The fuck happened to her?

The fuck happened to her?

What tv show is this?

Do you even know how these things, let alone all of reality, works?

She's just a women, she's of no importance to anyone. Donald Trump on the other hand, is an asset, which is why they made him President.

Trump is a treasonous pig who collaborated with Russia to manipulate the election in his favor. This has been known for awhile now.

I can't find this movie on IMDB, what's it called?

>he still believes in that failed russia narrative
kek, I thought liberals abandoned that after it was disproven time and time again and moved on to Drumpf is a white nationalist now

Trump is hated more than ever
Him winning was the best thing to happen

Ruskies rigged the polls for their orange pupper

>thinking he was serious/not memeing
lmao, elections have been rigged since JFK got popped bad, Dorflang Krompft is a cucky for IsraHell

pretty sure she lost cause russia bribed the electoral college to vote for trump

she won the popular vote