Defend this Sup Forums

defend this Sup Forums

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The WoW shot has better composition for sure.

check out my fives while you're at it

>defend it
Nope we didn't make it nor had any hand in it. Not going to defend what is mine.

I'll critisize it too actually. Why the hell build up castle black and Ed there for 7 seasons only for the walker to attack a castle only mentioned in this season. It would have had a bigger impact if castle black was demolished. Maybe they'll march on there in s8e1?

The GoT version is for people who have actually touched a vagina.


Sindragosa is way better than this shit GOT copy

Both pretty generic fantasy scenes and both are pretty generic fantasy franchises.
Wow cinematic trailer was PURE Kino my friend.

>defend this Sup Forums
AGOT was released in '96 and had undead monsters being raised by the White Walkers.

In ACOK (released the year after) we read in Dany's prophecy of a great stoned dragon taking flight from Oldtown.

The Arthas story is ripped from Anakin Skywalker but in a LOTR setting instead. Metzen can't create original story worth a shit. Blizzard drones should not throw stone in glass house.