Russian happening?

I need a Russian bro that could translate the most important bits of this article.

Other urls found in this thread:


Russia is bucking the currency cartel.
We're fucked.

Russia is bucking the currency cartel. WWIII incoming.


google translate works pretty well

I have AK47 Argilli

they look like tech support of the RAF

Russian ministries and bank will undergo a drill / verification on their ability to operate during a state of war.

Massive drills and checks happening on the south-west part of the country, also monetary and banking systems being checked to work during wartime network blackout.
Cant confirm any of this, though.

Something about Putin ordering the big banks to run wartime drills - to prepare them to function in case of war.

m8, use google translate, this article is not that complex.

In short:
Military field training for Ministries of Communications and Finances, Bank of Russia, Reserve fund.

Slight possibility that we are preparing in advance for some sort of medium-low to medium magnitude happening. And not on our territory.

Source article says that all because of situation in Ukraine.

That camo tho. Looks cool but probably does very little to break up your siluette

What is the happenings possibility of turning into a larger happening?

Or like a HAPPENING...

>3! anti-Russian thread now on Sup Forums and in archive today




>very strange drills


Why would anyone be anti Russi?. It's one of the most based countries.

Just saw in our news that there is reservist mobilisation also, can confirm?

I thought serbs are too poor to take a vacation in Belgium.

Yes, according to news on site of Ministry of Defence

but nothing special here, happens every time, it's very limited mobilization.

There is nothing worse than a Russian insulting a Serb.

Countries around the world are preparing for the economic collapse coming in Sept.

Although it isn't set in stone, there is a potential on Sept. 27th for a massive economic collapse to occur.

Random question here. Why is it that Russians love cats so much? I've never seen a nation show so much love and respect towards them like you guys do.

We are pretty poor but not that poor. I've visited a lot of European countries myself and know a lot of people who've traveled too.

It was a bad joke, don't upset.

Cats are cute, warm and soft, aren't they? See nothing wrong to like cats.

japan has actual cat shrines

Only good people love and adore animals
Russians are good people

Who is that?

That's not what we think of you.

Ok good. It's just something I've always noticed with you people. Keep it up. God bless Russia.

Fuck them, they treat other animals like utter shit.

Why the fuck you guys ask "who is that" every time when I post her photo on Sup Forums?

Alexandra Gaier

>The domestic cat is a revered animal in Islam. Admired for its cleanliness as well as for being loved by the Islamic prophet Muhammad, the cat is considered "the quintessential pet" by Muslims.
Cats are halal.

Oh look it's the CAPS LOCK CAMBODIAN


Probably to defend the breakaway regions of Ukraine if Ukraine wants it back

I figure .RU wants all of Ukraine back in the end, though

Lots of people online talking about how Ukraine isn't a country and they're just Russians

Nah, fuck them too they treat dogs horribly. Even in my country. I've actually also taken in 3 cats from Muslim neighbours who didn't care for them at all.

Only sunni muslims... Shia prophet said you can have dogs but cats are still more desired.

It means I should pack and be able to move out of the city to my rural base on short notice
> essentials already packed, car fueled at all time.

Key point:
Taкжe бyдeт пpoвoдитьcя пpизыв гpaждaн из зaпaca, пocтaвкa aвтoмoбильнoй тeхники и фopмиpoвaниe вoинcких чacтeй тeppитopиaльнoй oбopoны в Южнoм, Цeнтpaльнoм вoeнных oкpyгaх и нa Ceвepнoм флoтe.

Reserves called to duty...

I'm just happy that Mexico is just a neutral country that will only enter a war if attacked, if we are, then all the 18+ people are up for military training

>reservist mobilisation
It happens like 2 times a year.

Thanks my Shia friend.

... фopмиpoвaниe вoинcких чacтeй тeppитopиaльнoй oбopoны в Южнoм, Цeнтpaльнoм вoeнных oкpyгaх и нa Ceвepнoм флoтe.

Happens 2 times a year?

>пpизыв гpaждaн из зaпaca
I'm 26 and I was 3 times on such events since demobilization in 2010

yes, it's very limited mobilization.

holy shit just fucking bomb my house already, holy fucking shit something happen already, please nuke my fucking house, incinerate me. kill me holy shit, all this fucking foreplay, i just wanna get fucked already, i got the worst case of blue balls, start ww3 already holy fucking shit you retards. its like fucking DBZ, takes like 3 seasons just to fire a couple fucking bullets, speed this fucking shit up already you ugly goons. i cant fucking take it any longer, everyone knows its coming, no one is preparing, just fucking start it already. blue balls is 100x worse than this bullshit


Careful what you wish for.


He also said that lions, otters, heard animal, tigers and oxen do not need to be killed but are not to be eaten as this is not halal. but halal being in the traditional sense, of something that should not be consumed by people because it cannot be stored properly and the animals body will rot.


People get ready

A (fema) train coming...

who is that?


Post your currency with ID.
I'm really curious how Cambodian money look like

>meanwhile in Lugansk

Is this sign from God himself?

"it" will never happen, because poo tin and his buttbuddies are just puppets of the zionist world order.

Elaborate. I believe they don't technically use these in combat. It's sort of casual military clothes.