Zawaski: The Polish Accountant edition
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>Coop gets on the plane
>Who's flying this thing?
>Jade comes out of the cockpit
>Jade gives 3 rides, sugar
watched this scene like 8 times already and it's still good lol
Bald accountant is the hero we deserve.
People are under a lot of stress, Bradley!
They earned this moment.
What was his endgame?
As far as I remember from the Secret History, Pete got killed in that bank explosion.
But who knows Lynch's ways.
Already ready to marathon all 18 hours. Probably going to split it up between two days tho
This episode was BOSS
jesus christ I came so much I filled 7 buckets, and I also cried!
the white room in the last scene was fucking incredible i got goosebumps and started clapping.
lyyyyynch! luv u so much.
Never understood such fags
Real human bean and a real hero!
Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during Part 16 of Twin Peaks. It confirms Audrey Horne never gets her mind back. (Pic is an unrelated shot of Special Agent Dale Cooper driving)
>"David, how do you want this done?"
>"crop a the sides of Diane's shoulders and then shake em' round a little with the mouse"
>"o-ok David"
They need to invent a new word to describe it because "kino" is not enough.
Why is all the stuff taking place in Las Vegas so fucking wholesome?
>Dougie Jones
>Mitchum Brothers
>Thank you Mr. Jackpots!
>Cooper returns
Las Vegas of all fucking places is the purest place on Earth. The only downside is, what, Ike the Spike and some assassins who got DESTROYED by a based Pole?
>that look on janey-e
she was soaking wet
>(Laughs in Fusco)
The composition of this shot, the lighting, curtains and general atmosphere is so much like the original show, I can't think of a better way to go out before giving us the grand finale.
Also the backwards music was so eerie, something is going on, some metaphysical fuckery.
for comedy sake, a great contrast to dougie's innocence personality
I wish they had gotten a slightly more proper send off, but I'm happy if that was their last scene.
I got fucking lynched hard by that last shot with Audrey in the mirror.
Booper called called Richard his son so that means at some point he fucked Audrey. I don't even think it had to have been rape because Audrey always wanted to fuck him and he could have done it pretty easily.
So I'm guessing either Boop locked her up or she escaped/was rescued and taken to the white lodge. Does this mean the Billy plotline isn't real? Audrey and the very tall dwarf havent been seen or mentioned by anyone else in the plot suggesting that they're not actually in twin peaks
>Also the backwards music was so eerie, something is going on, some metaphysical fuckery.
audrey's inside the lodge
>wake up (eastern-yuropoor and neet)
>remember episode 16
I still can't believe how good last night's episode was.
Was this the best episode so far? Yes.
we'll just have to wait and find out next week c: honestly I thought she just died in the bank explosion
So it has to be more, right? They'll make a movie or something.
is the season good? I dropped it 2 episodes in because it felt like they were using footage that didn't matter.
This episode brings happiness to depressed people.
I had a feeling some form of her was raped. I didn't expect her to be a tulpa, so where is the real Dianne? Or was she always one
>the Mitchum's coming to the hospital and the heart of gold line.
I love the entire vegas cast, they're all incredibly charming.
Just watch it.
I move car.
>so where is the real Dianne
In Sheriff's Department, she told it herself
So most of what was talked about in here was confirmed to be true, really. 2 months ago I didn't really believe all the stuff about audrey or diane. And there it is. I think the only stupid meme that persevered was vedderfaggots.
No, if you couldn't take two episodes of it you wouldn't take the whole season. Everything has a good pay off though.
Oh! I missed that. Also sorry for being a pleb, seems I have forgotten how to spoiler on this site.
>Watching Twin Peaks with my roommate and his girlfriend who also love the show but don't know about Sup Forums
>Cooper wakes up
>Instinctively say "Fuck yes fuck you Eddie Vedder get fucking fucked"
>Roommates faces when
Dr Jacoby, I'm FBI
it wasn't unenjoyable or anything it just didn't hook me
>"Isn't it great what we can do with these computers now?"
>"y-yeah, David"
But all in all, an amazing episode. I nearly cried when happened.
That Audrey might not have been real in the first place. I always found it weird how she teleport there/ended up there.
>Average photoshop on a still image with mspaint smoke effects.
Seriously the orb is literally a jpg that they dragged across the screen
The way Dianne teleported reminded me of Phillip
Does this mean Jeffries was also a tulpa?
I'll never forget them. The LV storyline has been the best part of season 3, it warms me to my very core. What a beautiful send off that was to it.
Teleported where? She just walked in and chained herself to the wall. And then she was in a coma. There's no fucked up timeline
You cannot dispute anything in this post.
Is Richard confirmed 100% dead or did he teleport to the Lodge? I need to rewatch the scene later, but iirc his body started flickering and disappeared, right?
Her dance was beautiful. First Naido and now this - this show gave me a fetish for women old enough to be my mother.
nigga he dead
He's probably dead. If he were in the lodge Lynch would have probably shown it.
If you haven't gotten it yet, that's kind of David's style. He's very analogue. It looked great imo.
>i personally don't like it
no i guess not
I am 100% certain there are more scenes with Richard coming.
He can be dead and be in the lodge just like Ray was
Obviously, the real Jeffries is a teapot
I know I'm late as fuck to the party here but VEDDER POSTERS ABSOLUTELY BTFO
>only 1 week left
How am i supposed to continue living after this? This series and the /tpg/ threads made me feel alive.
Ray had the special ring on though.
But he wasn't a teapot at the time?
>i dont like it but ill write an essay talking about it
Hey guys, I worked with Lynch on this episode. AMA. Pic related.
We don't know that
It disappeared from the bottom up but then his head turned to ashes and fell to the ground which is an effect we haven't seen before. So who knows.
If you watch the scene there's a big fucking hole in the rock right where richard stands before getting shocked, but he doesn't fall in.until after he gets shocked
I know how you feel. How is anything ever going to come close to this show?
How does it feel to be L Y N C H E D
Talks of more Twin Peaks doesn't start until after the finale airs. I mean, I wouldn't count on it, but there is a minuscule chance that there could be more.
I wonder if it's deliberate that they made twin peaks seem seedy and urban this season, and las vegas warm and small-towny
Don't know, user. Twin Peaks has been what has kept me going the past 16 weeks, I'm so fucking sad it's about to be over. But I'm also overwhelming thankful for what we've gotten, what a glorious ride it has been.
LV miniseries plz
He visited Audrey when she was in the coma. Probably fucked her then
We don't know yet. But he had so much screentime that I really doubt he's just going to die like that. Plus, he was mentioned by Giant in the first scene of Episode 1.
If it turns out to be nothing, I'll be thoroughly dissappointed.
It seems to me like one of the themes of this episode is just how fucking evil Mr.C is. He raped Diane (and probably Audrey too), and then killed his own son and didn't give a single fuck. But I could be wrong.
To be fair Evil Coop is literally the evil version of Cooper and he did sigh when Richard died which is the closest a doppleganger can probably get to experiencing emotion.
Zawaski as the main character.
I feel you
: - ) ALL
How sad that even retarded Coop was a more present father than real Dougie ever was.
Speaking of which, we still haven't met a Linda have we? The Giant mentions Richard and Linda in Return Part 1. He also mentions two numbers, 430 and 253. 253 is definitely the time (2:53) that Frank, Andy, Bobby, and Hawk needed to be at Jack Rabbit's Palace. But I don't think 430 has come up yet?