The problem with show Areo wasn't his race. It was that he didn't do anything then died like a bitch.
Fucking D&D.
>The problem with show Areo wasn't his race.
Fuck you DnD you piece of shits.
The problem is that the left guy implies the dornish are white, which is completely false
I thought we moved beyond the "incorrectly thinking cuckold has anything to do with race" meme.
oh wow you really are a cuck
I thought you were just kidding lol
Holy shit, get a load of this cuck.
Begone ye foul cuckold, and may thy polluted lineage be forever cursed for your sins
Areo isn't even from Dorne, showfriend.
Ah, I remember when S5 started
>happy with the Doran casting choice
>he dies like a complete bitch, killed by meme characters and accomplishes nothing at all
youre 9 seasons late mate
I pictured him as a big black dude as I read the book, fwiw
Areo's supposed to be from Norvos, not Dorne.
Same. In fact, I'm pretty sure he was black
He aint from the summer isles faggot
Just like his kid in the books.
Yeah, that plotline was fucking retarded