Regardless of the fact that the little whore was on the path to becoming a poo burner, how the fuck did being labeled a racist become worse than violence and other serious crimes? You can rob 20 people, and the worst that will happen is you go to jail and the only people that find out are family and friends. Do something considered racist and your life is fucked. Your face will be plastered over the news and social media.
50 years ago people were hanging blacks and calling them niggers. Now you can't even put black paint on your face even if it is with harmless intentions.
its up to you to set of the powder keg that is modern society bruv
Jayden James
Blaming the left is a massive issue and wrong.
What we need to do is bring up the fact that PARENTS don't sit down with their children and teach them about the dangers of the internet. This could be a good opportunity to bring this issue up.
A couple years ago when the stories of cyberbullying and suicides started popping up I said the same thing, Parents teach your kids. But nothing happens, and new internet users jump online without any guidance and some of them end up dead.
Anthony Lopez
The West has become so oppressive toward any kind of politically uncorrect content that a girl killed herself over a fucking picture. This is how sick and rotten our socialist societies have become.
Carter Adams
>I hate the left. I blame all this shit on them. nevermind that the most capitalist countries are doing this the most. There was none of this shit in the USSR. Capitalism is a death cult.
Tyler Collins
It's sad.. yeah. And I wouldn't be surprised many more such suicides appearing in coming months. Maybe there were quite few, just no one linked them with PC culture.
This case got attention only because there was clear link. I believe there is much more.
Jackson Russell
i love how normies are all apologetic over this like they give a fuck, when in reality, had she not killed herself, they would be picking at her like like vultures screaming how racist she is just like they normally do
oh yeah heres what she probably looked like when they found her
Luis Phillips
This story should be extensively circulated around the next time someone gets harrased for race-facing
Logan Perez
That's a real shame, one less white girl to get blacked.
Ryan Phillips
Typical Leaf response. Of course it's the left. We aren't talking about the dangers of the internet here. The left created this modern politically correct world where saying or doing the wrong thing can be social suicide. Even if you take the internet out of this, your face will be over the newspapers.
Jose Reyes
We need to make racism socially acceptable again, it's no fun when your victim dies.
Colton Turner
desu i think you mean the countries with the biggest welfare states
Landon Bell
>Racism worse than murder??? They're willing to spread info about a white girl hanging herself because people persecuted her for making a joke, but a dindu kills two nuns and they say nothing.
>those eyebrows >that makeup very british. I saw about 1000 females today at the mall who looked exactly like that.
Gavin Robinson
>Being racist is worse than being alive Modern society is mentally ill
David Butler
I mean dead, not alive
Elijah Russell
Very true
Ok, please kill yourself faggot. If you need to make strawmen to have an argument, then you don't have an argument at all.
No one is saying we need to make racism socially acceptable again. We have gone from one extreme to the other at this point in time.
Ayden Perry
Anybody else has an enormous curiosity to see the photo which could drive her to commit suicide? I can't think of ever commiting suicide cause of a leaked photograph so i really would like to see if such a thing is possible. By the way those of you saying she's a victim are almost as dumb as her. I would understand the victim argument if she was raped or his parents killed or whatever, But a freaking photo? You got to be kidding me!
Jordan Long
Nothing of value was lost. >coal burner >'online relationship'
She killed herself for the stupidest reason I can think of, too. Good riddence.
Parker Phillips
literally too stupid to live.
nothing of value lost
Robert Murphy
yep. Society is insane. They try to harass you to suicide for committing a sin against the new morality, then act all sympathetic when you do actually go through with it.
They aren't sympathetic or moral. They just want to torture someone. I want off the ride.
Dylan Davis
poor lass. but this is pretty top-kek.
>But when the young gymnast posted a photo of herself with darkened skin and a scarf on her head to try to impress his parents, she began to fear she could becoming subject to a backlash.
Jonathan Reyes
You know, best way to get people fight for your cause is, when you promise them they can do most despicable things to other people in the name of greater good.
Nolan Ross
Robert Downy Jr. wore blackface in Tropic Thunder and he's fine
Aaron Foster
I noticed that comment sections for this news are disabled, I wonder why...
Isaiah Kelly
Because the news editor is smarter about the internet than a 16 year old girl?
Isaac Morgan
>Leftist liberal normies hanging themselves Finally
Anthony King
Because it's an Orwellian nightmare that the Britbongs live in, where what you think and feel is worse than what you say or do. Hope they enjoy their thought police.
Bentley Sullivan
Fuck off, none of us had our parents sit down with us and talk shit about the "dangers of the internet" either.
Brayden Gomez
The "Asian" boyfriend was a paki, the "scarf" she wore on her head of a hijab. She was scared of the backlash from the "asian" (Muslim) community.
Comb the sand get the can. Another dirty racetraitor bites the dust
Colton King
>none of us had our parents sit down with us and talk shit about the "dangers of the internet" either. This is true. And 20 years later I realize that like 1/2 of the friends I made online were in fact pedophiles. Good times. Luckily computers didn't come with built in webcams so little 8 year old me wasn't capable of spreading my asshole for the world to see or any shit like that.
Ian Reed
Leftists have ruined the world.
Charles Thomas
>Do something considered racist and your life is fucked. Your face will be plastered over the news and social media. when will this meme end? nobody really gives that much of a shit. it might be a story if it's somebody high profile but if it''s literally just some teenage nobody then nobody really gives a shit
Jeremiah Edwards
how many of you actually read the article? "racism backlash" is code for muslim retaliation. she didn't fear being called racist, she feared being attacked by muslims. top fucking kek.
Evan Collins
>the left is the problem
Michael Nelson
this would be like if somebody on welfare killed themselves and liberals were trying to say "ITZ BECUZ OF TEH CULTURE OF SHAMING PEOPLE ON WELFARE THAT CONSERVATIVS HAV CREATED!!!1"
Wyatt Martinez
reminds me of this.
Jaxon Martinez
Post the fucking photograph already
Mason Brooks
>Killed himself because of height DESPITE the fact that he was 5'7 That's like saying a closet fag killed themselves DESPITE the fact that they sucked 10 dicks a day
Grayson Rivera
>she didn't fear being called racist, she feared being attacked by muslims. This article is ripe for a cheeky edit. Swap out 'racism' with 'muslim' and you're golden.
Austin Cox
Agree, 10 years of Marine should make things better.
And nothing of value was lost. Manlet cuck deserved to die.
Nathan Cooper
This is a good thing. It will weed out all the fucking cancer that we currently have as the strong and proud whites move forward.
Nothing lost here.. Plus chick looks like a fucking trans dude anyway.
Grayson Taylor
That whole story makes zero sense whatsoever. What the fuck is wrong with anglos?
Ayden Foster
Good. Theres no place for racism in our world.
Austin Green
I'm having a hard time deciphering what's going on in this picture.
Dylan Nguyen
There actually more smarter then I thought, his train of thought >boom boom >they all run away >i am god now
Landon Gutierrez
>50 years ago people were hanging blacks and calling them niggers. I never got why people are so fucking obsessed with lynchings. The vast majority of people who were lynched, black or white, weren't lynched because of racism, but because they were suspected rapists and murderers. Besides, the total amount of lynchings in US history is about 5000. That's less than the amount of blacks that other blacks murder every year.