do you know any movies similar to ikiru?
Do you know any movies similar to ikiru?
This movie is too good for this board
this. But to answer your question OP, check out Wild Strawberries
I've seen it already. Great piece. Do you have any other recommendations?
Most of Alexander Payne's films have a similar quality to Ikiru and Wild Strawberries: Middle-aged to old characters dealing with their impending mortality, learning hard lessons from people around them, spiritual awakenings, etc.
I recommend About Schmidt.
this movie -just like Kurosawa- is very entry level and has been discussed many times here, so what the fuck do you mean this movie is too good for this board? you are part of the board too retard
>tfw unironically triggered
just curious what's above that entry level in your humble opinion ?
no one gives a shit about entry level. stop being elitists, everybody enjoys different kinds of films.
Griffith, Stroheim, Murnau, the list goes on...
Yeah, It's a Wonderful Life
The Americans did it before and better
that's a pretty good list, why are you mocking it?
Still Life (Sohrab Sahid Saless)
>this movie -just like Kurosawa- is very entry level and has been discussed many times here
Kill yourself, you pretentious faggot.
autist tier taste
Hmm Umberto D. maybe? or Chaplin's Limelight?
What? Ikiru is from the 1950's too user..
Aren't you cute? Look at those cheeks!
I have no idea whats going on
Hi, pajeet
Make Way For Tomorrow.
Trust me, user, you'll love it.
did you get lost on your way to the capeshit thread?
already bored
Thanks i will look into it.
Learn English, pajeetnigger
No you won't. Trust me, I'm a professional
Can't recommend Limelight enough. In my head canon, it's Chaplin's last film.
Countess of Hong Kong is better
don't jump to conclusion too quick mr.professional, that makes you ignorant.
thanks anyway