/got/ Game of Thrones General

bobbyfags have never been so blown the fuck out edition

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Why didn't they name him Gon Snow instead of Jon Snow? I don't get it.

Jon's parents are cunts.

reminder every hot GoT watcher online right now is DYING over kit harington's perfectly shaped ass

make sure you do your RDLs lads. develop that posterior chain for maximum pants filling and thrusting power

What the fuck is Theon going to fucking do with his two row boats?


I thought Cersei was gonna have a miscarriage

Probably more than Yara ever managed

it is now a double sided meme every time a bobbyposter shitposts.

it's like the cucks coming out identifying themselves.

Will a man return?



>bobbyposting cucked out of existence
Divine justice

Who gets BTFO by a Baratheon in turn

It's like pottery

pfft Littlefinger hahahahahah

LF and Stannis...

Two best and most interesting characters in the series

Both killed in throwaway scenes by stronk females

Who did Djew&Djew hate more?

Did anybody else notice how FAST that dragon was?

1st for Qyburn being upset because he wanted to use this to jerk off

what kind of name is eggon

Literally the worst season ever.

Worse than Dorne.

Why didn't the night king just build a boat, sail around the wall and attack a village and build a new army from that

>bran suddenly choosing a side when its convenient to whatever bullshit DnD is trying to do
yeah, just forget about that time Littlefinger literally warned Ned he was going to die

What happens if we feed him the Night King?

>you stand accused of murder
>you stand accused of treason
>how do you answer these charges.......Lord Baelish

my literal face when

He killed himself last season

Strong Belwas!!

>getting kicked in the groin doesn't hurt if you have no nuts
Why? Even if you didn't have balls anymore, it would still hurt as much if you got kicked anywhere else on your body.

Who did Bobbyposting first?

/got/ or r/freefolk?

I'm confused

Do you think after the meeting he went down to his chambers and beat the shit out of his dick imagining getting gangbanged by all the skellies and wights while the Mountain watches?

did he really? I must have missed that...

it's not as dramatic or cool as using a dragon to burn down the wall

i do wonder what his plan was before that though

euron is the true rusemaster

>He loved her
>And she loved him

yeah NK gave the dragon super saiyan blue mods
OP pls nerf

>naming your son after your son
Why though? Now we are gonna get big Aegon and little Aegon

Why didn't he tell his sisters about that shit earlier? Or did that happen offscreen and we were supposed to believe that everything Sansa and Arya were doing, even in private, was a show for Littlefinger?

>Red priest Hound and Jammy vs zombie Mountain and Cersi

If they leave this on a cliff hanger or an off camera battle I'll riot.

did he?


/got/ of course

I was there for the WHOOOOORES conception

Ye but far less than with balls
t trap

Just remember we have 7 more episodes of this shit

The nerve endings in his groin are nonexistent now dumbass

reminder elia and her children died because robert hated every targaryen and got tywin to do his bidding, which meant slaughtering infants to secure his claim.
robert reveled in the sight of their mangled corpses wrapped in lannister cloak and barristan knew it

Why did Rhaegar and Lyanna ruse their own families to their deaths?

well big aegon is dead so that solves one problem.

>euron travels all over the world
>the wight was the most terrifying thing he's ever seen
>but not the dragon that just showed up 2 minutes earlier

Not for another 2 years

That was such an obvious meme inclusion.

>hurr gotta set up the cleganebowl even though the entire point of my character is putting revenge aside!

>friends favorite character is littlefinger
>the faggot that betrayed ned all those seasons ago
>finally dies and get to see my friend autistically screech about how the episode was shit
>meanwhile my favorite character uncucks himself from his sister and rides north to save mankind

top tier episode lads t b h

Wait so Rhaegar had TWO SONS named Aegon??

r/Freefolk did.

/got/ just stole all the fun

only 6

It's not that it isn't painless.
It is that getting his dick chopped off represents some of the worst torture he has gone through, the entire process of becoming Reek started when taking his dick off broke him.
Taking all that abuse is symbolizing the torture he goes through again and again and always runs away.
Being hit in the crotch, while still painful brings it to the furthest point its ever been without him giving up, and then he continues.
The true pain isn't there anymore, just a distant ache.
He won't back down again.

Wtf he's handsome.

I'd suck his dick and swallow his seed, no homo.

No, who said that?

>Euron bringing the golden company

Maybe it will be a problem

and give up all the pokemon he caught? It's a pretty fuck huge army that he'd be giving up, for a few shitty villagers

>Game of Thrones doesn't have a main protagonist they said
>they will be no clear winner they said

Does anyone understand what the hell was happening at the beginning where Jamie and Bronn were watching the unsullied march on a stronghold, then suddenly they were both somewhere else and nothing ever came of it? So confused.

Can somebody explaine me please the harenhole off the table meme?

Yeah once he drinks poison because arya took the wrong life from the many face god

Remember when this show used to be good?


Does anyone have 1080 MEGA link?

My fucking man. I hope it's Jaime who cuts that cunt down.





Why didn't Lyanna just tell her dad that she wasn't Rhaegar's prisoner, so the Starks wouldn't have gotten burnt to death by Aerys?

So was Viserys actor, and Danaerys actress was beautiful

They intentionally make Targs look like shit, it's a subtle way to make the audience hate them

Harrenhall was put on the table, and then taken off the table. Littlefinger is perturbed by this changing of the table.


Writing is getting sloppy- however he was lying

people have done way stupider shit for love

look up the Trojan War, a great empire destroyed, all for Helen's pussy

BUT he was just PRETENDING to be retarded...
he gets Cersei the Golden Company.

Luwin Lannister.

Idk I thought it was pretty hot but it was a bit brief

There was literally a scene last season showing it to be still Gregor Clegane's head. Man you are dumb.

For all the trannies and POC that watch now

He had a son with Ellia named Aegon, who was killed by the Mountain. He then had another son with Lyanna which he also named Aegon, who is Jon Snow.

That's a 3 million sex scene bud.

At this point i think Sandor sees cleganebowl as an act of mercy.

Do Targs have silver pubic hair?

Oh that's incredibly deep, which is why I'm sure it wasn't at all what the writers intended. The music cutting out is an indication the audience that it is a comedy scene, highlighted by the cut to Theon's grin.

We were supposed to laugh at the victim of abuse getting kicked in the crotch.

>Jaime will never be on the iron throne

That was the biggest lazy shit writing i have seen on this piece of shit show. Fuck, this garbage made me cringe.

t, Lyanna

they were preparing for the inevitable of the dothraki and unsullied attacking.

it wasn't a march, it was a demonstration of power.

I think Rhaegar and Lyanna's (maybe less so Lyanna) stance was that the whole prophecy and making sure Westeros had its savior in time for winter was bigger than everything, including thrones and houses and loyalties. They just went about bringing it to fruition really stupidly.

>not liking CIA man AND Jaime

Im pretty sure that was the unsullied and Dothraki arriving at KL

How the unsullied got off Casterly Rock is beyond me

>Look up a fictional war to justify stupidity
I guess if got goes to cartoons for logic that's cool too then eh ?

What if the Night King finds Stannis corpse and resurrects him?

how hyped was Sup Forums when clegane bowl was confirmed? anyone ss reactions?

Jaime said a few episodes ago, they literally marched cross-country from Casterly Rock to King's Landing

They filmed more but it was so badly acted we never got to see it.

Just imagine, hours and hours of shooting that sex scene. Hours of footage. And the best they could pull from it managed to fill 30 seconds.

so is season 8 going to be just the war with the walkers?


I just want the Hound and Arya to get married and have kids. Fuck everyon else and their retarded incestous shipfaggotry.

literally every good character is now dead

no show till 2019

fuck this shit.

They didn't expect Rhaegar's daddy to start killing off lords like a huge retard

How can there be 2 sarah connors in the same place at once without causing a paradox?

>Littlefinger actually died like a bitch