Every few days in the british press for a few months now we have had some dickhead pipping up with the notion that we should move the callas jungle to the uk

they are your problem not ours! fuck off!

Other urls found in this thread:

They don't want to stay in France, you don't have a frontier in France anymore. Get your trash now

Piss off they're your problem now

>Tfw finally Calais will be cleansed
Thanks UK

They are in France, why arn't the French dealing with these illegal immigrants?

We will pay them some train ticket, with our greetings

really it's a non issue

if the france even dare to ship them to us we'll just ship them right back...all along the French coastline! let's see how the brittanic French react when their historic beach's get clogged with pissed off immigrants

Look they don't have the papers they don't get on the boat, simple. If it's a French boat in Dover, they don't get off the boat, and go back to France.
That system worked perfectly well for hundreds of years, long before the EU.
If nessercery stop the trains in the tunnel and visa check. Sure that will cause delays, but if Calais is getting snotty, we can always use zeebrugge.

now we'll open the muslim tap
gl with being flooded

I can't understand why France tolerates the Calais Jungle at all.

What do the locals think?

Frenchy shouldn't have let them in if he can't deal with them.
Your problem old boy.

If you break their ship, we will pretend to look elsewhere

have you considered napalm though? just asking

>Calais Jungle
Our gouverment don't Fucking care about local people, just 10%of the population endorse them

Migrants seem to like your country very much
Maybe you should wonder why that might be

tip : Your hellish shithole has such terrible living/working conditions, it's easy to go there and be exploited for a job

Embrace the muslims, they will be like your own mexicans

We will happily take them all in, we are a peaceful and a tolerant nation and we always like to help our neighbours.
Send them over whenever you want to :)

nah you keep them François-Mohammad-jamal

They have plenty of morocans and algerians guettos, they don't give a fuck if some of them want to go into UK.

why can't you french be more Nice
I wish I could ignore your harsh words bataclan't let this slide

Hallal butchery and a lot of disgusting kebab (MUHrica could like that)

Too busy not solving those child sex trafficking rings of yours I guess ?

I don't really see how it's our problem? France let them into their country and allowed them to travel to Calais, we didn't ask them to come, we didn't say "yes you may break through all these borders".

This problem is on France and France needs to send them to Germany or something.




If you just gave them French citizenship they would be able to come here legally.

But not for long, clock is ticking.

If anyone spoke French I'm sure we'd all know about your own rape gangs that you have going on.

Too bad the world doesn't speak French or German. It's a curse sometimes, having your language so widely spoken, leaves you vulnerable whilst you scum get to dodge things and stay under the radar.

I'm pretty sure all countries with a muslim population has child sex trafficking. It seems to be a hobby of theirs.

nice pic of UK muslim chimpout
a protest with women wearing Burkas in France will result in those women be arrested and send to jail
UK is the most cucked country in Europe.

basically, nobody allowed them to be here and nobody asked them to come. They're not even allowed to be in France.

They want to go to UK and they're just waiting in France, cause it's the best way to go to UK. It's not France's problem nor UK's problem, we're all concerned.

If our both countries don't cooperate, in the end they WILL go to the UK, will it take 1, 2 or 5 years.

I don't think so Pierre

Plus you live under Sharia already


uga buga
english expat in Espana
burkinis and burkas are diffrents things
the court overruled the interdiction in just one town, the other towns still practice the ban
you have strong comprehension
burkas are banned since 2010
veils can't be worn in schools and administrations

because muh human right muh european union

We would welcome this change. We've already some experience at breaking up Calais style camps from whenever they try to flock here.


comprehension problems

Why so salty Mr.Bean ? If we had the level of ultimate cuckoldery you've been displaying it'd be all over the news

You even arrested the father of one of the victims for "disturbing the peace" for fuck's sake. The maniac must have been armed with a spoon or bike tire

Where did I mention schools exactly? Like if having a Hijab's Day celebration wasn't cucked enough.
Get a grip Pierre, you have a serious problem of mudslimes.

>they are your problem not ours! fuck off!
2003 deal will be dead next year

"Just ignore them. They do it on purpose, you know."

> Fuckkiggggg Ennnglasshhh peeegz! We send them to youuuu like kebab bombs hahahahahhhh 'Inglizh dogs!

"Just close the channel tunnel and tell them to fuck right off, there's good chaps. Bloody frogs. Oh, and just ignore them. Every time you acknowledge them they just get worse."

> Annglisshhh Peeegzzzz ve spit at vouz! Vouz piggy smelly of wee fuckerzzz

Jesus H wept

Let them go French bros, let them go.

The Anglo must pay for his crimes.

Once Muricas almighty saviour comes into power (Trump) they'll already have a wall to to stop those Kababs going over

We need to nuke them from orbit.

It's the only way to make sure.

Don't fucking tell them that!!! Sneaky fuckers will find a way they always seem to do

We showed some fight AGAINST the islamists. If it gets shifted onto us its your cuck communist government that gets the win. Even if they are annoying it needs to be your government that gets the heat for it until your people rebel.

>Dealing with anything.

Pick one.

>tfw we're all fighting amongst ourselves and ignoring the real enemy
