Is this shit worth watching?
Is this shit worth watching?
yes, most definitely. you have to labour through the first season, then you can't stop watching until the end.
Yeah sure man.
Visually it was a bit dull, but otherwise it was quite good.
this looks pretty good visually
That's from a special that was made way after the show ended. The actual show's CG is Beast Wars tier.
kek, worse or better than andromeda?
Best show
ive never watched this show when it aired, i was like 8 years old, but i remember the commercials, and now im sad. it looks absolutley terrible to look at now, but i bet if you watched it at the time the graphics wont bug you because its probably a pretty decent show. im just glad i watched farscape when i did, because i cant convince anyone to get passed the first episode nowadays
Deep Space Nine ripoff.
It was made back when micro computers took up a whole building and used punch cards
yes, ds9 is a pretty shitty ripoff of babylon 5
def worth it
Its a brilliant show but if you're a disgusting little 90s born queer don't bother.
>it looks absolutley terrible to look at now
I hate people like you so much.
you cant honestly think it looks in anyway acceptable now do you? thats the biggest problem with cgi, its always getting better and the older stuff looks like shit in comparison, whereas real effects are as good as the money and expertise put into it no matter what year it is
Fuck you I was born in '92 and I think it's one of the best TV shows ever made.