>Host: Welcome back everybody! Once again we're here with user Feelsman talking about his first feature film called "In the Dark". user, how did you-- By the way I gotta say, I watched it and ... My god!
[audience claps]
>>Me: Thanks Conan. I really appreciate you saying. Really, I do.
>OK. I don't wanna spoil it for the folks at home but man oh man. What a ride. Anyway, how did you come up with these ideas? Meditation? Did you go to the Himalayas for enlightenment or what, user? HOW. YOU. DO IT? Huh?
[audience laughs]
>>Um...the ideas were always there marinating in mind ever since I was like 15, 16. You know, I'd have these scene looping in my head back and forth, back and forth for literally years until I was in the right place to finally, you know, put them on paper and later on through a lens.
>>That sounds like a lot work. I just have my interns do all that. Now when you say "the right time" what time was that?
>>I didn't live in a place where I could really think. I don't hate them but the only things my parents knew about when I wanted to make films were church and work and we were really poor so lighting equipment wasn't at the top of the priorities list. I would shoot some stuff on my phone, play around with that and some free software and have fun with that.
>Then after that you left home, right? Packed your bags and said "see ya!"
>>Yeah, I was just about to turn 20 and I had always been thinking about it but I also knew that maybe I was being an edgy teenager. Everyone wants to leave home at that age after all but for me it was more than rebellion. I could breathe without videos and editing and movies. And I couldn't do that at home. No way. So a couple of months before my 20th I just left. College. The Church. It all felt like someone was stepping on my chest 24/7. And now we're here!
>You and Emma Stone. [Raises eyebrows]
[audience Ooooo's,]
>Isn't she older than you?
>>Yes but who's counting?
[audience laughs]
>he imagines getting interviewed after releasing his hit film
Damn man sucks to be you
you never got away from your parents did you OP
At 20 years old you are not a teenager.
Stop deluding yourself.
You are an adult.
This is your life.
You have failed.
>Tfw when I went to an engineering school because I was scared I wouldn't succeed in cinema and end up being a poorfag with no stable life
It's never too late
>He dreams of being an actress in a light night show interview
What would you do to get the internet talking about your interview if you were an actress?
In engineering school now and fucking hate it. One year left but it's been miserable, use benzos daily. Should have just gone to film school and enjoyed being poor.
Personally I would be dropping subtle Sup Forums memes without acknowledging them as such. I would drop at least one Pepe finger on chin in a smooth motion. But to get the whole internet's attention I'd probably profess my love for my waifu.
>it's an user directs music videos in his head episode
>oh what was it like working for (famous director)
>he's a big guy in the film world you know? it was amazing getting to work with him etc.
>FUCK Sup Forums AND WHITE ''''''''''''PEOPLE''''''''''''
>also go watch Guardians of The Galaxy part 27: We are Running out of dadrock.
FatNat is the definition of fridge mode
Even dem tiddies can't make up for that
delet this
>It's an user is famous in his head and banters with other celebrities episode
This is the most pathetic thread I've ever read lmao
>later that week it turns out user feelsman plagiarized a greentext from Sup Forums
>gets a mental breakdown
>starts wearing the JUST haircut
>not pretending you're a disinterested 10/10 being approached by women you don't like so you can give them the cold shoulder
I enjoyed reading that for some reason. Maybe because the Conan parts were easily read in his voice.
>not doing webcam q&as with your fans where you give your deep insight into topics
I really think about this every day. Every time I see a large male, every time I think about a plane, every time somebody mentions the CIA, every time somebody asks about a mask, every time I weigh on the scale, every time somebody mentions the want to be a Dr. , every time somebody says they're not their friends, every time somebody mentions loyalty, every time somebody mentions Batman.
I really am starting to think I need mental help. I've also started wearing various shades of blue lately and not until reading my own thoughts did I realize it's probably because of this fucking movie. I browse Sup Forums for around 5 hours every day and the amount of time's I've watched that plane scene in the past week is more times than I've thought of my family, friends or parents. To those who are new don't watch this, and don't get into it. I posted "BANE?" at least once a week for a year, and it has actually altered mybrain.he sound of a plane alone sends me into fits of uncontrollable laughter
Holy shit. It's a part of me now. This scene is a big guy for me, and taking over my brain must have been a part of it's plan. Of course, Bravo Nolan you're a real human being and a true detective. I don't know what to do anymore. I wake up in the middle of the night and immediately yell FOR YOU! I just can't help it. Every dream I can remember for the past 6 months has had to do with this fucking scene. Even if it's just the faintest sound of the plane. Oh my God. Please save me. Somebody. I can't take it. My life is crashing with no survivors.
>succeeding in Hollywood without connections to the chosen people
I always want to adapt greentexts from r9k and such, I know it wouldn't be illegal or anything but do you think I'd get shit for it? It's not a published story or anything.
>fantasize about praising Conan on his show
>fantasize about casually mentioning how better he is without his writers
I've been there my man, but I hate the self absorbed way celebrities talk about themselves, even more when they talk about unrelated topics just to show face, or when they talk about their quirks like the world should really care, and strangely the world DOES care, people worship them with laughter because some untalented whore can't stop watching [hit show] or they have a funny weird opinion on some dumb topic. it's fucking revolting.
I'll be 20 in a week and I'm being a NEET for the second time since I finished high school, I wanna fucking die
I'm 25 and been a neet since high school. Nobody cares newfaggot
>imagining you are celebrity and doing an AMA on Sup Forums
>imagining you and your movies being lovingly memed on Sup Forums
you'd be caught eventually, it wouldn't be illegal but would dent your name if you'd claimed authorship
I'd make it known that I took inspiration from internet stories.
who the fuck asked you anything
how would you do it though
>a-actually I browse Sup Forums, this is one of their stories
>you're one of those racist hackers?
Yeah. I do it too. Imagining myself as a succesful director. Or politician.
>not athlete
Leave Chad
>So what are your inspirations, user?
>Well, personal experience played a good part in it like in all good works I reckon, but obviously all this didn't actually happen to me. I've actually found a wealth of stories on online forums over the years that otherwise don't get much exposure, so I adapted story beats and characters from these imageboards specifically because I believe they should be known. As for creative/visual influences, Wong Kar Wai and Terrence Malick, but that's obvious if you watched the film.
>alright user, our team traced some of your stories to this weird defunct website "Sup Forums", how do you spell it, 'fortune'? I don't know
>so this website has an archive of some weird pictures, you know... I'm just saying user you know, because if I don't ask someone will eventually, and believe me they will...
>what exactly is cunny, and what's your involvement with it?
>clover leaf
Oooooh... that's why it's called Sup Forums.
>Cunnyism is a respectful, inclusive, tolerant, open-minded community, exempt from gratuitous embroilment, egotistic rivalry, petty discordance or any other kind of inane antagonism. True cunnysseurs are always cordial, cooperative, congenial individuals, easily approachable for though-provoking dialogue and affable exchanges of ideas. Remember out motto: cunny is love, cunny is life.
oh, I didn't browse those specific threads but I'll explain anyway. the website was entirely run on user made content, that means anyone could post whatever they wanted as long as it was within the confines of the law. cunny threads were essentially the Sup Forums equivalent of r/jailbait, if you remember that whole debacle with Anderson Cooper. Really undesirable part of the website, but what can ya do but ignore it and report anything illegal.
dude wtf
things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
>tfw imagining going to pick up a reward at some fancy show and instead of giving a speech you drop a redpill on how shit film awards aware, leaving everyone clapping in shock
>I really appreciate you saying. Really, I do.
>you saying.
The fact that you think you'd be "waking" a bunch of industry insiders is super embarrassing.
Why are you pretending to be me?
I meant saying THAT.