>Bill Skarsgård is also being applauded for his take on Pennywise. During production, Bill's costume was so terrifying that it genuinely freaked out the kids on set. He told Movie Pilot: "At one point, they set up this entire scene, and these kids come in, and none of them have seen me yet. Their parents have brought them in, these little extras, right? And then I come out as Pennywise, and these kids-young, normal kids-I saw the reaction that they had.
>Some of them were really intrigued, but some couldn't look at me, and some were shaking. This one kid started crying. He started to cry and the director yelled, 'Action!' And when they say 'action,' I am completely in character.
>ywn scare children with a creepy clown costume sounds comfy tbqh
Brayden Cook
Will ICP make a big comeback now
Bentley Collins
Liam Martin
Based Bill Skarsgård skaring and skarring kids for life
Brody Gomez
Levi Wood
Isaiah Clark
Jonathan Hernandez
Why are you keep posting this, it's not funny
James Thompson
Cameron Lewis
>And when they say 'action,' I am completely in character.
What did he mean by this?
Dylan Cox
Alexander Taylor
>Even director Andrés Muschietti wasn't safe from Skarsgård's twisted vision.
>"One time I yelled 'cut' and Bill turned to me and said 'What if someone just stood in the middle of the circus and yelled cut? Maybe the clowns in suits would forget how to juggle' My jaw hit the floor and it never really came back up. That's when I thought, is he getting in character to play It, or is It something that's been in him all along?"
>"Sometimes i would go to look into the cameras, and I noticed Bill had put something in the lens. It was stuff like 'What if pies were guns? Would you take a shot to the face?' and 'Lights. Camera. Clowning.' I had to ask him to stop because I was getting too scared to direct."
Thomas Reyes
At least they aren't going with memethod acting
William Cruz
I know it sounds weird but that actually sounds like it might make for an interesting performance
Elijah Anderson
Julian Cook
she can be a lousy speller
John Flores
>Ben Hascom is dick
And a ching-chong to you too, young lady
Justin Evans
>I had to ask him to stop because I was getting too scared to direct.
Xavier Parker
Heath ledger will be forgotten within a month of this movie existing
I'd tell to stop because it's getting too fucking annoying. Enjoy the nice paycheck, you clown.
Connor Bailey
Ryder Taylor
>no Arabic letters أثار
>no Asian letters 触发 / トリガーされた
>No Cyrillic cpaбaтывaeт
>no cuneiform [chiselling intensifies]
Jose Gonzalez
>And when they say 'action,' I am completely in character.
Spoken like a true MK Ultra victim, dis-associative identities and all. Gotta love Holly Wood.
Jaxson Long
>What if pies were guns?
Grayson Rodriguez
What's wrong with this, he's playing a child-murdering clown monster and some kid actors got spooked.
Jonathan Miller
This pasta kills me every time I read it
Caleb Cooper
>bevy will never take a hot wet shit down my throat.
Why live?
Dominic Sullivan
ummmm, why weren't they given a chance to see him in costume before? Like to get used to him or something?
Justin Morales
How do you not find that statement embaressing?
Jeremiah Phillips
>Actor Bill Skarsgard chose to remain in-character as Pennywise during filming of the upcoming Stephen King adaptation IT, directed by Andres Muschetti, of MAMA fame. As shooting venture into April, the cast was anxious for what pranks Skarsgard would pull on the legendary April's Fools.
>"We were all pretty scared", said Muschetti "Bill was insane enough on the normal days, we figured he'd go into overdrive on April's Fools." As the filming of another scene began, one in which Skarsgard's Pennywise intimidates one of the young actors, Finn Wolfhard, the crew could barely contain their unrest. "We were certain Finn would be the butt of the joke, even he was, but Bill instead finished the take, looked straight into a camera for almost five minutes. We were all really perplexed."
>A source close to production claims Skarsgard then removed his wig and spoke to the crew, "We are monsters masquerading as humans, children of chaos sucking on order's tit like a cockroach. Today is the only day we're true to ourselves. Happy birthday, society", and then left the set for three days.
>"I was blown away", said Muschetti, "I gave everyone the day off because I myself needed to go someplace quiet, lie down and think things through. As I was doing, I realized Bill had tapped into something raw, something primordial, he had become the mouthpiece of that dark voice in our heads we always ignore. That was the day I really knew Pennywise had arrived, And I was worried maybe, maybe Bill Skarsgard would never come back".
Zachary Young
>Falling for a tired recycled meme. Newfags shouldn't be allowed to post
Leo Nguyen
Clown is kept hidden so that the actors can give authentic reactions when seeing him for the first time
Adrian Perry
>And when they say 'action,' I am completely in character. Is he a literal robot?
Isaiah Foster
Saying "cringe" and nothing more in the year of our lord 2017, especially when responding to a fucking copypasta?
I find it incredibly embarrassing
Chase Brown
>cant even green arrow meme properly >calls someone a 'newfag'
Nice work faggot
Adrian Bennett
It means he wasn't acting like Jared Leto on Suicide Squad.
Michael Myers
>implying there aren't a group of people who live for (You)'s >implying they wouldn't do anything to get a miniscule amount of attention on the internet from strangers replying """""""""""""""""""""""seriously"""""""""""""""""" to pastas is the best way to guarantee replies. The only other way is Sup Forums bait but that requires effort to maintain.
Carter Martin
Gavin Gonzalez
how are the kids in the cast gonna watch a r-rated movie?
Austin Jenkins
This new Pennywise has to be the scariest movie monster we've seen in years. Literally years. There's two scenes in this movie that absolutely sent shivers down my spine. First when Pennywise possesses the slideshow and we finally get to see his very creepy and mental face in the final scene. What a build-up! I nearly pissed myself.
The other one is in the basement, first we see the excellent performance by Georgie's actor. You'll float too never has sounded more epically scary. And then Pennywise rises from the waters. I jumped in my chair and still do when watching this. I can tell I will be on the edge of my seat in theatres this september.
David Nguyen
maybe they won't? pretty sure the kid from the shining didn't, kubrick went to autistic lengths to make sure the kid was exposed to any shit on set
I really fucking hate it when songs use this rhythm. Just fucking take a leap and use 3/4 already
Carson Sullivan
>reddit spacing
Landon Bell
Jackson Bell
Sounds like a fluff piece to generate that uber-hype. Articles like this remind me of kev smith talking about force awakens or many others
Isaiah Cruz
Dominic Reed
This, this, this Being genuinely frightened is different than Epic Loud Quick Camera Cuts Out Of Fucking nowhere that they (remakes) all do to get a reaction. No Reboot will scare me, only being 10 and seeing tim curry do it was scary until i was 11.