What will the sequel even be about?
Do we even NEED a Near/Mello? Black was basically Near tier edgelord in the first half, and Mello tier vigilante in the second.
What will the sequel even be about?
Do we even NEED a Near/Mello? Black was basically Near tier edgelord in the first half, and Mello tier vigilante in the second.
Would Sup Forums be okay with a loli cast Near?
How about a girl Mello?
>lesbo Mello
>lesbo Matt
I'm about to cum
I hate this kid's face but he would be the perfect Near
Daily reminder L wrote his own name down
I could see that. Probably felt like a failure for Watari's death.
>hating based froggo
Spotted the faggot
god awful even worse than expected
Not exactly. He intended to kill Light, but he's such a slow writer.
Why would there be a sequel?
>kira challenged by some nigger
Did you watch it? The ending was a straight up sequel hook.
The girl was such a terrible actress.
>The ending was a straight up sequel hook.
It was ambiguous ending that could lead to a sequel, but otherwise just means L killed Light.
I remember when I originally read the manga it was one of my first exposures to degenerate nip culture and I legit didnt know if they were meant to be a straight couple or a gay couple or a lesbian couple or what
it can't be ambiguous and mean L killed light.
>finally learn how the death note works
>remember you cant write because you're black
They actually put in some interesting sequelbait. All that masonic mkultra shit, bladerunner gun, jacked watari... a lot more interesting than the plot. If Death Note 2 begins with a flashback to the training centre or something, or the new training centre, fleshes that out - then it could work.
If there's a sequel, L didn't kill Light
If there isn't a sequel, L killed Light
Piece of shit flick. You should kill yourself.
Why dont people think a sequel could just be Light teaming up with L to find the supposedly new Kira? Not even his dad knows he has the book.
desu I wasnt watching the run time, I thought it was going to end with Light writing his dad's name in the notebook as a part of his big plan. Would of made him more crazy and setup the sequel better. I hope there is a sequel, but I dont know how it will progress unless Detective Turner dies.
Who cares about any of the characters? Does anyone ITT? Do you? Do you care about one single character in this abomination?
Yea, but I can comprehend the idea that different people have different viewpoints than I do. What's it called when you can't? Autism, something like that?
I think because this L is much more emotional, he wouldn't team up with Light because of Watari
Does anybody have that Death Note Kino image with all the screencaps? Forgot to save it yesterday.
Also, I'd like to ask everybody a question, what exact genre or theme would you call the cinematography? The whole synthwave soundtrack and neon colored lights everywhere. I know they were going for a 80s vibe but what exactly do you call it, and what other movies could I watch to give me the same feel?
L becomes Kira and N has to stop L
He looks like a fucking woman, its gross and maybe disgusting
that's what i was thinking. cool idea, whether they impliment it or not
Saw the movie last night. On its own, its not as bad as a film that everyone has said. It doesn't deserve a 4.9 on imdb. It wasn't great but it was much better than fucking aliens vs predator. The movie was good enough on its own. There was several good shots, the transitions were smooth and the cinematography was good.
Yeah I agree with this, the movie itself was actually great, it's just the Death Note part itself is what people are all being angry about.
Some of the shots in it were some of the most pretty things I've seen in a while. I loved it.
God, I hate Reddit.
>Everybody I disagree with is from Reddit!!!!
There won't be a sequel. L wrote Light's name on the page he found. That was why Ryuk said "humans are so interesting!" at the end when Light looked scared.
Its not disagreeing, its the attitude of the post.
>It wasn't great but it was much better than fucking aliens vs predator.
Hey what's your problem with aliens vs predator? Why even use that as comparison?
it's obvious sequel bait though. they're hoping to get a sequel which is why you didn't actually see light die. with bLack's character it's more than possible light is still alive.
t b h a sequel would be alright, this movie so desperately wanted to be it's own thing and maybe it will be now that it's established itself
>What will the sequel even be about
Probably a reverse of situations, right now Kira's true Identity is known by only L and now his Dad. In a way to Adapt the second half of the anime they could have Light as part of the Police thanks to his dad's good word, acting as a Jim Gordon to Light and tipping him off on criminals from the inside.
L is Disgraced thanks to losing his mind and chasing after Light and being looked at as insane due to killing still occuring while he was in the coma, this will make him either work in complete secrecy to find the mystery of Death Note page without using it or enlist help from other Vault Detectives like him, thus introducing Near and anybody else they want to.
L would probably die early on allowing a New Vault Agent to step in and continue to pursue Light after he fails. The rest would be up to the loser they get to work on the sequel and then it would end with Light being killed by Ryuk, making good on his threat in the first movie.
I just finished it. Holy fuck man such a garbage with that shitty opening. I hope there wont be a second opening.
Have some funny screenshots i saw in that movie.
>infringe on this human rights
That movie was an infringe on the human rights.
>last comment complains that dog got killed
They didnt even hide that this site was reddit.
>i dont care if she killed her lying sack of shit husband, but to kill the dog? inhumane
L already said he won't kill Kira he just wants to catch him. Why do you think He didn't just shoot light out on the street?
>Harsh, But Depends on What She Posted ;)
Who the fuck writes like this?
He said it because he was suprised that L didnt kill him even though he had the chance you idiot.
Why would it be interesting if L did what ryuk expected him to do.
>no suspect is darker than light
What attitude?
I loved how basically nobody on earth gave a shit about catching Kira besides L.
>watari was his real name
At least they got reddit right.
The one you are showing right now. Keep being retarded.
Yea, i really liked reddit appereance there.
The only attitude I see here is your autistic attitude. Keep being cucked.
Then I'm right where I belong. Can't say the same about you though.
Wingard basically cribbed the whole 80s aesthetic thing from his previous movie The Guest, which you'd probably like. On top of that, watch Refn's recent movies for the whole package, and the Safdies' films have the synth going on if not the stylized visuals
>Light wants to kill L
>Has a knocked out L on the ground in front of him, and a gun in his hand
>Doesn't kill him
This shit is seriously some of the worst writing in a movie. Even if you want to argue "Killing without the note is different" he could have just given the gun to that Kira worshiper that knocked out L and told him to do it for the glory of Kira.
The movie was better than any new Bye Bye Man or Get Out type "horror" movie that I've seen in the last few years.
>Light wants to kill L
He only wanted to kill L because Mia wanted him to kill L. By the point you refer to, he just wants to live and get out of this shit.
>L is black
>The movie was white washed
Yes it's an anime set in Japan, but there's no fucking denying that pretty much every fucking character is drawn to look white.
which is better, the anime or this movie? I'm guessing the anime but the demon looks real cool and I'm digging the performance from the trailers.
Anime is better written, for what that's worth, but the movie is funnier.
Of his own will he did a whole retarded plan to use Watari to get L's real name, so yeah he wanted L dead. Also can we just talk about how fucking retarded that shit was?
>Movie death note gives you complete control over someone for 48 hours before they die
>Earlier scenes in the movie showed you can make people kill other people, this is shown when the police are discussing how two gangs that were allied randomly killed the shit out of each other
>Instead of just having Watari get a gun and shoot L in the head, he sends him off on this retarded fucking journey that may or may not even reveal his name
Again, just god awful writing
The anime is overall better than the movie though the last quarter is pretty bad. The anime has a lot more time to flesh out the rules and uses of the DN and to show Light's ascent as a global force
>Of his own will he did a whole retarded plan to use Watari to get L's real name, so yeah he wanted L dead.
Because Mia wanted him to. He only declares he will kill L once Mia declares "how much she loves him". Before that he tries to, as L puts it, "make a deal".
You're still ignoring the whole retarded fucking writing of it all. And he only tried making that retarded "deal" because of the shitty fucking writing
>Get confronted by L about being Kira
>He has no proof at all about you being Kira other than coincidental shit that most people wouldn't believe
>Instantly admits to being Kira and asks for a deal
They even say in the movie how Light is supposed to be a very smart guy, but they make him some retarded edgy teen who thinks he's smart. Didn't even consider the possibility that L was wearing a wire and instantly admits he's Kira
>And he only tried making that retarded "deal" because of the shitty fucking writing
The way they handle the deal scene is retarded, but Light wanting to make one isn't.
And he's not supposed to be a very smart guy, the best they say is "bright".
But he's also a teenage kid and not some asexual sociopath this time around.
He is an edgy teen, thats his character. He's smart for a teen but not a world class genius, still an awkward hot headed underage who does homework for other students. Youre criticizing the core approach to the character and confusing him for something he's not supposed to be. Im not who you were responding to, I was just reading and dont care about what you were talking about otherwise. Thats not bad writing, its called a flawed character. I guess this is shocking but not everyone is as smart as you are apparently.
Yeah, look at how much fun they had!
Of course they'd come back for a sequel.
L himself says that Light is "exceptionally bright". Now tell me why any smart person would just flat out admit to being Kira and ask for a deal when there's NOT A SHRED OF ACTUAL PROOF?
>exceptionally bright
"particularly bright".
Which is a fair enough thing to say about a teenager.
And he doesn't flat out admit that he's Kira. He doesn't go "I am Kira" or shit. He does, very bad, hypotheticals.
>He user, I know it's really you that's magically killing people from all around the world. No I can't prove a thing, and I don't even have any concrete explanation as to how you do it, but I know it's you
He's fucking dumb. This isn't taking the anime into account, this is purely him in the movie being fucking dumb
Wow, someone who's established to make rash decisions is easily offended and makes a rash decision. Awful writing, shit movie. ???
I liked it, it's shit compared to the original and light is fucking retarded but I liked it. Black L was pretty good too, but what the fuck was his face meant to convey at the end? Did he or didn't he write Lights name?
>Black L was pretty good too, but what the fuck was his face meant to convey at the end? Did he or didn't he write Lights name?
It's ambiguous, it's meant to be juxtaposed to Light's Dad's speech at the end about the "lesser of two evils"
>Confronted on being Kira with no proof whatsoever
>Mia writes down Lights name in the book because she wants to steal it from him, her whole plan involves him going to the book, seeing his fucking name in it, and not burning it to immediately save his life
>Retard light actually goes along with it and lets his name stay in the book, risking his life because at any moment he could have been caught by police or L and not have a chance to burn his name to save himself
>L knows that Light is Kira, but cannot prove it, but makes it clear that he will never stop trying to get Light thrown in jail
>Knowing this Light conducts a retardly complicated plan of getting Watari to seek out Ls real name instead of just making Watari kill L himself
>On top of this retarded plan to kill L, light has a chance to shoot L himself in person, or give the Kira worshiper the gun and tell him to kill L, finally getting L to stop hunting him
>Doesn't do it, and no actual reason for why not was given
It was a really bad fucking movie with god awful writing
Except he never said that
>On top of this retarded plan to kill L, light has a chance to shoot L himself in person, or give the Kira worshiper the gun and tell him to kill L, finally getting L to stop hunting him
The plan to kill L had failed by then, and at this point Mia's betrayal made the idea of killing L (since he was doing that for her) redundant.
>Youre criticizing the core approach to the character and confusing him for something he's not supposed to be.
You can't keep the same character names and the same basic plot progression as the anime and then say we can't judge it based on the anime. If they wanted to tell an original story in the Death Note universe, they should have committed and done that.
How do I become a Chad like Light in the anime with bitches worshiping me
How likely is a sequel?
good thing they changed the names then
Hard to say, Netflix doesn't use a box office, so it has to be about how many people subscribed for this and how many times it was watched.
jesus, do you only speak in hyperbole like a little kid? Your opinion is clearly solidified, any other discussion is going in circles.
>Knowing this Light conducts a retardly complicated plan of getting Watari to seek out Ls real name instead of just making Watari kill L himself
a rule of the notebook is you cant make someone kill someone else
the real meme is how the fuck is Watari's name literally just "Watari" and why does L let him go about handing out his real name on a business card if he's so interested in staying anonymous
I highly doubt anyone specifically subbed for this, but if views are all that matters it sounds likely to me.
I hope it does, might be fun.
he wrote: "Lights dad realizes he is Kira and confronts him"
None of that was interesting and it was set up and explained extremely poorly (besides the gun which just looked like a high quality sci-fi prop).
Why does anyone even give a shit? We all saw the trailers and knew they were taking it in a different and shitty direction and now that the movie's come out and it's essentially Twilight with the Death Note replacing vampires what is there to even discuss? There was nothing of value in the entire movie besides maybe the visuals in like two scenes. For fuck's sake the credits roll to a goddamn Air Supply song immediately after Light explains he's done a 180 in terms of characterization with zero build up or foreshadowing. It's mind-bogglingly tone deaf.
>it's essentially Twilight
He doesn't, but he basically admits to being L by giving really fucking retarded hypothetical about how Kira would want a plea deal
>I-i'm totally not Kira, but I think Kira would want a deal!
The point is the plan was retarded to begin with. He should have just had Watari kill L from the start, not send him off on a two day trip that he knew may not even yield any results
Actually that rule only applies in the anime. In the movie Light made gangs kill each other, that's evident from crime scene where the cops are wondering why two allied gangs would kill each other out of the blue.
His real name being Watari was fucking retarded as well.
There was no new Kira. L specifically explained that he had the child molester write down new names when he was in a coma.
I dont care if you dont like it, I just find strict hyperbole obnoxious. How you got that is fucking beyond me.