He has a point you know

He has a point you know..

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dubs confirm. Sup Forums btfo by based dobson

Where's the joke, Dobsone?

can we get more cringy comics from this little shit? hate is a poison that feels so good

double confirmed

why is this art so fucking hideous and ugly

I mean straight cis white male, is objectively the superior form of human. This is a fact.


>assuming the doctor is cis

The dostor doesn't have a sexuality

But it is forcing when originally it wasn't the case. That's the definition of it. It's not about the numbers, it's about the pretty balatant fucking changes. But that's not it, nobody hates FemThor because she's female. They hate her because the writing is dogshit, the art sub-par and has her doing SUPER AMAZING SHIT like kicking Odin's ass and hunting down all versions of Thor and killing him because... reasons? Super cancer I think?

Why did Cho manage to cure Bruce Banner of Hulkism when the canon smartest man on Earth, if not the universe, Mr Fantastic, couldn't do it? Or the other super smart people, like Pymm or whatever? It was an asspull.

People don't hate women or gays or whatever, they hate genderswaps, raceswaps and sexualityswaps for no other reason than because. But, again, this could all be forgiven or ignored IF THE COMICS WERE FUCKING GOOD.

he's a fucking moron and you know he's a moron.

>Puts an asterix at the bottom, it doesn't link to anything

If Dobson were an artist he would understand that artists can create whatever the fuck they want/envision and not be controlled by little shits who think they should be tools of whatever ideology is cool at that moment in time.

People confuse capitalism with racism

>40 out of 104
>comically low
>graph shows 25%
This fucking retard



Because i said so

Look throughout history and you'll see.

>Forgetting the best Doctor

Dobson is the joke

Yet most of those 40 characters are unneccessary racewashes of long established characters, instead of new ones. I guess the progressives have little faith on ethnic superheroes standing their own. Kinda like how Dobson is a fat, ugly slob and needs a "cutesy" bear to be his mouthpiece.

everyone wants to be one or have one

that pie chart is definitely not 40~ percent

And if they can't: destroy them.

It's 30% at most.

>white people literally invent a medium
>white people work on the medium

omg make it for me! also let me live with you! and do things for me! also change these laws to give me an advantage over you because I find the things you do hard!

not white but romans genetically speaking, everyone is a roman rape baby
even Genghis khan is a roman rape baby
when the arabs raped the romans it was actually incest by that point

Great arguments guys, you're definitely making ground on that agenda of yours

At least this faggot says what he means Racism's for dumb people
Act or shut the fuck up about it you keyboard warriors

literally mad because not part of the master race

I'm fascinated by how cults work, I would love to actually understand one day how people get so completely consumed by something like this.

I'm human tho
Apex predator life can fuck ur skull with my dick if i get the jump on u, steal ur job, burn ur house down etc


the reason why Christians hate homosexuality is because the Romans would just bugger you when they felt a sexual emergency

Dr Who sucks anyway, outstayed its welcome 20 years ago. Let the fans that are more pretentious and fedora milady than Star Trek fans REEEEEE over this I don't care.

Non-white and female characters are not the issue.
The issue is when you take a character who was white and male and flip it so he is no longer not.
It is pandering and it is cheap and it is geared towards and audience who does not even buy comics and has alienated its audience who does.
Write original characters who aren't white or male and if they're as good as their competition then good. People would rather see more of that.

>I reject that tradition
>I acknowledge there's a reason, but fuck you
What an argument

Romans would pretty much fuck everything. They didn't see it particularly negatively. There's records of people being executed and before they are, they're fucked and then killed and chucked in the river. And if you believe the Christian sources (lmao) then they had rape giraffes and rape monkeys and rape horses and shit that would rape little girls and women to death and then kill them if they weren't already dead.

you notice how its always Americans

these people are just as fanatic as truthers flat earthers and ufos investigators

they just have their energy focused in different places but they rant the same and make odd connections and think they are smarter than everyone for knowing a truth

if it aint white it aint human

A chimp can cum in your eyesocket if it feels like it. Would you consider it your equal?

Hey faggot, want to take a guess who primarily buys those comics?

Hint: it isn't black transgender lesbians.

>libdem graphs

So race is a real when lumping all white people together, but a social construct when discussing other races?

If we had a mexican, a chilean, and a brazilian back to back, dobson wouldn't open his stupid fuckin mouth, it would be seen as unique identities being represented in media

but if you give him a Polish person and a French person and an irish person, stop the fucking presses its a white man take over, its no longer individual ethnicity, its the white race asserting itself as usual

also lastly, fuck you supply and demand if your comic sell mostly to white people, most of your heroes are going to be white people. People of every race enjoy seeing their own race on screen/on paper and if a particular race is the main demographic of a medium, don't be surprised when the heroes reflect that.

UFO Investigators are fine though. As long as they aren't the OMG REPTILIANS CONTROL THE WORLD tier shit. I mean ones that record shit and publish shit and don't make a leap to aliens and just publish and report UFO sightings and try to mark them as 'mundane' or not are fine.

Flatearthers are a psy-op experiment by the CIA to see how humans react when presented with stuff which changes their world view and have people question it. As in, those who believe in Flatearth were originally plants and the techniques used to convince people will be used elsewhere, the 'defence' against rebuttals noted and how their 'sheep' react when the shepherd isn't there to guide them.

*adjusts tinfoil*

But seriously, CIA has done crazy psy-ops in the past, like the Filipino Vampire(s).



If white people aren't superior then why is everyone clawing at the door to get into white societies? I don't see refugees illegally sneaking into mexico or vietnam the way they are weaseling into germany france britian or america, all majority white societies started and advanced by whites.

>nearly half of comics have non white male leads
>most comic readers are adolescent white males
How is the first part a problem then?

>everyone finds out you are bald so now you draw yourself as a blue bear

five feet six inches

Jesus, this thread is getting too political. I don't care if you're a leftist or a rightist. This is a board to discuss TV and Movies, not SJWs and Alt-Rightists.
If you all need to get political, leftist or rightist, then please go here:

>Apple fanboy

>muh pol

Mind what gap? Does it mean the gap between generations? My dad is 72 years old, he grew up with all the comic book heroes. He sees every capeshit film and while he prefers Marvel stuff, he enjoys DC as well. He didn't start asking fucking questions before he saw a film. He went and saw the fucking film. He said it was a good action film. I don't see what this picture is saying other than 'some people question why a thing is happening before they see a thing fuck conversations lmao'. Sup Forums literally had discussions on why the two were fighting before it came out.

wasn't this the guy who constantly gets in arguments because of his shitty art and refusal to listen?

Sometimes someone can be correct, but still be a raging cunt that nobody should listen to.

>Dislikes negativity and depression
he is SUCH a character!


My dad is late 60's and actually DID ask "why is Superman and Batman fighting?" He enjoyed Man of Steel and watched it with me, but had zero interest in watching BvS, so he skipped it.

They honestly should've called it something else. It throws some of the more casual audience off.

>likes sleeping

when someone says this they are horribly depressed, just speaking from experience. Everyone likes sleep but people only put it on their lists if they use sleep to escape

I don't get it either. Not all movies need to pander to all audiences, and usually the attempts to make a film edgy enough to appeal to a younger crowd, while harmless enough to appeal to older just results in it being a fucking mess.

this was inherently a political or at least identity political driven thread the moment that picture was posted

odd colour scheme for night

What about the lack of white men in Chinese comic books made in China? Shouldn't the Chinese be more diverse?

Stupidity + loneliness/need for companionship = identity politics.

Generally the identity picked depends on interests. If you like something which is infested by liberal cancer like comics or videogames or anything not anchored in reality you will become a leftist ideologue. They believe that fictional people who don't exist are how humans think and base all their decisions on this false idea.

The right wing ideologues generally revolve around religion or race because they live firmly in reality, and react to what is affecting their communities and a contrarianism to the government. Not to say that race ISN'T a problem, but right wing ideologues make it their entire argument and don't argue intelligently either. Similarly they can't seem to give up an entirely toxic and warped religion which no longer has any kind of good points. If they left the abortion thing alone it would be for the best as it removes more blacks and leftists anyway

Why don't black people just make some cool comics with original black characters and create a new franchise? The same way Marvel was made decades ago. Those white people were dirt poor and had no help or support until years later when they started to have success and make a profit.

>Mac Tonight

Devil's advocate: Every major character has been rebooted or reimagined a dozen times. Often sporting new personalities, backgrounds, histories, and motives. While only maintaining superficial consistencies like powers, costume design, etc. Why is it ok to change everything about a character except their race? Why does race overstep bounds?

I can tell you why they change characters instead of creating new ones. That's simple: Certain names are more marketable than others. And if you want something to succeed, then you use a familiar name like "Thor" or "Spider Man". This is incidentally why old characters never die. Name recognition is the lifeblood of their industry. In general, new characters find it almost impossible to reach the same iconic status as established characters.

My dad went to see the film because he knew the characters, remembered their shows (I used to watch the old superman show in the 90's with him) and one of the earliest films I remember is Superman and shit with him. He didn't question this shit openly before hand, he went to see it and the story told him why they were fighting. Dobson is just a fuck who doesn't go out enough to understand that people questioning something outloud doesn't mean they 'don't get it' or that they're 'le wrong generation', sometimes it's interesting to talk about this shit.

Yeah. I think Dobson is an idiot who thinks that all films must appeal to all people or it'll suck. Maybe BvS wasn't for my dad who was boring whilst WW2 was still going. But doesn't mean he is 'le wrong generation' even if he did question why they were fighting. Dobson is a fat 30 year old whiteknight who doesn't understand that some people grow up with different perceptions or understandings. My dad didn't read every comic book ever printed but he knew from films and tv that Batman and Superman worked together a lot of the time. Them fighting is indeed an odd situation, but... Ah dunno. I'm getting mad over fucking Dobson.

Sneaky lol.

Is that a gypsy in the last panel?

he looks like the type of guy who should be kept away from children

I bet he has some fucked up deviation so much that he has to portray himself as an innocent person to strangers

Except, based on your patreon income Dobby, nobody likes YOUR comics. Nobody is getting mad over your comics. Funny how Dobson went from a normal dude making his MAGICAL REALM shit because he could at least make drawing attempts to this whiteknight fuck who doesn't seem to get why people don't like him. He should have just stuck to the lesbian pirate thing, but he's too much of a chicken shit to actually do nudity in it. In his mind, that's sexist now, despite Oglaf being written and drawn by a woman who is more successful than he is.

I like sleep when I'm tired, other than that it's time wasted that could be spent being constructive.

Moonman, Moonman

the author literally admits he is wrong at the bottom
>please don't point out why I am wrong

Why would you even make a comic like this? Why is he even a character in his own comic? I don't understand what he's trying to prove by this

Comic books are for children.

So what percentage of those 104 titles actually sold. And which one were at a loss?

What was the relative percentage of the 40 titles that DID NOT TURN A PROFIT, and yet continued to be published?

>that pie graph
Dobson, please

You'd have a point except the MCU has made millions from lesser known names. Nobody fucking knew GOTG or Iron Man compared to Spiderman and the X Men.

>tfw you will never find where Dobson lives and kill him

>stop making so many straight characters then
>make up 90% of the population with a generous estimate of how many people are gay
>but why isn't every third character gay?

>Why did Cho manage to cure Bruce Banner of Hulkism when the canon smartest man on Earth, if not the universe, Mr Fantastic, couldn't do it?

Eh, that's actually fine, curing the Hulk *is* Cho's field of scientific expertise.

Back when Sue got pregnant the first time and had problems due radiation sickness, Reed quickly relised that as smart as he was, he knew nothing of such matters and went to get help from Morbius, Banner, and Dock Ock. You know, actual experts. Mr. Fantastic may be the smartest man in the universe but he can't be the absolute best in every aspect of science or else what is the fucking point of having other smart characters.

He used to live 20 minutes from me, but he moved back in with his parents and I'm pretty sure they don't live in MN.

well hes into inflation porn, so

>Oglaf being written and drawn by a woman

wtf i love women now

anyone got the video of dobson playing skyrim with literally 5 fps?

On the backs and lands of everyone else, you parasitic fucks, you're nothing without the jews

And you're just a shitposter on Sup Forums, stop taking credit for the actions of a few you only share pigmentation in common with

Nah, but if it managed to it wouldn't be my equal, it would be my superior. doesn't matter how many words you throw around on this little website, real's real and your values are worth shit in the real world

>I don't see refugees illegally sneaking into mexico

They do, you dumb motherfucker. Haitians and Central Americans sneak into Mexico all the time. Mexico just has the good sense to send them all to America because they know you're too stupid to refuse them.

he shouldnt lie about his hair, guess he's _____inflating his ego

Oh all that harassment, even the comments are not safe...


I'd gladly let myself get raped by a giraffe.

The movie literally explains why it is versus. That's the whole point of watching a movie.

Fuck this bear is dumb.

Why is Sup Forums obsessed with this man? Shouldn't you post this to Sup Forums?

>that fps
>that voice
>"back in our.....wonderful.........skyrhimhhhh"

does his living comedy of errors EVER end?

He should have watched to movie. That way he'd know why they were fighting. It's really rocket science.

It's fun to hate him.

It's funny because he would later imply that McDonalds is a bad thing in his PC vs Mac comic. He set up the joke years in advance. Maybe he's a genius?

Nah, he's just a retard.

>PC vs Mac comic
Can anyone post that one?