I am fucking flabbergasted.

Sweden is LITERALLY suicidal.


Other urls found in this thread:







Where's the original source video from?


>i sell weed

Can we honestly have another Karadzic emerge and do to the migrants what he and those he ordered to commit did in the Srebrenica Ethnic Cleansing?


How can any leftist watch this and not realize Swedes and other westerners were programmed for their replacement? This is literally a people and a culture accepting their genocide because they're scared of being called racist.

Well at least that American dude didnt get stabbed?

Always look at the bright side.




They have the same attitude that the Maoris had when Europeans first arrived here. Swedish descendants are going to be furious with their ancestors.

That big guy in 2:33 dresses better than I do, has visited more countries than I do, has a car while I don't, gets to choose wherever the fuck he wants to live and probably his house is bigger and nicer than mine... Still gets aid from the goverment?

Spanish refugee status when?

His honesty was pretty refreshing tbqhf. No illusions or regrets.


Because what are they going to do? Lock him up? No, the worst that will happen is a lecture about how youre supposed to do things in sweden.

>I have no childrens


So beyond legitimate to kick these assholes out.


Every day we stray further from western civilization


This kind of unhinged egalitarianism is a fucking cancer thats constantly spouted by our media and our schools.

Despite all this i am somewhat optimistic. I see more and more healthy signs from pissed swedes every day.
One of the biggest problems though is that you can literally get fired if you are openly anti immigration. Even if you just post an anti immigration comment on facebook and your boss finds out about it, you can get suspended or fired for "not sharing the companies diversity values".
Many Swedes are pissed, but most of them have to much to lose from being openly pissed.


Can we just nuke them?
Quesions for Father.
Do you remember the time that I have never seen,
when the people were happy when the people was one
So tell me now, Dad, how are you feeling today,
when you sit in the dross of what is left?
When you grew up, tell me how it was then,
was a girl something you freely attacked?
Did you go on the street and listened some
without hearing a word you understand?
Where you ever had to walk home alone
since you've been robbed and struck by strange men?

Tell me how could you let that happen?
You close your eyes for what the blind could see
Does it feel good, dear father? Are you proud are you happy?
And where do you stand in our battle today?

Few have been as stupid as you,
but some of you were even worse
They saw it as serious and not games,
they loved to hate the people they betrayed
Now they call resistance hatred, incitement and superstitious,
but outside now the gangs chase in packs
And they probably thank you, and they laugh and smile,
at the stupidity and cowardice that distinguished you
But you should have woken up, you should understand,
You should have seen the seriousness, it should have been halted

Did you want to give birth to a whole generation
multicultural and unrooted sheep?
But against your plans were a reality ,
where all that was good was a stinking batter
Now we are forced to shoulder the responsibilities you escaped from,
your society rots, we will build a new

jesus what a depressing video
You know shit's fucked up when even some of the "refugees" want better border control

that last guy
he's one based soab i can tell you that

thank fuck i live in rural scotland

holy shit i had to go sit in my garden because that video triggered me.

wew pal

Living near Glasgow is the worst.

Cant one of you swedes bribe a immigrant to blow up the bridge, it would be a big favour.