Now that game of thrones is over and the HBO/Sup Forums contract is finished until season 8

Now that game of thrones is over and the HBO/Sup Forums contract is finished until season 8

Can we expect moderation to go back to the non existent way it always has been until star wars 8 comes out?

they left as soon as the pickle rick episode aired and the advertising was done though

Autoban anyone who has posted on Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /r9k/ during the last 48 hours
Autoban phoneposters

>Autoban phoneposters

Ban all the GoT generals and only leave one. Same for shitpeaks.

And those fucking sneedfags

There goes 95% of the board.
You might as well add upvotes and downvotes while you're at it.

Trump won. Keep crying like a little bitch sweetie. 8 years.

Keep the blacked and pedo threads, delete any substantial discussion of actual movies. Thats what I think should happen

they're the same people
they airplane mode to make it look like more people are spamming threads

how are there STILL people who think bans do anything?

Good, slow boards have always been better with the exception of Sup Forums

unironically this

There's definitely some truth to that.
And to the phoneposting thing as well. I don't think I've ever made a single good post anywhere on this website using my phone whereas at home I rarely ever shitpost.

Did he?
ot even 1 year and he is already the worse president in the history of americlapistan

the alternative would be another win for the policy of displacing whites in their own country and funneling tax dollars to shit third world countries

Can we ban disney star wars discussions before they begin?

>Autoban phoneposters

But what if I'm waiting for my old bay wings in the parking lot and I think of something I want to say?

should've gone to chipotle

>actual child porn left up for more than 5 minutes
100% proof that they're only paid to be here for game of thrones


spotted the newfag
mobileposters do need killed though
they contribute nothing content wise

stay mad

They don't do anything when you're on a mobile network , but banning people on their home ip is going to just make it harder for them to evade
since most of these mongs are retarded enough to not know how to change it from pc

Oh and they seem to handout range bans like candy to get people to buy passes too so there's another reason to not shitpost as much

getting mad about a forced meme only makes it spread
anyone who's been on this site long enough knows that's pretty much axiomatic


We should be permitted to discuss Actress' bodies as they are essential, artistic tools used in their performances on television and also within film. Ignore the Footsexual community at your peril, anons.

Sneedposting makes me fucking furious
