Whelp it's not funny anymore

whelp it's not funny anymore


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that episode was amazing fuck you

This episode actually was funny though. That being said this whole season has been a fucking flaming piece of garbage (episode 1 was good though)

Unironically the best episod of the season, but i would not blame anyone for dropping. This show is definitely on the downswing

That was a good episode. Non-toxic Morty should be all of you NEETs' goal

but there were no jokes

a lot of buildup and it went nowhere

Why can't they decide if he actually cares about Morty or not?
Just drop the point instead of being inconsistent fuckwits

Non-toxic Morty at dinner with the girl was unironically one of the funniest sequences this show has had yet

>"God isn't real" mentioned at least 5 times in one episode

The classic show is back.