
Redpill me about Montana. Is it worth moving to? Anything to know?

It is an aesthetically pleasing state, with a population much more approachable than Wyoming or the Dakotas. There are lots of outdoor activities and personal freedom is exceptional.

On the bad side is the tepid (but stable) economy and the faggot fucking Californians who spend $250k on five acre lots with a shack on them and proceed to vote "Cuck."

Montana is closed, especially to Californians. Thanks for the inquiry.

From a guy living in wyoming, Montana seems more like southern Canada than northern Wyoming.

No, montana sucks, trust me, you dont want to live here

fuck off

Fuck off

That's because wyoming sucks

It's one of the great states for sure, but gets too cold. As a low-population northern (i.e. white) state it is virtually crimeless.

It ain't what it used to be, sadly.

>MFW Montanafags and Utahfags think they're safe from the Cali cancer

I'm sorry guys.

It's pretty awful. You're better off moving to Canada if you want to go to a northern area. East coast might also be good.

those dumbo ears. kek

Stay out of Montana, that's where I am moving when I retire

Please don't crap it up for me

It's beautiful and full of white people

you can raise an upper crop of dental floss

just jump faggot

>Cali cancer
does this exist outside the internet?

seems like people love to fearmonger this when it comes to these "should i move to x state? i live in y state, is x state better than y state?" threads.

btw most people in california are too poor and/or stupid to contemplate the thought of moving outside their current city, let alone state.

>wildfires, bears, winter, very particular water and land usage rights, sparse economy tied to weather
It's great, except when it's not.

>pygmy pony

I live in MS but I go out to Montana every few years and people absolutely talk about the influx of people from the Pacific coast. Bozeman today is a completely different beast than Bozeman in 1995.

it's more real than the meme lets on, sadly

My wife and I are seriously considering moving to Montana to raise our Aryan son if trump wins.

Yes it does exist. Maybe you don't know if you're not in a western state where Californians frequent, but yes, it fucking exists.

>most people in cali...

those people don't fucking matter. they're not the ones fucking up the rest of the western states. In washington and idaho we literally have californian transplants as mayors and in other positions of government aiming to have refugees brought in. thank god it failed in sandpoint.

when we have a cancerous politician? chances are they're a californian. when ever anyone has a problem with flags being flown, it's a californian (people here fly the confederate flag and nobody gives a shit). you see someone bitching about xenophobia and racism? it's a californian. "oh my god, i've never seen such bigotry in south cal (or whatever retarded fucking phrase she used for southern california).

the only hillary signs i've seen? from a californian who was unsuccessfully trying to hand them out.

we don't hate the californians because of the ones who stay. it's the utter fucking disgusting trash that fuck up the rest of the states that make us all hate california.

I say this as someone who lives on and off between small town in north idaho and northeastern washington. somewhere where you think you wouldn't have to deal with tourists and californians. but no, they still come and shit up even these rural, isolated places.

i have a cousin who move there from east washington. even she's complained about the dumbass californians who travel there to "learn how to be ranchers."

To be fair, there are quite a lot of people from washington and colorado coming to bozeman. Especially with MSU bringing them in.

I wish I could live in Montana so bad
Having a small ranch
A truck loaded with guns
The place looks so fucking comfy, and bonus, I could visit based Ben Garrison, drinking a few beers with him while trashtalking that cuck Moot

Born and raised Montanan here.

Stay out of Montana it's terrible here and you will be eaten by bears.

Especially if you're liberal/from Commiefornia.

Flathead here

They just have to stay indoors when they let the bears out of their cages.

CDA or Scow?


neither. bit more rural.