Do you believe in love, Sup Forums?
Will you ever find a girl that's never sent nudes to anyone, had a previous relationship, is completely loyal to you, is a virgin, etc? I don't believe it's out there.
Do you believe in love, Sup Forums?
Will you ever find a girl that's never sent nudes to anyone, had a previous relationship, is completely loyal to you, is a virgin, etc? I don't believe it's out there.
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is the concept of love completely retarded?
most girls just want to get laid. will you ever have somebody that only truly wants you?
Past a certain age most girls will have a history. It's very doable though.
I got myself a virgin and I love her. Amazing girl.
>Past a certain age most girls will have a history.
yeah this shit sucks.
>actually love a girl
>she sent nudes to 1 guy from a internet relationship
>take her virginity etc
>fall in love
>she dumps me, turns into a drunk whore
>just tries to hook up with everyone now
she just sends nudes to random faggots now. makes me want to die. everyone woman just grows up to be a whore i guess
>Do you believe in love, Sup Forums?
>do you believe in pure virgins?
>Will you ever find a girl that's never sent nudes to anyone, had a previous relationship, is completely loyal to you, is a virgin, etc? I don't believe it's out there.
Yes but keep in mind that if by twenty a girl never had some sort of relations with men then it's almost a red flag too
I have.
Been together for 5 years so far, we are getting married next year.
Anglo offspring incoming within the next 5 the years.
Isn't that the same for guys?
what does this question matte to a virgin like me
Feels bad man
> never sent nudes to anyone, had a previous relationship, is completely loyal to you, is a virgin, etc?
> will you ever have somebody that only truly wants you?
Had to racemix. Not sure if it's possible to find a white girl like this anymore.
It's real
I believe that romance and sex with a woman makes life good, yet it is not the revolving point around which it turns.
Love and sexual relationships are for animals. The only reason you want any of that is because of your primal instincts to breed.
So would you rather continue to give in and live like a animal, or suppress your desires and become ascended?
The concept of love is cheap.
Love is cheaper than having a stable job, a home, a car, a company and protein rich meal.
Love is an invention of men to fuck dumb women.
If you know how to use love.
You get access to vagina just by using words and touch.
Dating, long term relationship and marriage. Is paying premium for access to vagina.
The next best option is prostitutes for poor fags and middle class.
The same reason why prostitution is a blooming business.
Love doesn't exist but women don't know that. Use it against them.
I don't believe in it either, but i am pretty much socially retarded and my EQ is very low.
I already did but I broke up with her. Anons who've had an ultra clingy girl will know why.
>Do you believe in love, Sup Forums?
>Will you ever find a girl that's never sent nudes to anyone, had a previous relationship, is completely loyal to you, is a virgin, etc?
Why the fuck would anyone on Sup Forums, a site featuring such boards as and once upon a time Sup Forums, feel entitled to a relationship with a pure virgin?
this pic does make me feel "love" in as much as I understand it lately.
that ass is so perfect. it's not just like lust anymore for me, I mean, that ass is a good thing. it's wonderful. I love it.
touching a woman doesn't have to be lustful or dirty, it can be really warm and just good.
I'd rather find a girl that fucks other men and tells me about it.
So a man's only hope at love and monogamy are to date someone that believes in a god or gods?
Sign me up for the lobotomy now so I can get on her level ahead of time.
bring back child marriage.
there, i solved the women problem. prove me wrong.
Wow dude that is one sick post!
That's why I'm in Japan. I tried race mixing in the states, but it's the culture before the race that really fucks women over into being useless.
>Do you believe in love
Love is an abstract concept. It's a mix of brain chemicals, pheromones, naivety, and lust.
You don't believe in love, you experience it.
>Isn't that the same for guys?
Tits or GTFO.
Truly the brightest minds of Sup Forums.. no of the world.
Great job guys. Quality posts.
Top notch 100%
>Do you believe in love, Sup Forums?
I don't know. Maybe.
>Will you ever find a girl that's never sent nudes to anyone, had a previous relationship, is completely loyal to you, is a virgin, etc?
I did. I let her slip through my fingers, though, and now she's getting married in a few weeks.
While you're at it, don't masturbate like monkeys do and be even more ascendant. Hey, let's cut out drugs, alcohol, prostitution, video games, board games, and hell, let's cut out reading for leisure while we're at it - because yay, a stupid fucking label to limit growth and enjoyment because of hypothesized benefits.
I could date a qt virgin but she is 8 years younger and 18.. Degenerate or not pol/?
>8 years younger
That just sounds so absolutely horrible, Bruce.
>Hot slut, great body comes on to me.
>We fuck.
>She breakes up because I'm not a badboy.
>See her on facebook 5 years later.
>See she has a brown child, have had 5 or more previous boyfriends, isn't with the father but a random nigger.
>See her randomly in the city.
>She's fat, ugly and with yet another guy.
>Checked her facebook now. She's enganged, doesn't say with who.
I see where you are coming from. But it devalues both parties if it's not just you touching only her ass and you both want it like that for as long as possible.
Before I started to give a fuck I got loads of hot bitches by letting those feelings you reference blossom. But I did it with more than one partner. You can literally fuck your feelings away because if something happens, fuck it. Just go get your fix from another sloot and not learn a thing relationshipwise
What the fuck does love even mean? It'll never happen for me. I'll never even have sex.
Of course you'll find girls that meet that criteria: Ugly, fat chicks.
If you're happy with them, then more power to you. Personally, I'll stick to attractive girls who actually know how to fuck and not just lay there like a bunch of wet spanners.
sounds like a perfect match! Just be a good role model and grant her a place under your privilige umbrella!
>Do you believe in love, Sup Forums?
I do, but I'm pragmatic about it and I understand that it's one part biochemical and one part transactional.
This. I met a really nice evangelical girl recently. Devout Christian, classical piano player, beautiful and articulate.
Nah you're good mate. Go for it.
Too old
She is qt for her age, I like 22-24.. But she is a best white girl I know
Maybe, Sven, maybe
I believe in that. Otherwise, it (love) is not worth it.