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What was going through his mind at that moment?
I'm not gay but I want to live in a log cabin in the woods with Kit Harrington. We won't ever have sex, but there will be a simmering erotic undercurrent as I stand in the kitchen window watching him tighten his ass as he chops wood, shirtless, sweat pouring off his body.
I'll run upstairs and masturbate, the entire time forcing myself to think of women while my thoughts drift back to Kit. I won't be able to climax and I'll eventually go back downstairs, angry.Sometimes we will look across the table and catch each other's eyes, and in that second, anything is possible, but we both deny ourselves and go back to what we were doing.One day one of us will die, and the other will bury him outside the log cabin.Then he'll go inside, pen a brief missive to his departed friend, and commit suicide, never able to deal with life without his one true platonic love.
at least we got to the defining moment of Neds life
He had to lie to his best friend, wife, family, King, and entire lordship and endure that black stain on his precious honour just so Robert wouldn't smash Jons head in, all because he loved his sister
The Wall 'Conspiracy'
Is it true that thermite was found in the remains of the Wall? Was it an inside job? The wall was heavily insured by the iron bank. That's a fact. Now they get their money for the wall and have a reason to start a war against the white walkers. It was just a false flag action to invade the north and quarry ice to sell it to the south. The ice king never had spears of mass destruction.
NK/Stannis or bust
lol people still remember that faggot
stay together for the kids
"I miss ned so much"
none of the starks ever mention catelyn. which is good I guess because she was a dumb bitch in every way.
And it also mirror's Robb's decision. They don't father bastards. They're too good for that.
Shansh- uuuurgh...
So you fucked your brother's son....
Reminder that Ellaria Sand is still alive and Daenerys did nothing to get her back.
>Disobeying your queen's command, fighting with her enemies. What would you call it?
>Doesn't matter what I'd call it.
last line was the most important one, he finally realizes that she doesn't give a fuck what he thinks and she doesn't understand his motivations
Why was there dragon skulls just lying around in the pit? Aren't they kind of rare? Wouldn't it have been picked clean by now?
post the boat sex full webm
>breathe fire at the middle of the Wall for a few seconds
>the entire thing falls apart cleanly from that point to the sea instead of melting
>even breaks down all the way to the ground making a passageway for the dead
Cersei wouldn't release her anyway.
there were white walkers IN the wall.
>she doesn't understand his motivations
Do D&D?
reminder the horn of winter raises the kings of winter and will be used to help jon take the south from euron.
Would you?
>Maester Aemon has a dragon
>had to lie to his best friend, wife, family, KING
He's going to go north and ask the Night king to turn him into a Walker.
>The Trojan War is based on a lie! Paris and Helen actually loved each other!
Bravo dabid
good for him
Ah, yes! Here it is! The Friendzone meme! The Cuckold meme! Proudly said by a Internet dweeb that has never even touched a woman that wasn't his mother in his life! But hey, at least he was never friendzoned, which is the single worse flaw a man can make!
Such sunless troll convinently forgets that there was a time Jorah was the greatest war hero in all of Westeros. Such happen during the Greyjoy Rebellion, during which he was second breaching the walls of Pyke, and knighted for bravery. Afterwards, he won a tournament against Jaime Lannister himself, and after that had his second marriage to a member of the Hightower house, the most beautiful girl in the continent, who marry him, not for a startegic alliance, but for love. Sure, eventually the marriage ended, and he disgraced himself because of her, but at least he can say he bedded the most beautiful woman in his continent, which 99% of the people that will ever read this will never be able to say so.
Now, it seems that he is making the same mistakes, and only following Daenerys in hopes of bedding her. But such is not the case. He already accepted she will never bed him, but he still thinks of her as the most politically suited candidate for the throne. That is the reason he follows Daenerys now, and has diagraced himself for her. Something you would have noticed if you had actually watched the show.
But no, you see him getting rejected, and think of him only as LE LORD FRIENDZONE WHAT A KEKOLD LOL XD!!!, whitout getting to know his reasons and story, and without admiting how much more of a man he is when next to you. You even think he is the most friendzoned guy in the show, when Littlefinger exists. And yet you pretend to watch the show.
But then, you may have never have touched a woman, sure, but at least you aren't a cuckold like Jorah.
True, but the show went out of its way to remind the audience that Yara is still alive. Meanwhile we're supposed to believe that no one cares about Dorne, or they went back to their home planet.
HEY thats pretty good.
has there been an update for 2.7.2 yet?
Did they just literally made CIA beg on his knees? What the fuck
>breach is flat allowing dead to walk through with ease
>Why did Jaime ride north alone? He's not in the kingsguard since Tommen discharged him, Tyrion is disinherited, so Jaime is the male heir to Casterly Rock. Also, I'm pretty sure the Lannister army would prefer following an experienced commander who never abandons his men and charges a fucking dragon, than following a queen who literally did westerosi 9/11.
>Bannermen are sworn to their liege lord primarily, not the crown, as we've seen when Robb called the banners. As head of house Lannister, Jaime could have called the Lannisters' banermen to follow him.
inside job
someone post webm of boatsex pls, is emilia's body of work explicit?
Do you still buttdevasted about it?
Yeah, in the end Neds honour was never tainted, He promised his sister he would protect him any way he could, and he did.
At what point throughout this season were we supposed to expect Sansa was not being played by Littlefinger? They play up the Arya/Sansa angle so much without seemingly a hint of them knowing better only to pull the ol switcheroo so they can have at least 1 death in the finale and its the best character in the series.
>going alone north when he can't even fight properly with his missing hand
I don't understand his motivations either
If I was Daenerys and Ellaria was somehow able to keep Dorne on my side despite kinslaying the Dornish royal family, I would want her to keep Dorne in the fight (or apparently, existence).
kek when he tries to keep them apart trying to stop them from travelling together
>Dany sending the entire Dothraki horde up the Kingsroad unsupervised
What could possibly go wrong?
It's obviously liquid nitrogen
>he hasn't read the leaks
I think they told Sean Bean who exactly Jon's mother or parents were right from the start. Look at his expressions when he tells Jon that he'll talk to him about his mother when he returns:
That and Sean Bean said on multiple occasions that Ned wasn't his father
Baratheons confirmed for most Autistic house.
>I'll now proceed to pleasure myself with this hand
>And theres nothing you can do about it
dont bother me with such news again
Id love to be able to. But cmon, you can seriously say that just because I am not a novelist of the same degree, I cannot offer my critique. I am even trying to be constructive here. The stupid magic horn was an established thing that didnt rely on plot convenience. The undead dragon absolutely is.
If you didnt read the books, I understand why you wouldnt care, but I would love to finish the story in a way Martin wanted, not D&D. And the normie audience is a fickle thing. Yeah they might be uncritical, you are right, but they are also not the ones obsessing about your work years after it has faded from the mainstream.
I'm buttdevastated about this ugly targ. Seems like D&D just don't give a shit anymore.
Do you have the pic where he looks in the window?
>But the truest victory, my son, is stirring the hearts of your people. I tell you this, for when my days have come to an end, you shall be King.
What the fuck are they even going to fill season 8 with. Will it be even less episodes than 7?
It almost happened.
Trips of truth
he's channeling his inner ned stark too much, leaving cersei was the product of >muh honor being more important than practicality
even from a practical viewpoint he's right desu
if they betray the alliance, the winner of the war will march south and kill them all
they literally put that trash in so you would be 'surprised' when she accused littlefinger. that is the entire goal. to trick you. haha got em. the actual events dont have to make sense. continuity doesn't mean shit. sansa is not at all afraid of arya even though she threatened to fucking kill her just last episode.
So...Dany and Jon's baby is going to be massively retarded right?
Lol , this isn't AoT
Because the troops that were loyal to him are destroyed by dragons and mongols.
Cersei is the head of House Lannister.
based stannis poster
I thought he'd given up. What is this scene trying to show?
Did people really like the actor?
He just whispered and had the same fucking tone all the time.
Varys's actor was way superior.
The night king's magic is just that his tax policy is so perfect people rise from the dead to fight for it, and eventually unlive in it.
ned certainly was the best father in the entire show i'd mis him too
Getting caught was part of his masterplan. Just wait till next season when returns with Stannis
i thought the beginning of this episode and the scene where jaime coordinates with the lannister army proved that only a part of them was destroyed
keyword is almost, at least its confirmed for season 8
I have to agree with you there. Rhaegar was supposed to be so handsome that even his best friend went full homo for him.
>muh honour waaaah can't betray that, even though ned fucking stark did to spare his family
Fuck off Jon snow you fucking nigger
>Jon and I are taking a boat
>b-but that's dangerous
>were taking it for political reasons
>b-but muh crossbow
why do they shout "run" at the screen ? don't they understand that the characters can't hear them ?
He was above average for GoT actors. His plot line in the books is entertaining and intriguing.
D&D need Cersei to have enough soldiers to overpower the Reach AND keep Dany from conquering everywhere but King's Landing.
They just don't care. Even if they put some thought into explaining where Cersei's soldiers come from, and they'd still be expecting us to believe that Euron's half of the Iron Fleet rules the waves and Casterly Rock has more men than the Reach, Riverlands, and the Dothraki and Unsullied combined.
i shhopooshh
Did she eat Jon Snow after the sex like a praying mantis
It's a tough job, but someone has to do it.
are u serious? above average? he couldn't even raise his voice to plead for his own life
She's not that fat!
Why did Raeghar name both his sons Aegon?
Retard, it was thermite. The iron bank did it
he went rogue. without discussing it. the queen is a lannister but none the less they do obey their lords. just when they find out I'm sure they'll be put into a rock and a hard place.
we don't know if jaime even asked them. and I doubt he did because he's pretty rad and wouldn't want to put them in the position in betraying their queen.
I think some guys might show up next season though when they find out he went rogue and rode north. It might inspire some people to ride north and they'll probably make a moment out of it.
Americans bro Americans
w-what is that thing?
holy fuck user, go outside once in a while
My guess is that he didn't want to risk his men not obeying him and trying to hand him back to Cersei. She's managed to get people to stay following her after blowing up the most important holy site south of the Neck, so it's not an unreasonable assumption that they might follow her over you.