turk girl at interpal and we hit off right from the start
only problem was she have a hard time conversing in english even if theres google translate and our fling dies
how 2 turk girl

You deserve to be beheaded, cock sucker

The islamic world if projected trends hold will NEVER overtake the west in relevance and economy. How does that make you feel? Islam won’t dominate the west from the inside either.

where do you work?

Death to all secular "muslims" and modern progressive "muslims" may allah punish them horribly, and may allah reward muslims in infidel lands who stuck to their faith and didn't get poisoned by white culture.

How does it feel to live in the belgian Caliphate?

>The US doesn't seem to have much trouble integrating Muslims.
That's because US muslims immigrants are generally more educated and wealthier than european muslim immigrants.

I don't eat pork, I only drink alcohol, Allah will forgive me for this

>I have a culturally muslim friend who tried to argue with me that the hijab is a symbol of oppression
What a cuck. I would argue tho that as long as he has made shahada and hasn't apostasied he is still a muslim, if a bad one.

start you own business dumb nigger

I call this shit "Islamic circle"
"It is shitty in islamic countries, lets migrate"
"There is no islam in this country lets make it islamic!"

Alcohol is the most overrated shit on earth, nothing good about it

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>start your own business

I'm too dumb for this. Unless you mean a kebab shop or a middle-eastern market, in which case I won't stoop to such low levels

How about going back to islamic lands? Eh?


Used to work in city hall. Now at a big accounting firm. They do have friday drinks. But I usually just grab a glass of water.

The reason I pick water is because with other drinks you stand out more and every place always has water. Its a perfect alternative for beer, coffee, wine and everything else. Plus its a sensible choice if you have to drive or dont like bubbles.

this kind of "muslim" will spend a big amount of time in jahannam.

Shouldn't this thread be in /r9k/???

Kill yourselves collectively

Name one scenario where you get your shit together(without getting bombed to the stone age again by the US and Israel)

shut up takfiri bastard you are ruining this thread of peace

i want to pour molten metal down your empty eye sockets after i gouge your eyeballs out.

come to Molenbeek first, i will show you how its done habibi

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coincidence that a literal terrorist gets these digits

ALLAHU AKBAR those digits

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What do you guys think of Dawat e Islami?

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Are you implying the 9/11 events were a bad thing ?

i know they are work of the jewish people but still, 3000 dead americans is always a good thing, osama bin ladin the great mujahid was a true hero.

I find it funny how stormnigger s day this yet can’t provide a single example where this has ever happened.

prove you're jordanian
you seem like a false-flagging infidel

It's 100% a jew in the West bank jewing jordanian internet connection

no lad
im a muslim and im gonna drink and get high later

Bullshit excuses. I work at a top company in the city where people often go for drinks. I've never taken alcohol intentionally.

pakis are niggers
giving them islam was a mistake

>Do you think we should allow baastard west to draw our prophet if the picture is respectful?
>Why does america celebrate ""cristmas"" and not Ramadan? Where is fairness?
They're stupid
>Do you get offended when infidels tell you "merry" ""christmas"" / "Happy" ""new year""?
>What do you do when they tell you this?
I usually reply to them nicely
>Do you think the continuous fake hate propaganda directed toward us in the west will cause pogroms in the future
I don't know and I don't care, 1 muslim equals 100 westerners anyway
>Do you think it's permissible to say mashallah to a non muslim person?

The Somalia will take over, Saudis, Syrians and Persian do not deserve it.

*wink wink*

you seem like a little bitch that might explain it

Im not him, but he is right that they make it very easy here to drink alcohol. If the whole company goes drinking at work every friday. Which is common in the Netherlands.

Why does the Ummah hate Kurds?

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where to get refugee welcome gf

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