White """""""""""""""""""""men""""""""""""""""

>white """""""""""""""""""""men""""""""""""""""

u mad, mestizo bois?

also source

they all look latino to me.

me in the middle

Drumpf BTFO!

sucking tranny dick isn't gay at all

why do those grills have wenus?

Alan, you haven't lived until you've smoked some crack and fucked some trannies!


uma delicia

lol everybody in that pic is a man

webm pls


time for Sup Forums threads!


Source you faggot


anyone have any experience with shemale escorts? seriously considering cheating on my gf with one, im not gonna die without tasting dick

Cute girl desu

Gay boi.

Also interest peaked.

But is it kino?

dont do it, not worht it. cum tastes like shit when you suck it out of the trannys asshole. i regret the entire thing



lol fag

u mad, black bois?

I want to get fucked by hung shemale so bad. It's literally my greatest fantasy

The fact that you had this saved an prepared makes you the fag

Why do my slightly off-topic threads get deleted but this stays...

traps ain't gay whiteboi

the absolute state of black bois

God i wish that were me

hahaha, what the fuck is the janitor doing deleting posts but not the thread

Just goes to show even white """men""" can't satisfy themselves and need BBC

>mods delete images of black fags sucking tranny cock
>dont delete op

What did they mean by this?

they are clearly all latinos you retard.


>this is deleted
>thread still up
really makes you think huh

It's a nice and strong thread that should be maintained

janny in the middle


based black janitor

Pls explain the entire thing

this lmao wtf


if dubs this is the worst board on Sup Forums

A new addition for the folder!

this might be the best thread on Sup Forums


>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends

>>he does it for free
He doesn't though
it's pretty clear they're paid by studios for Sup Forums at least now

jannies can't delete threads

now that GoT is over, Sup Forums resumes its regularly scheduled programing

Studios pay hiroshimoot, who wrangles his janis around for free

>be janny
>be black
>get paid in trap porn
wow what a LIFE

Serious question though, is it really that gay to be attracted to this? They look like girls and everyone likes dicks.



Theres literally a child porn thread up right now and has been for 11 minutes when in the last 2 months threads like this and that would be axed within 20 seconds of being made

not the meme cunny spam shit either
actual cp

yeah i've seen that, keep that garbage out of Sup Forums
fucking black bois, when will they learn

Just keep bumping it to show everyone what faggots the janis on this board really are.

they can delete our posts but not our hearts

black boi status = mad as fuck

