As you will see in this video, there is no longer any white in France, only low IQ violent shitskins !
As you will see in this video, there is no longer any white in France, only low IQ violent shitskins !
4:22 :D " nike la fronce , nike la fronce "
The World must know what happen when you allow immigration in your country !
Can anyone translate what's going on?
basically a solder Krav Maga a nigger and that's it
OP is a faggot
Ta gueule sale bougoule
France is now officialy an african shithole and to celebrate that the niggers pogromed the remaining white.
France are you ok?
Are you gonna die?
There are loads of Portuguese there so please don't die.
>inb4 france is kill
How many ethnic french remain?
How bad is the invasions?
France is totally dead, i plan to flee before the pogroms spread in my region, i must advise you to enjoin your fellow portugueses to flee this shithole before they get killed or raped.
Also, Hitler was right he predicated France will be a nigger shithole in less than 300 years, but it was too conservative because we're already an african shithole.
My only advise is to leave this shithole and to close your borders to any french immigrants, don't even let in the whites they are the ones who voted for that !
I don't get it
The race war will start in France. Kek wills it!
Sad! Now I guess you all will have to flee to Poland!
The majority of the french are cucks and directly voted for that, you must close your borders and let us die. Frenchness is like a disease once you contract it you become a cuck, the only thing you can do is to confine it.
That's right, get the fuck out, France is going to shit, the best you have to offer is to leave like a pussy, you're a bigger cuck than the leftists go and stay go
Amazing how what Hitler wrote about is happening, it's sad to see Europe turning into Africa or Detroit, this is the kind of shit you see in nigger areas in the US.
>i plan to flee
The French everyone...
I hate the French. All of them communists. Easily the most liberal people I've ever met in my life. Rude and arrogant too. They are worse than Germany and Brits combined. I'm not sure what happened to France that they went from being a glorious nation to the shit people they are today but I'm not even entirely sure I give a shit if all French people die.
France is getting what it deserves for its arrogance
Must suck to be """"french"""" nowadays.
France has always been an african shithole for as long as i can remember, nothing new here
Germany is next, you allowed them in and they will reproduce like rabbits.
If you want to save your country you must deport them all.
We must listen to Majority of French people are atheist cuucks, no higher morality nor values, no honor, they live like proffesional degenerates, they trashing themself, their lives, their country, everything... we cannot let them in or with one or two generations those cuucks will raise much more little cuucks with voting rights in Poland, and they will try to cuuck Poland as they did France...
We must build wall
Is that a picture from the British countryside?
Tough, both the audio and text are in frebonics
unamerican bastard
true americans love the french
mes amies
I fled to Australia.
White south Africans also fled the country they built.
The problem with France is that even the nationalists are socialists. I refuse to stay there and get fleeced through high taxes paying for immigrants. The country is doomed.
Couldn't understand a fucking word, and I speak a bit of French.
What can i do ?
Fight by myself 25 milion of shitskins(true datas) and 40 million of cucks who let them in. The only thing i can do is save myself, even my family is bluepilled (commie) as fuck. i even tried to warn them about islam and the shitskins but they didn't listen.
Anyway i shall flee before getting lynched because i'm a white christian nationalist
@ 4:40 "Jihad"
Please no France, we mock you but now that we have the euro tunnel you guys were the thin vail preventing the mass hords of the shit skins coming to the uk. What can we do to help? Can we get merika to send some guns? French Revolution? God we need the day of the rope more than ever!
Take care of your own shitskin problems, portugal
I counted 8 white people throughout that video.
They're not 25 millions, fuck off. They're a lot in big cities, but that's like saying "hur America is 80% black !!! like detroit". There's a lot in their shitholes of a city, but not in the true " France".
Wait for the elections, people are getting fed-up.
But until then, and if you do not wish to fight for Europe, go somewhere else and fuck off, you're not worth anything. Traître à la Patrie.
It's disgusting how many black people there are
>Let's all argue over who's country is the most cucked!
Face it, were all in the same boat. All of our countries (Western Europe and North America) are practically lost at this point to liberalism and mass migration. Making fun of who has slightly more migrants here or there is counter-intuitive. We should be uniting against this common threat we all share, not fighting between ourselves as to who's more pathetic.
Arab people only account for 5% of france's population, so chill out
Most of them coal-burners as well.
R.I.P. France
just do everyone a favor and nuke yourself
We can't leave you behind! You helped us when we needed it the most, and we want to return the favor. I beg of you, fight for your rights, like a true Frenchman! viva la revoluciòn!
It's too late Marine don't plan to send them back.
Jean-Marie planed to do it but he was expelled, it was our fucking last chance and the retards(controled opposition ?) of the FN fucked it up
OP your spelling is horrendous, you should have the CCs rewritten by someone who went to school.
If they cut welfare and shit, they'll go out by themselves, most of them.
Since when did France get filled with blacks everywhere?
I remember several niglets/arabs among Club Do's audience in the studio already in the middle 90's, but nowhere as exaggerated as this video.
Did they multiplicated all of a sudden?
>chill out .. just wait for (((elections)))
Oh i'm waiting for these alright
I don't want the past mistakes to be repeated so imma vote this time :/
>half the people in this video from france are black. oh the horror!
Gtfo racist. there is literally nothing wrong with that video
15% of all new borns in france are muslim. They breed like rabbits. You need to do something before it's too late
France take 200000 of legal shiskins immigrants each year
And more than 200000-400000 shitskins immigrants each year
The immigration started in the 60' which mean :
400000-600000 x 56 = 22400000-33600000 shitskins.
> 200000 of legal shiskins immigrants each year
200000 legal shitskin immigrants each year
>And more than 200000-400000 shitskins immigrants each year
And 200000-400000 illegal shitskin immigrants each year
at a moment there is a woman who shouts 'jihad', a fat arabic woman 4:41
most of the troubles in that vid are done by arabs, they throw stones, sand and whatever
niggers do very little
True Americans hate commies, muslims, and niggers.
OMG wrestling sucks balls now
I miss Jack the Snake, Mr Perfect, André the Giants and all those guys from the old WWF
Now it all about faggots fighters with no sense of originality
Mexican and Japanese wrestling is way more fun
Yeah, the nerve of OP getting upset about his homeland being taken over by niggers!
ITT : A faggot frog wants to flee because it's too hard to try and do something
I redpilled all of my family, I lost 3 friends but I redpilled all of the remaining ones (inb4 : 0), when a shitskins provoke me I ruin his stupid face, why are you all so afraid of getting out of your comfort zone ? "Muh liberals, muh cuck" Fuck off and fight you piss of shit fuckers.
This is Cergy, a small town north of Paris turned in a commieblock surburb in the 60s. Initially, it designed to house all sorts of working class people but all those places have been taken over by shitskins.
The official stats say it has 78.2% natives lviing there. That's technically not a lie but France forbids the collection of racial information so it's hard to tell how many of those are white. Probably not many.
White people GTFO of cities like these a few years ago. I have relatives that inherited a house in a nearby community, they were only 2 white families left living there.
You might as well nuke Paris at this point, it's a tourist trap surrounded by unruly arabs and niggers leeching off welfare and benefits.
Tu peux pas savoir comme je suis heureux à chaque fois de voir ça, c'est genre la preuve irréfutable que le multiculturalisme ne marche pas. Regarde, y'a plus aucun français, que des noirs et des arabes, tu leur donne tout l'or du monde, une plage magnifique et du soleil, et la seule chose qu'ils savent faire c'est se battre avec les maitres nageurs, déclencher une émeute, bousculer des enfants etc.
Sérieusement ils méritent vraiment que notre société se casse la gueule, qu'il n'y est plus aucune aide financière, rien, et un énorme chomage couplé à une insécurité accrue. C'est cette société qu'ils ont toujours souhaitait avoir, ben maintenant enjoy.
This makes me sad because my grandfather was French and was so proud to be French. I almost cried a little. How could this happen?
So, all this time we've wondered whether Alsace-Lorraine belonged to the French or the Germans, and now we find out that it actually belongs to Islam.
all I see is dindus doing nuffin
Dégage, traître.
What about other French communities? Have they left France entirely or did all white communities move inland?
Left and right governments let the doors open, black people rarely get out of the 'hoods' and most of them live in Paris or Paris suburb
Outside of Paris you only see a small number of niggers, and they aren't a problem
Where I live (rhone-alpes) problems come from arabs and gypsies(not Roms)
Club Dorothee , really?
you must be the first one to ever mention that on Sup Forums
If you French do decide to leave I hear Québec is to your liking.
>Sérieusement ils méritent vraiment que notre société se casse la gueule, qu'il n'y est plus aucune aide financière, rien, et un énorme chomage couplé à une insécurité accrue. C'est cette société qu'ils ont toujours souhaitait avoir, ben maintenant enjoy.
Le problème c'est que ceux qui ne fuiront pas à temps vont être pris dans la tempête.
That's like putting up a video of Compton and saying the US is all black.
But yeah, I was at the Troca earlier this evening..So many fucking shitskins.
No thanks, I'd rather live in Toronto
I don't enjoy cold and douche bags
Hey faggot im considered shit skin or whatever living in america, ill tell you this im more intelligent, cultured n charismatic than most of all my burger eating degenerate but still sumpremist peers. Nobody in my school gives a fuck about politics, nobody in my school is smart or philosophical just shit for brain nerds who can into math n thats it. I constantly shut down my peers in any debates, they like to think of themselves smarter than me and mr smart anglosaxon. Though whimpering and cowering begin once they see a brown skin speaking big words n big ideas so they resort to racism ignoring me like shills turning away trying to change subject. Now im a Turk, not sure if thats makes a large difference but we do have asiatic and europoor genes in us. Immigration is a problem and so is destroying muslim nations causing more of it. You want us to go back? Dont send soldiers to our countries, dont destroy our countries, dont fund bullshiting saudis who are mainly the cause of alot of these extremist groups. American foriegn police is wrecked with supporting dictators and leeching resources from brown nations. Anyways keep it smart banning freedoms such as wearing clothes is stupid and is only a bandaid. Why dont you fucks just stop immigration you stupid fucks instead of telling others what to wear.
>The official stats say it has 78.2% natives lviing there.
Um..yeah. I was in Cergy a few months ago. It's more likely 78.2% shitskins.
You can't into demographics you retard. Go see Ined publications, learn and stfu.
You're more an attention whore than a troll. I hope you'll emigrate to Tyronne's place.
Fuck off, we're full.
>Implying french cities aren't overrun by arabs.
>Implying french town aren't in process of being overrun by arabs
its your country thats most likely blackmailing/bribing them.
>What about other French communities? Have they left France entirely or did all white communities move inland?
Depends where. I go to the Gers during the summer and we play a game called "Spot the Arab" because there are so little. This year I only saw 2 in a month. (Maybe they went to their countries for the summer)
I met Jake the snake, have a pic with him, my dad and his snake from when i was younger
Cuck politics
But desu, France has always had good relations with its former colonies, which is why we've always had a fair number of immigrants
That's also why our problem here is really nothing like what Germany or Sweden is going through...They're the ones in danger :/
Only a small part of them can be sent back
The closing of borders must be done and made effective and screw Shengen
If Sarcozy doesn't win the primaries Marine won't be elected.
>not gov propaganda
Pick one
And the French Gov doesn't allow ethnic stats because it will cause a huge turmoil if the french learn they are already a minority in their own country.
Not what I'm saying, but Cergy and any Paris (major cities too) suburbs is shitskin central now.
You forgot the part where its actually muslims that have elected our current leftist president François Hollande, who is bombing Syria, so shut the fuck up you have nothing to teach me about faggot
Throughout history, fleeing and fighting back in has been a valid tactic
It's impossible to organize anything there now
that must have been a very fun day
Between 5 and 10%
its at least 10, probably 15
I guess i'm really racist since living in this vibrant nation free of hate only makes me wants to emigrate.
We can't, we don't have an island to crawl back to
Beaches in Cape Town are whiter!
Looks like the beach in toronto tbqhfam
It's 5-8% of our population. The reason they seem to so many is because they congregate to large cities, and that's where most of footage from media comes from.
You've got to take into account that European cities are much smaller population wise than US cities. Paris, our largest city, has a population of 2.2 million, where NYC for example has 8 million IIRC.
>tfw in the future i'll get payed to fire warning shots on french refugee ships
The French cuck disease... is that why so many canadians are cucks!? Holy shit I think we're on to something here!
0/10 Those are bullshit selective stats.
I don't really think that arabs vote
They don't give a shit about participating all they care about is free money and welfare advantages
Hollande was elected because people hated Sarkozy and wanted him to GTFO
Hollande is just the consequence of Sarkozy's mess
Nationwide, it's between 5 and 10
But in some cities like Marseille or Paris, the rate is about 40% :/
>Have they left France entirely or did all white communities move inland?
Some just got old and died, those that could afford it moved to another surburb.
People aren't exactly moving to the country in droves yet. Retirees tend to stick around large cities where they can get proper healthcare and until recently Paris used to be the only place you'd find a job.
I'd advise anyone moving to France to go to a smaller city, anywhere than Paris unless you need to be there. But even those cities are now getting more and more shitskins.
It's getting hard to find an affordable place in France where you're not living near animals like these.
My family is cuck central, the old friends that aren't cucks married arabs, and my small village is already being enriched.
The army is already 50% subhumans, and at this point only a genocide backed by the army would save France.
If nothing happen in the next 2 years like mass deportation of shitskins ( including those already citizens ), France is lost.
Demography is destiny, and i don't intend to stay around to be proven right yet again when it's obvious shit.