Can we consider Al-Qaeda as the GOAT terrorists? No terrorist group will top this

Can we consider Al-Qaeda as the GOAT terrorists? No terrorist group will top this.

Yes, I think we can consider the malformed arm of the CIA as the best terrorist group.

ISIS will bomb the Washington Memorial on July 23, 2017. The bomber will be a black muslim

You are correct.


highscore will be beaten someday


What is the Black hand?

Tell your cousins in Pakistan I said sup shitskin.

Thank you for your input, user! Would you like to share any more information that, say, an FBI operative might be interested in? ;)

It's definitely historic in terms of the number of casualties as well as the viscerally terrifying way they killed their victims.

Seriously, with nations like Pakistan or north Korea having nukes you would think some big shot terrorists would finally get one. Now that would be a happening to remember.

Just think for a second, how many times have an alphabet soup agency or Mossad prevented such a thing

Mossad is pretty vindictive when it comes to killing terrorists.

Too many times I'm afraid.

By "prevented" do you mean "caused"?

Really? I don't remember seeing any nuclear strikes

holy shit canada, we've firestormed, nuked, irradicated, shot nations the fuck up and necked their leaders. rest of the world are you even trying

Every single post-IX/XI terror case that got good legal representation was thrown out as hilariously clumsy entrapment.

>No terrorist group will top this

Yes they will.

There will be a dirty bomb or a nuke in Europe or Canada. Basically any nation that's been soft on Islam and welcoming to so called "refugees"

I knew the CIA was involved right away.. because I was a day-trader at the time. The stock market got crazy with several stocks right before the attack... and being a day trader, I know hedge funds are pretty good at predicting things, but this was only a few groups buying outrageous amounts of stock options on the airlines involved, insurance companies, banks etc.... so I looked up exactly who did the buying of the options because I knew (or thought) that these people were going to be in a lot of trouble, not for being involved, but for inside trading.... well, when I looked up who was involved, and at their backgrounds, they were all ex-CIA and not one thing was done to them. They literally did a hundred times more than an average joe going to jail for 20 years for insider trading, and NOTHING was done to them. It's because the CIA was co pretzels involved with 9/11

the establishment of a proto-state by ISIS is by far the most crazy thing any islamist group has pulled off

Dear United States war machine, Here is some carte blanche to begin using all your weapons and devices against the oil rich nations. Love, Osama.

Once again the Australian is the only one talking sense

delete this

Isis is stronger than al Qaeda. One good attack doesn't mean they're the best in the world.

Canada only accepts women, children and families. The Canadian government also does background checks on every immigrant that arrives and subsequent check ups.

In the USA, any random mexican can walk over the border and become a citizen. In most southern states, hispanics are the majority population under 18. This isn't from legal immigration.

We're not the ones with a problem.

It wasn't terrorism, it was self defence against treasonous American criminals.