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thanks for letting us now jim


Oh fuck he we go lads

stop spamming you jew nigger

>watching youtube

Hope this will kickstart the next part of the season 2


Leave Latza alone.

Why doesn't he have a face? Is he ugly?

Could this finally signal the start of season 2?

there are pics of him, he's normal looking

fuck off alt-right faggot

/ourguy/ has made it now lads

Did you have a stroke?

Oh shit we getting a new season of Latza?

Who's that? Why do you retards post stupid shit and expect everyone to know.

>watching """youtubers"""

the guy that started gamergate made a new video

This dude LOVES the sound of his own voice

>being so obsessed with SJWs that you watch hour long videos of people whining about them every day


And they are taking over youtube. The right dominates.

Shit I wonder if Paul Latza or Disney will respond to this, should be interesting.
I just hope Latza doesn't become a mainstream meme though, it's so much better being our small joke.

Who are you even talking about?

Doesn't he know that Rich Evans said that Latza came to Milwaukee?

And so do I

Thanks for the new video Jim


>Paul "Sand Niggas" Latza

Isn't latza the guy who shot up that school?



www twitch tv / videos / 136760382

Was the "fleeing the country" thing just a lolrandom non-sequitur, or is it a reference to something?

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fake and gay

this was

Then see

I can't tell if Latza made it or not

>they actually acknowledged that shit


He did, kinda.

how much do these ads cost?

only in the most technical sense

theres always at least one vimeo shill

Does running a corporate twitter page pay decent?
Sounds kind of comfy (especially if it's something like the Sonic or Wendy's ones) but it must be hard with the cost of living in Cali.

>Talks about nostalgia Critic
>not about James

James started all this shit

Doesn't look like it.

off topic Sup Forumsermin garbage

[getting you intensifies]

youtube is television
deal with it crybaby bitch

This entire series was a goddamn let down.

sandniggers can't climb


I thought the spoony episode was pretty good, angry joe's was pretty boring though.

That's not a confirmation that he went out there, that's just a confirmation that Rich knows we tricked someone because he probably checks what people are discussing about RLM all the time.

he sounds like a huge cunt


Where's the one about Brad Jones? These mini documentaries are intriguing, you could literally made a dramady about Doug's life.

The Sonic Twitter guy turned himself into SEGA's spokesperson, so I guess there's room to climb.

Jesus, I recognize that voice. This guy is from the Internet Aristocrat channel that surfaced during the gamergate shitfest.

Why do people listen to this annoying faggot?

wait people actually care about Paul outside of this board? holy shit

Deep plots

James did, but Latza clearly derives from Nostalgia Critic.
While James will talk about the history and context for various things in his videos, Doug and the other CA people really, would focus on stupid shit like their skits
It's like comparing an essay on a movie to a TV trope article for the movie. There's snark going on in the latter that just sounds autistic and frankly embarassing. It's hard to explain if you haven't seen both James and a CA review.

next vids sound interesting

Why is he doing this? Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of channel awesome and autism, but it just seems mean spirited to make half hour long videos essentially shaming these internet nobodies and kicking them while they are down.

its funny

No, the entire TGWTG series was literally Jim reading shit people had been talking about on Sup Forums for years. Especially the Linkara episode.

Keep in mind he charged his faggoty ass fans money to make these.