Big Brother 19 - /bb/19

Emergency Thread Edition!

HOH: jason
Veto: jason
Nominations: matt/raven

Other urls found in this thread:

First for the return of King Kaysar (27-1 chess record ITH) making a splash upon his return for BB20: All-Stars

I'd ask if I missed anything good but I already know the answer.

I dont know mate. Im not a streamfag I just like shitposting. That info in the op was the most recent I could find so I'm guessing it's valid.

they want to backdoor Kevin this week

Jason wants to keep noms the same, but panda and paul will be terrorizing him for the next 24 hours



what the fuck why wasn't there a thread this morning

>they want to backdoor Kevin this week

nope. Maven goin home

just paul

I let it die because it was made early. we have faggots like this here now so there's no point in having a thread anymore anyway

Go outside lifeless loser!



>acknowledging he's so much of a waste of resources to society he's the self proclaimed thread bumber
>insults others
My sides are out of this world and about to crash on the surface of Pluto.

hope they do the veto ceremony early so they can quit hammering on jason

veto monday 11am. it's going to be 95 degrees in burbank today

what does the weather have to do with it?

i should have put "as a side note." all this week will be mid-90's, which would have meant had markie not been evicted, a week of feeds of markie ass tanning

just going through the last thread and i just need to point out how hilarious pandafag is
he points out the "virgin samefag" for the millionth time for posting one picture of jess with not a single other response.
then when a webm of panda is posted he responded to it 5 times with his various predictable comments of "perfect" and "ourgirl"

he has really found his niche troll market and its paying off extremely high (you) dividends, i might get into the panda samefag game

fucking kek

it's officially over boys and girls

based this poster

cry more you whiny faggot.
muh early thread! oh 8-10 responses got cut off?? what a fucking tragedy! how could they let this happen?

i get the feeling raven has really rank breath in the morning. like the shit could peel paint

its incredible. just when you think this season cant possibly get any worse... paul starts wearing a floaty around again

Fat as fuck

Real talk bbgen how big is YOUR dick?
6.5" here

Alex WillettVerified account @alexshay1 2h2 hours ago

>The road my first floor apt is on. This is from ONE day of rain with DAYS left to go.. Safe in Dallas but in complete shock #prayforhouston

lmao jason wanted to tell alex "No wonder you're fucking single" for calling him stupid

this is easily the worst season
this is a cast who just wants to hangout with paul instead of winning the money.


there's still nobody thinking of getting rid of paul in the house?

It was weeks ago when I realized it just will not happen

Union of Tiffbros

two seasons in a row that the redhead went full pig

For someone with a shit stomach she sure is putting on the pounds. Really makes you think.

next week plan: convince alex to throw the hoh to josh

josh noms jason and alex under the guise of backdooring kevin

if alex doesnt win the veto she is finished and paul can pin it on josh and xmas

fuck france


Praise Allah


>annoy the shit out of every hoh by hanging out in their room all week even though you are safe

>ignore the hoh when you are on the block and actually being targeted

matt and raven everyone

7.1" reporting in

I didn't think it was possible but paul and production killed this season

>allah posters

james is taking his boat to houston to save people, that's kind of cool

I think Kevin is the only person who can eventually put things together and see that Paul is pulling all the strings. Unfortunately, Kevin is shit at comps so he will never win an HoH to take a shot at Paul.

So the only chance at Paul losing is either a bitter jury (probably won't happen) or final 3 he loses to the not Christmas and they take Christmas to finals over Paul. I don't think anyone other than Alex would take Paul over Christmas at the finals. Paul is playing to win the final comp, which is usually mental, and based on these house guests he can easily win that.

It's also worse because paul has been setting up this "get Kevin out" and "Kevin is shady" mindset for 2 weeks now that even if Kevin were to win no one would believe him and he wouldn't be able to get anything going. Just like what happened to mark last week

Nice and checked.

kevin and matt are HN's

next week is last week for apples right? there will be 7 people total. HoH and two noms makes 4 votes. if kevin can win hoh and somehow nominate and keep paul on the block and win the apple with block 2 eviction votes, kevin alex and jason could actually get paul out by blocking xmas,josh,or raven votes.

only chance i see paul going home outside the final 3.

For Kevin to have a good week he'd need HoH AND Veto. To target Paul.

Not happening.
>people in the house think he's a cop

أحب الله


קראו את חמשת ספרי משה

all the alcohol is starting to do a number on shelby

Shelby looking rough

reminder to always put your drink behind the person you are taking the pic with as morgan is showing here

how are people supposed to know we were drinking then? not everyone will see the bid light case and connect the dots

strategically placed boxes of shitty beer is the new planking

morgan looking thicc

need buttslut.webm stat


do they know clay is gay?

Jaysus. And I went into OTT thinking Alex was best girl. I don't know how anyone prefers that orc Shelby over Morgan.

when was the last time /bb/ waifu'd the most attractive girl on a season?

last year

zakiyah was probably the most attractive in bb18 but that was a bad waifu season.

>page 9

This season is so completely shit that the thread almost 404s with eight houseguests left

it died last night

this show's still on? did cody win?

define win

Loser McNoLife over here let it die to prove a point. (that's he's a fuckin loser lamao)

no, he took derrick to the end and lost to him

And in the middle of the day as well with the veto being used tomorrow. Truly tragic.


contracting herpes from jessica

the city of the remaining women
>a fat unlikable gook
>a fat unlikable redneck liar
>a drugged up gimp spiraling into addiction on camera

hi bbo

jason isnt going to use the veto

Paul told him to use it and put up Kevin so he's going to use it.

Even bb16 threads didn't start dying until final 4
This cast is so inlikable and predictable that threads are dying and we're only half way through


I'm a girl

post ass

kekkkk that waasssn'ttt me (but i'll endorse it, in a nicer tone i suppose )

>Tfw I don't even watch feeds I just watch Maddie's updates and RHAP episode podcasts

>they are seriously considering putting kevin up
for what fucking purpose? The dude never won SHIT.

neither has maven

Have any contestants been gaining weight this series?

To not rock the boat you retard. That's what they've been doing this season not rocking Paul's vote.

matt has won a veto.

the women always

Which ones? Pics pls

>let's do what the house wants
>there's 8 people left

My apologies paul.

I'm a showfag, is Jason the New HoG?

Yes. No worries dude I cherish our friendship so just post pictures of your dick because that'll make us even. Yes.

fuck you

we're all girls here teehee!