How do we save the film industry?

How do we save the film industry?

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they drove off white people

the kikes will never know how not to kvetch

This is true but nobody wants to admit it

More capeshit

the cinema experience is dying and with it, hollywood.
dunno why they are acting like the victims here, why would they think people would want to miss the fight of the decade on some stupid shitty movie

It's almost as if people don't want to watch sequels, reboots and remakes anymore

jews are crying, expect even MORE hatred and blame towards white people. Soon the hatred will spill to asians, indians and non muslim arabs. Cucks already attack buddhist for their genocide against muslims.

>boo hoo no ones watching our shitty movie because the coast is underwater
Fuck you.

we need more divercity

Hollywood is dying while i only become stronger


It's not just white people not going anymore, it's all races.


digital media distribution is becoming the next media and theaters will go the wayside. a few scattered ones.

the scary part is that google and youtube are now taking the reigns regarding content distribution. I think they played their hand too early.

>no one reading the actual release list
>Hitman's Bodyguard
Another boring action comedy.
>Birth of the Dragon
No one likes Bruce Lee movies that don't star the actual Bruce Lee.
Shitty knockoff of CGI Disney movies.

This isn't an emerging trend, there are literally no big name blockbusters out right now in August. If anything, it just proves mainstream American audiences don't feel like watching anything that isn't Star Wars, capeshit, war-related, nigger comedy or Transformers.

Quick! Make 10 more remakes and reboots!

Phew. Almost had to do something original or fresh.

reply spam should be an instant ban. does anyone know if you can filter posts that have more than 5 >>s in them or something?

You let it burn.

Looks like the liberal pandering aint working

Let it burn. Build something better upon the ashes.

Not an argument.


Same shit happened when Age of Ultron was put up against Mayweather/Pacquiao, in addition to it being not good enough.

All the movies that are failing were original. That's the problem. No one recognizes them so they don't sell.

>Age of Ultron
>$1.4 billion
You're saying it would've made 2 billion otherwise?

You don't.
Just let it die and burn so that we can rebuild a better industry on top of it.

What's liberal about the movies out right now?

The only thing that's dying is original content. None of the August releases are the typical Hollywood releases. One isn't even from America.

stronger =/= fatter

>drive off white people
>pander for social justice and the YAS SLAY QUEEN crowd
>reboot reboot reboot sequel rehash
>woow what do you mean no one wants to watch reboots of movies? they're just as good as the old ones

I'm pretty sure indie movies are doing fine, why should I care if a Bruce Lee clone movie or some generic foreign animation are withering on the vine?

I'm glad you asked.

Last five movies I saw in the theater:
Baby Driver - 6/10
The Revenant - 7/10
The Witch - 8/10
Sicario - 8/10
The Searchers - 8/10

Remove marxists.

What does this mean?

Get rid of (((their))) influence.

we dont. fuck off and die jews

Independant film practically doesn't even fucking exist anymore, as hollywood manufactured the "indie" genre via fox searchlight, sony pictures classics, paramount vantage, etc, in order to create the "indie" genre to undermine the commercial viability of independent film.

Hollywood dying is great news

i have a hard time believing a fight on PPV has more impact than even the worst Superbowl

what happened in 2001?


No, probably not. Opening weekend was $16 million less than Avengers 1, so, beyond the film not hitting audiences as well, the fight took money away from it. But it's whatever. Whedon cracked under the pressure since it was just him on that project and the studio interference was at its highest during most of phase 2 (outside Winter Soldier and GOTG 1).

kids born in 1999 will be turning 18 by the end of this year, there is however no excuse for not being able to google.

why would that stop people from watching movies?

nigger first of all, many was in shock and didn't feel for it. second, why the hell would you watch movies when your tv is action packed with real life destruction?

why would a hurricane in texas stop me from going to the theatre

fake news



you sure? Last year I saw the Nice guys. It was pretty good. why can't there be more movies like that?

I have a feeling that short independent films are gonna be the new scene in film, less hollywood and more creativity/freedom from execs.

gas the jews

hitman's bodyguard was almost direct to tv trash

the cgi for all the blood and gunshots was hilarious

by forcing the Jews to reinstate the production code or face a real boycott when it will hurt them most

>oh shit guys, there was a major attack on U.S. property by some unknown enemy. This sort of shit hasn't happened since the 40s
>let's go see trash early aughts cinema

They tried Trump-redneck pandering:



hurricanes did that

I-it's just a coincidence goy.

Baby Driver did really well

Being new and fresh isn't the only thing you have to do to sell your movie

>top film
>hitman's bodyguard
Oh lmao, if this is Hollywood's best then they should stop

This. Same reason comic book sales are in the shitter.
>hurr durr I wonder what happens if we insult our largest and most loyal audience?
Their failures bring me joy.

from the theaters first, then from real life

you cant, its oversaturated and the quality has fallen off. there are so many movies youcan get for 4 dollars in that bin at walmart. the film industry is a bubble about to pop.

Thank Christ.

Stop making everything that isn't capeshit a reboot of an 80s/90s property. Make something new for fuck's sake.

By letting it die.
It's too far gone to worth saving.

Too far gone. Comics and film are more about injecting politics into media than about the media itself and it's super obvious to anyone who enjoys either when that's the focus because proper story telling, interesting characters, and novel ideas fall to the wayside for it.

I went to Disney Land like 3 weeks later. There was hardly anyone there. It was awesome.

>53 movies playing nationwide

Jesus Christ! Are there more than 10 playing that are worth in any way seeing

>How do we save the film industry?

By burning it to the ground and starting over without the anti-American Jews.

Some of the better movies I've seen in more recent years weren't blockbusters and didn't have big name actors attached to them.
Hollywood is killing itself. All they would have to do is give more funds to smaller movies and actually market them.

Maybe in web format. Not by hollywood though. At least I wouldn't bet on it.


i can't even find movies i want to download let alone make a night out with. it's $15 bucks to sit in a theater, last time seeing a film in theaters really blew my mind was avatar in 3D

anything even half good is getting 90%+ on rotten tomatoes because people are fucking desperate for anything with even a little depth or slightly decent writing in a sea of awful trash getting 11%, 8%, 9%, it's a boneyard out there.

The truth.

it's incredible that these companies have literally fucking millions, sometimes BILLIONS for their films and yet nobody is arguing down the demanding marketers and focus test people who homogenize everything, sand off edges, dumb shit down wherever they can. Those people need to fuck off. Make a film because you have a good idea and talent, not as a product. when you make a film that's a total product but is still successful, that requires some of the strongest marketers ever like Disney has, hence why their films stay consistently profitable and never have scandals.

it's like nobody else is even fucking trying and just want to use profit-driven systems to keep up with marvel, but they don't know how.

How about trying to make good movies instead of making everything:

a) a reboot
b) part of a multy part saga full of sequels and shit
c) a vehicle for social justice and politics where the sex or race matter more than the technical and artistic values

It´s almost at the point where even pirating the shit is not worth it...


For real.

Stop paying actors so much

They're barely original. Its the same tired old concepts with different faces and quips

100%. I'm glad whites are waking up.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxists Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxists fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:



>a) a reboot
>b) part of a multy part saga full of sequels and shit
Those are still selling great.

It's true. This is what's driving white people away from movies and making them watch boxing matches where black guys beats up white dudes. That's where the real white nationalism is at.

I'm sick of people going on about race shit all the time when it's clearly down to streaming services and no interesting movies coming out.

Those bi-annual parades of oscar-bait "Poor Black people," movies might not be the ultimate source, but they're making it much worse.

by letting it die

9/11 was better than any Hollywood movie.

>making it much worse
Yeah Oscar bait is what's making it worse, not the fact that a lot of movies are now made for Chinese audiences. Who by the way don't care about "poor black movies," which are like 0.000003% of the yearly releases.

How much profit did Moonlight make? I'm curious if you know.

What happened in September 2001?

um why would a terrorist attack make people not want to watch movies? wouldn't it encourage it?



We can't.

Boys play vidya.

Women watch TV and read books.

Men spend all day on the internet becoming Nazis.

Movies exist for Hispanics and Girls.

Even the Chinese can't be counted on anymore, since they are now churning out their own large budget productions.

Hell, Chinese Rambo Vs. American Piggu is beating Spiderman: Diversity at the box office right now.

Don't worry. People Of Color and Obese Feminists will eventually start showing up to all the movies being made for them.


Anyday now.

The scary part is that Google and YouTube and now a host of other services are just shutting down shit. First it's the Nazi faggots, next it will be anything not produced by Disney or Netflix.