Mde world peace may be cancelled - insider scoop

> Big drama at adult swim. So Hyde got in trouble for offering a bounty to whoever gets in the news promoting the MDE. Some kid threatened to shoot up his schoo. The AS thought it was funny but he was told to stop that shit. Another strike. Enter bernstein the epitome of private school jewish kid, and you cannot believe what a baby this guy is. Conference call for two hours with his cohorts running off lists of tweets and how 'I've never experienced so much antisemitism in my entire life.' Nigga was tattling to daddy, except having major institutional power backing him, with a direct line to god. So there he is with 60-70 year old jewish elders on the conference line talking about 'tweets about dead Jews and fingers'. The old jews have no idea what the fuck is going on and said look, are they supporting Donald Trump on air or not? That was where they drew the line. So I shit you not then Sam has to come on the line and apologize to Bernstein in front of everyone and saying to remove the videos, it's all only for fun, it's satire. balls Andre said 'I told you.' Adult swim exec said 'I hope you know what the fuck you're doing'. Basically I would be shocked at this point if S2 happens. They pretty much did not expect a jew with that much connection coming against them that quickly.

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posting a reddit link

Why are shitskins such drama queens?

Reminder that you can mock any person of any race on television or social media and the only time you'll get in trouble is if you target a Jewish person, they're by far the most privileged of all racial groups in the West (because they've taken disproportionate control over media and government through ethnic nepotism and have a deep tribal mindset)

Good. It isn't funny.

of course, the butthurt neckbeard will blame "the jews" for his shitty unfunny show in a graveyard slot being cancelled.

bernstein better pray the show stays on the air

The old adage "with jews you lose" never fails. They can't take their own medicine they dish out all the fucking time apparently

This is what happens when you talk about the (((people in charge)))

>i believe fantastical hearsay on the internet with no evidence presented - The Thread

>1 post by this ID
guess not

>mde wp cancelled because of a Jew
If I wasn't so sure this was the way of the world I wouldn't believe Sam's story


But it's literally Jews doing it because they're Jewish.

new ep out yet??

that message is literally incoherent

World Peace sucks and Sam Hyde isn't funny.

It 100% deserves to be cancelled.

>Andre said 'I told you.'
that's where you really blew it. no one is asking Eric Andre about programming decisions or having him in on big executive calls

Sam Hyde goes full Sup Forums at comedy club

Skip to 2:00

funny thing is how throughout the interview you could tell Bernstein was bating Sam, and even laughing through the whole thing. Bullshit. I wouldn't be surprised if half of those 'threats' to Burnstein were his own SJW friends being undercover kikes...aren't they always trying to be undercover though?




holy fucking shit

yeah, but I expect sam knew what he was doing and deliberately set out to make them so uncomforatble that they would fire him

it raises his profile, and creates negative PR for AS

and pisses off people in power, which makes him happy

mde fans are retarded enough to make a fake leddit account just to make this up. Nothing to see here move along

I believe it. thats why Sam has been so autistic about everyone watching his show and boosting their ratings. Eric Andre, king jew, is like the most powerful star there and its a direct contract of his act.

You don't think it's weird that Jews have the power to shut down a highly rated TV show at random without a single boycott, mass public outrage, protests, or all the usual circuits for this kind of thing?

Well shit if it's causing this much butthurt maybe I should watch this show. I've been ignoring the shilling up to this point.

>In an interview with The Times newspaper on July 25, 2010, Stone claimed that America does not know "the full story" on Iran and complained about Jewish "domination" in parts of the U.S. media and foreign policy, notably his view that Adolf Hitler was misunderstood due to Jewish control of the media.[59] When Stone was asked why so much of an emphasis has been placed on the Holocaust, as opposed to the 20-plus million casualties the Soviet Union, for example, suffered in World War II, he stated that in Washington the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) was an overly powerful Jewish lobby within the U.S. The remarks were heavily criticized by Jewish groups, including the Simon Wiesenthal Center, from which Yuri Eidelstein described Stone's remarks as what "could be a sequel to the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion",[59] and the American Jewish Committee,[60] as well as from Israel's Diaspora Affairs and Public Diplomacy Minister.[59]

>A day later, Stone stated: "In trying to make a broader historical point about the range of atrocities the Germans committed against many people, I made a clumsy association about the Holocaust, for which I am sorry and I regret. Jews obviously do not control media or any other industry. The fact that the Holocaust is still a very important, vivid and current matter today is, in fact, a great credit to the very hard work of a broad coalition of people committed to the remembrance of this atrocity—and it was an atrocity."[61]

>Two days later, Stone issued a second apology to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which was accepted. "I believe he now understands the issues and where he was wrong, and this puts an end to the matter," said ADL National Director Abraham Foxman.[62]

>In an interview in the July/August 2014 issue of Playboy magazine while promoting Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Oldman criticized what he saw as excessive political correctness in American media and the entertainment industry's own discriminating hypocrisy, while arguing in support of former controversial celebrities Mel Gibson and Alec Baldwin. He stressed that he did not relate with most of their viewpoints but regarding the former agreed, "Gibson is in a town that's run by Jews"[143] (referring to Hollywood). After criticism from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Oldman apologised to them in an open letter.[144] ADL director Abraham Foxman acknowledged that Oldman was remorseful, but felt his letter was insufficient and asked for "a little more introspection, a little more understanding and a little more education".[144] Oldman then made a public apology on the 25 June edition of late-night talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live!, where he stressed that he was "profoundly sorry" for his "insensitive, pernicious and ill-informed" remarks.[145]

So, I think I'm really going out on a limb here but after watching this, I think Sam Hyde might be the most brilliant absurdist since Kaufman. Holy shit, that was hilarious.

>Joel Stein, who used to write for the Los Angeles Times and who currently writes for Time magazine, wrote a large article in the LA Times on December 19, 2008, titled “Is Hollywood Run by Jews? You Bet.”

and so it goes, and so it goes

You won't make him 'commit suicide with a nail gun'

>"Hollywood is run by Jews; it is owned by Jews--and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue of people who are suffering. Because...we have seen...the greaseball, we've seen the Chink, we've seen the slit-eyed dangerous Jap, we have seen the wily Filipino, we've seen everything but we never saw the kike. Because they knew perfectly well, that that is where you draw the [line]."

sounds fake

jesus christ what a madman

very likely the same guy who wrote the fake Bernstein "dear Sam im a very important jew etc." troll on there. good attempt at least. fake as hell though.

>jews doing work
Naw, you need to give him a bad batch of coke and some tap to wash it down with.

>dat intro
Man knows his audience

This is the funniest thing ever

"I didn't wake up this morning hating Jews... it doesn't enter my mind during the day. Until I have to interact with a Jew."

>commit the biggest atrocity in mankind's history
>spend the next several decades telling everyone that only Jews died in the second world war

What if Catholic Romans are the ones in power and use the jews as a front while hiding in plain sight? While the JESUITS use Catholic Roman as a front so they hid in plain sight? Can something like this be possible? I been reading a lot of literature that might shine some light into this and it is making me think, really think.

>What if Catholic Romans are the ones in power and use the jews as a front while hiding in plain sight?

this happened in the past a lot, and is the reason for so many anti-jewish pogroms in europe. Especially in Tsarist Russia. Nazi Germany was just the final, biggest example of this.

But Jews control media now, at least in the west, and I guess its revenge time for them.

Let's spam them and commit hate crimes senpai.

Because frankly.

It was literally the Jews, that's the story.

Hey, guess what you psycho liberal shithead, the sky is blue. THE SKY IS BLUE!

I bet you're ready to slit your limp fucking wrist after that heavy dose of reality.

I didn't know that thank you, but revenge against what? Jew killed Jesus because they got mad that the kingdom he promised them was not on the Earth but of eternal life, so they then planned to conquer the world. What do they have to be vengeful about? If anything us common folk should be the one exterminating them, and I'm not even anti semtici.

Does anyone have the cartoon where media propaganda is being poured down a guy's throat and the caption asks "have you developed a taste for them yet white man?"

oh man its more than the catholics dude..tip of the iceberg..all those titles are basically just distractions from the real elite which is a satanic cabal..sounds nutty because it is.

wow im so surprised.........................

>Jew killed Jesus

thats all religious mythology shit, and its more of a symbolic symbol of one religion being born out of another one. Jewish faith is a lot different than modern christian one. They dont believe in an after life for example, while for Christians, earth is just like a practice run for the after life.

I think its just that jews in europe were alway very stubborn and resisted all attempts to force them into Christianity. Christianity spread through europe in the first place through brutal subjugation and genocide of pagans, much like Islam in the middle east. Jews were just kind of stuck in the middle.

I think thats why ashkanazi jews have such high IQs on average. They had to be smart and cunning to survive.

the average Sup Forumstard hates jews out of some childish cowboys and indians type of LARP shit without understanding anything about them. Theres a big difference between zionist and secular jews. David Ben Gurrion for example said he had no problem with gentiles growing up, and founded Israel not as a safe space against persecution of jews, but just out of a love for jewish people

>world peace
>W P
>World peace...
>W P
>White Pride...

you devilish beast, sam hyde

yeah but only for those reasons

but this is all just publicity for (((sams))) show

these (((people))) must be stopped

pray for Sam Hyde and MDE, everybody
give them your strength and power


It's positively brilliant.

Honestly, it's the funniest shit I've seen in years.

Ehh even if it did get canceled Hyde should start a podcast and make more Youtube shorts. Pull an Adam Corolla and get off the Jew tit.

no goym youre just being paranoid.

w e w l a d s
channeling power....
power channel actived!
power transfer complete!

wow yeah this sounds totally credible and not fake at all! Totally not one of Bernstein's few friends trying to stir shit up in the community! Nope, don't question it!

>It's not real man. The insider info thing is nonsense

>2 more episodes left
>ep. 5 "Not Everyone Thinks You're a Hero"
>ep.6 "You Hate This Show Because You Hate Yourself"


Quit trying to force us to watch that lame show. It doesn't represent Sup Forums. The David Duke and other references were forced. Not fun!

This is a marketing ploy to make us think it'll stay on the air if we watch. I hope it does get cancelled

I thought there were twelve episodes

The show really doesn't play to his strengths. He was funny trolling that reporter and causing people to get triggered and walking out of his gay bashing standup routine.

Sam Hyde is at his best out there trolling normies, not in random seemingly out of context comedy sketches.

Good. The show was crap anyway. Could be a slot used for something good like samurai jack or home movies


>OP makes Reddit account 3 hours ago
>Posts bullshit
>Copies it and posts it here as a scoop

Half of you are playing dumb and playing along and the other half are actually dumb.


my dad works for adult swim. i'll talk to him and make sure sam doesn't get canned. who knows what sam will do when he can't get his big paycheck from his jewish bosses. i know this is pretty much the highest point he will achieve in his life so it means alot

IF sam really did grovel and apologize like a bitch then good cancel their show.

top fucking tier

>No fucking description!



Eric Andre is a liberal douche anyway, so his opinions shouldn't even be taken seriously.

Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers! Race war now!Fuck you, niggers!

Yeah my dad works for Xbox and I get free Xbox live and games, my brother works for PlayStation too.

Nah Sam just sent a shock wave to draw the rat out of his bunker. World Peace was never intended to last more than one season, but now more people are at least aware of how elitist and interconnected the Jewish parasite is in high society.

A. Why the fuck do I keep seeing hillary ads watching this show. each one on my "on demand" has like two shillary ads. I have literally never seen a political ad on a cable channel this election cycle but now like 6 in one 45 minute period watching World Peace
>jews rock!

B. why are shillary ads so low energy
>he makes his shirts in bangladesh because it's cheaper guys ha ha drumph btfo
>ignore shillary promoting nafta on steroids that will kill whats left of american manufacturing and sodomize it's corpse
>and make it illegal to pass laws that impact trans national corporation profits
>and create secret courts
>and remove net anonymity
>but trump makes clothes like everyone else in nafta countries because we've made american manufacturing unprofitable! sure he says he's going to change these laws and tear up these trade deals using his knowledge of our corrupt system but mexican ties bro!

you faggots ready to take the real red pill?

the "estrogen" in vegetables and soy isn't processed by your body anywhere near the same as human or animal estrogen.

if you're a weak numale faggot it's because you're from a broken home, don't exercise, and don't have a real fucking job that requires moderate physicality. even fucking librarians need to be able to carry 30-40lbs unassisted.

good lord the fucking balls


You really believe studies done by "official" and "peer reviewed" sources?

You can't believe fucking anything they peddle unless you test it yourself.

This is false. Look up phytoestrogens.

They may not have as much of an effect as some people claim, but they very certainly DO have an effect.

ok, by my completely redpilled personal anecdotes I spent most of my life and adolescent as a vegetarian, never having a single bit of animal protein until about ~17, and was always above average in strength and physicality, continuing on into my early 20's where i now eat meat (which has estrogens that actually mimic human estrogen, but at a "none of this fucking matters you're a fucking faggot because you were raised by your whore mother in a broken home" levels

>A 2010 meta-analysis of fifteen placebo-controlled studies said that "neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable testosterone concentrations in men." Furthermore, isoflavone supplementation has no effect on sperm concentration, count or motility, and it leads to no observable changes in testicular or ejaculate volume.

believe in peer reviewed science or don't. it says niggers are a subspecies of homo sapiens sapiens through geographic isolation that are still close enough to other subspecies to hybridize AND that Phytoestrogens, and most xenoestrogens, don't make you into a numale. your failed parentage made you a numale.

You can't pick and choose which part of the redpill you take.

>Liberals walkout because they cant handle the truth.


>That fucking girl at the end.

holy shit i know why niggers beat their girlfriends.

with jews you lose/10

I wonder what would have happened if he locked them in.

Or if the door "broke".

Holy fuck I thought this was just a meme
>it's real
>gift shop, donations, and ads cluttering the home page
As expected