Was he as great as Conservatives said he is?

was he as great as Conservatives said he is?

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His marketing was amazing. His image is legendary, even here and our leftists hate him, so that's great in my book.

On the actual policy side: afaik he was the one who really started the deregulation of wall street and is highly responsible for the boom of financial capitalism, a pioneer of all the cancer we have to endure. He also made huge tax cuts for the billionair class.

So...well...he was an American.

No he suffered from dementia

>A cuck

pick both


What is it that every one hated him for?

He was a great progressive and easily the worst conservative president we've ever had. I mean that. No republican president has ever harmed the country as much as he has. The amnesty shit, and the harm he dealt to the 2nd amendment, makes me greatly dislike him.


Compare this to Obama's stand up comedy addresses.

Or even better, compare to "What difference, at this point, does it make!" Or "... I would bomb the shit out of them!"

He at least gave the impression he loved this country.

No. He was not perfect. He did some sketchy shit in California.

No. He paved the way for the economic destruction for anyone who doesn't own international businesses and the politicians paid to shill for them.

>former SAG president breaks PATCO

Trickle down economics

Everybody should have known he was a liberal from one of his most famous statements "I didn't leave the democratic party, they left me." He cut taxes and deregulated shit because he whole heartedly believed in the laffer curve

Pretty much this.

Being the actor he was, he left a lasting impression on people. But his influence on the US middle class was mostly negative, he paved the way for market fundamentalism that benefitted only the richest.

"""""trickle down"""""" economics

aka supply side economics

Is towards

Pic related is greatest US President of all time


Was he right?

of course he was.
Look at Germany or the UK.

He destroyed the economy and the country with Reaganomics and only ended up fixing it by raising taxes multiple times. Wow, what a great and effective tax plan.

Also a war criminal because of his disgusting illegal terroristic CIA coups all across Latin America. And he sold weapons to Iran as ransom for hostages.

Sure, he was a nice charismatic guy and someone the kids of America could look up to but no he wasn't a great president. He probably had Alzheimer's in the last year of his tenure.


No. As a conservative, he was terrible.

He created the religious right in America, which Trump has only just managed to kill off. It was this kind of "God before country" attitude that made it very hard to get young voters on board. Of course God has a place in the Republican party, but people like Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz are dangerous.

He was also responsible for the neoliberal nightmare of endless immigration to fill the pockets of big business. It is in principle a sort of right wing policy, but it's not conservative. It's also not entirely fair to blame Reagan for this disaster, since he was pretty much the first to try it and backed out quite quickly (especially when he realised that they were 100% Democrat voters...), but the floodgates were opened and there was no real going back.

He was a great leader though. He united the country (look at how many Dems voted for him). He was an international leader who dominated the planet during his time in office. He was not flawless, but he was the kind of strong, unapologetic, determined, (more-or-less) principled champion of his people that America needs urgently. Not a cowardly backstabber with a secret agenda like Obama, Bush, Clinton etc.


Basically, the Republican party hail him as one of the greatest presidents of all time because he cut taxes and eliminated a lot of red tape, leading to a boom in the financial sector and dragging the American economy out of recession.

However, his detractors say his economic policies led to massive wealth inequality between the top 1% and everybody else. His administration was also linked to numerous illegal weapons deals in the middle east which helped arm Saddam Hussein.

>cut taxes and eliminated a lot of red tape, leading to a boom in the financial sector and dragging the American economy out of recession.

He created the fucking recession and only brought us out of it by RAISING taxes

He ended with Omaha Beach as an example. - Do you not realize where this leads to? To "Saving Private Ryan" by (((Spielberg))) and the institutionalization of this spirit leads exactly to the kind of America you have today. Which also means the instiutionalization of hate for Germans and nationalism, and shilling for a multi cultural society.

This is what you fought for. Indeed. And both the UK and Germany under bestest goy Merkel are the greatest cucks to the US. Watching Merkel and Obama together is like watching interracial granny porn. And she gets along just great with Hillary.

Reagan was a bad president

A true conservative would've nuked Russia instead of helping it end communism

Only poor people and leftists hate Reagan. He was great for middle income earners. The entire economic boom from 1983 to 1999 was a result of his policies. Median income is the 50th percentile, not "the rich", and for them this period was a boon. Anyone who chose to work reaped the benefits.

not sure what this flag is but it's probably one of the ones he tried to illegally overthrow

You missed the point of why Omaha Beach was the example of American excellence.

Also old and good America is anti multi-cult. It's only by friendly Dr. ((((Goodstein))) that "the melting pot" became a thing.

>poor people
Well, that's a lot of people.

>middle income earners
A good time to be a middle income earner. A bad time for staying one, as they've become increasingly rare.

A handful of rich people, a bunch of poor ones, no middle class, that's Reagan's legacy for you

hey moron look at the pre-1980 Jimmy Carter bump and what's that??? It started to decline during his first term??? I wonder how that happened. Couldn't have possibly been slashing high income taxes, could it?

Nobody deserves credit for fixing something they created fuck Reagan

>He created the fucking recession and only brought us out of it by RAISING taxes

>Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981
Cut tax rates across the board.
>Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982
Closed loopholes and improved enforcement without raising tax rates.
>Deficit Reduction Act of 1984
Eliminated some deductions without raising tax rates.
>Tax Reform Act of 1986
Further lowered tax rates by eliminating more deductions.

Anyone who claims Reagan "raised taxes" is trying to mislead you.

nope. he raised income taxes to 28%. Guess what it was before the cuts? 70%. still far lower.

He sent America on a path to fuck it's shit up but I can't really blame him as much as I blame the presidents after him.

>what is effective tax rate

>Well, that's a lot of people.
Ehh, maybe 15-20% of Americans.
>A good time to be a middle income earner. A bad time for staying one, as they've become increasingly rare.
This statement defies logic. If only the top 0.1% or 1% or even 20% of income earners reaped the benefits, median income would've remained flat. Real median income going up means the 50th percentile, the middle income earner amongst all Americans, saw their real income go up.
Are you and I reading the same graph? It was clearly flat from 1978 to 1979, went down from 1979 to 1981, remained flat from 1981 to 1983, then skyrocketed after 1983. Jimmy Carter was President from 1977 to 1981. Ronald Reagan was President from 1981 to 1989. Furthermore, the incoming President does not set the budget or economic policy for the current fiscal year, meaning the first year Reagan could affect was 1982.

Cutting taxes does nothing but drive up debt

Total tax revenue as a percent of GDP.
1981: 19.1%
1982: 18.6%
1983: 17.0%
1984: 16.9%
1985: 17.2%
1986: 17.0%
1987: 17.9%
1988: 17.6%
1989: 17.8%
Source: Table 1.3 whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/Historicals

Cutting taxes leaves more money in the hands of everyone whose taxes are cut. Instead of filling a vault with gold coins and swimming in it, most people either spend or invest their money, leading to additional production and improvements in efficiency.

Brady Bill,
Mass Amnesty,
Could honestly say he wasn't of sound mind during his 2nd term.

Nah not really.

Yeah everything Reagan did came off as very authentic but he was also a fucking actor.

>No-Fault Divorce
>Gun control supporter (Hughes amnd., Brady bill, AWB, armor piercing ban, 'undetectable' gun ban)
>Shut down mental institutions
>A bit excessive financial deregulation
>Globalist pawn

funny though how cucked leftists hate him for "voodoo economics" "widening income inequality" or such nonsense. My dad started making six figures in the 80s thanks to Reagan. Unlucky idiots are just jealous. look at the mental rot that leftism has brought Europe.

>No fault divorce
>Trickle down/voodoo economics
>Armed Afghan "rebels" that would go on to become AL Queada
>Granted 5 million illegals (read:democrat voters) amnesty
>Destroyed half a continents governments because MUH KOMMIEZ
the only reason he isn't the worst president in AMERICAN history is because Woodrow Wilson existed

>the only reason he isn't the worst president in AMERICAN history is because Woodrow Wilson existed
Clinton and FDR existed senpai

> bad

The New Deal policies were the closests America got to civilization.

Not saying they weren't bad, but they managed to fuck up slightly less than the senile cuckservative prototype.

Personally, i hate black people ruckus.