>Have been hyped for season finale and boat sex all season >roastie gf who doesnt watch the show tells me "user come watch the show at my place itll be fun!" >I tell her its a bad idea, i get very emotional and focused when watching GOT, i should watch it alone >"No user, come watch it at my place, itll be fun, I have HBO ;_;" >Dumb bitch starts kissing me and making out with me at literally 8.45 >have sex, end up fucking until 10 >"Whatever" I say, Lets just watch in HBOGo >Every scene she asks for an explanation for the background of every character >"Why is Jon Snow king but also pledged allegiance to a different queen?" >"How many kingdoms are there? >Im patient, so I explain to her a quick rundown about Roberts Rebellion and each House >Literally she is only aware of Dragon Queen and Jon Snow and keeps asking me annoying questions all episode >She didnt even make snacks, when i told her lets eat something while watching, she suggested we order a pizza. Lazy cunt didnt even prepare snacks >"Who is this?" "Who is that?" "What happened to the 3rd dragon?" >After Arya killed LF, she asks "Why did they kill him, I thought he was friends with redhead?" Even though the scene literally spoonfed why they killed him >I had to explain Bran's flashback, she was so confused about who Jon Snows parents, she had no idea the magnitude of the reveal >she jumped up and fast-forwarded the boat sex scene because she knows I find Dany sexy and she gets jealous
Im unironically so mad I might dump her,I dont think I can love her after this.She literally fucking ruined an episode where things ive been waiting for years for finally happened. Has anyone else had an experience like this?
Justin Davis
Fuck it, I'm biting. Stop masturbating, stop coming here, and go enjoy your girlfriend. Things you enjoy are best enjoyed alone, or at least without women. Also, kill yourself you insufferable faggot
Adrian Reyes
this is 100% not bait my friend. im literally laying in bed literally seething at all this. Im so pissed. dumb cunt even had the audacity to get defensive when I told her i will explain after the episode ends
John Perry
well dump her if you don't like her, but it's legit your fault for allowing such a situation.
James Wright
i like her, its not that i dont like her, but the issue is shes a very sweet, naive and aloof person. I dont think she even realized how annoying she was being. she said she wanted to know more about the show because she knows its important to me. Its my fault for even letting her talk me into watching it at her place
Colton Carter
What a dumb fucking bimbo. This is the kinda chick you pump and dump, not get in a relationship. Downgrade her to a booty call, if that's not an option fuck get one last time and dump the stupid cunt.
Jayden Ramirez
>I find Dany sexy You broke my suspension of disbelief there.
Asher Cruz
>There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that act like this Seriously you can watch the show some other time you fucking faggot. What kind of autist are you that you ignore your gf for a fucking show. You should dump her because you obviosuly don't understand how to maintain a human connection. Neck yourself
Adrian Cook
>He enjoys GoT How fucking blinded are you that the TV show hasn't ruined the TV show for you. And breaking up with your girlfriend for this is fucking stupid. I hope this shit is bait and people like you really don't exist
Owen Morris
you really should've just not gone to see it at her place. you knew you'd get emotional about this show and now you're risking tanking a relationship over giving in to watching a season finale of a show with someone who has never seen it.