Why did you guys opt for electoral suicide for the GOP? Now Clinton is going to win in a landslide...

Why did you guys opt for electoral suicide for the GOP? Now Clinton is going to win in a landslide. The Democrats are going to take the Senate with at least 51 seats, if not up to 54, and they even have a chance to win the House with the extremely gerrymandered districts.

One thing you should learn about this election: If your candidate is the choice of Sup Forums, you should look elsewhere for someone to support. Because your candidate? Is going to lose. You were rabidly anti-Obama - both times - even though by all accounts he has been an average at worst president. Trump has zero debate skills, especially with ONE challenger, and Obama was a great debater, and Clinton beat him during many of the debates of 2008. Trump has no chance, and he will only sink further after the debates.

Other urls found in this thread:


Is Trump General is actually there to support Hilary?

[citation needed]

Quads don't need citations.

Trump has hundreds of businesses its highly likely people are going to try and sue him for the stupidest things over the years to get some quick cash.

wtf i hate trump now

So you admit to vote rigging?


That bitch has been beyond the reach of the system for 25+ years now.

This is basically true though.

If a pro-trump thread got quad 7's we'd never hear the end of it.

Notice how we don't say shit about "kek's will" now.

It's basic mathematics/statistics. The polls are not rigged.

Trump has trouble breaking 40 in the polls. He's a disaster, has no debating skills, and is going to destroy the GOP.

You've all been conned by Con Man Don. And you're killing conservatism.

>Asks 1000 democrats and 600 republicans who they're going to vote for
>What is Bias

No poll has that much of a difference. But all polls will sample more Democrats than Republicans, since there simply are more. Republicans are the smallest group of the main three (D, I, R)

Hillary has trouble breaking 300 people at her speeches.

Simple mathematics indeed.

no, she does not.

>Trump has literally zero support

The only people supporting her are women who can be bullied into positions that don't conform to reality, and the people paid by her, like you.

People who actually still have the ability of cognition don't have such an issue.

>dems get senate
>dems get supreme court
>dems get white house
>which really means oligarchs continue to rule the world
>alt-right permanently undermined and thought of as a joke due to your adoration of cartoon frogs
>Republican party completely demolished with no survivors (except Cruz?)
>yrw Trump being a shitty candidate causes you to lose all hope of political relevance for the next decade
>yrw he was in on it the whole time and actually played you to attain all of the aforementioned goals

My last prediction:
>alt-right subsumed by the mainstream, packaged and sold as edgy memes to kids, pepe merchandise at hot topic, milo clothing line, guaranteeing that alt-right is only examined through a superficial lens and never looked at as a legitimate political ideology

And don't say Sup Forums was right when that comes true, because I'm not Sup Forums.

If you continuously sample at random and you get more D than R, then the simplest conclusion is that there's simply more Ds than Rs.

Same as if you were to call random phone numbers and ask the person's race.
You'd get majority white, plenty of hispanics, plenty of blacks, a few Asians, and possibly 1 injun, and possibly 1 other (pacific islander, abo, etc).

These guys have been doing the polls for years. There's really no point for them to fuck their credibility over a single election.

I never said that. If he had such strong support, it would show in polls. McGovern and Dukakis were also overflowing at stadiums.

She got away with it. Meaning she's actually crooked.

>the people paid by her
Despite Trump hiring domestic firms to shill for him online and Russia paying for shills for him online.

Trump is losing educated white people, a first for a Republican, for starters.

Wow, really corrected my record.

Evidence mounts: Crooked Hillary Clinton received big donations for special favors


Donald Trump Asks Black Voters "What The Hell Do You Have To Lose?" REACTION From A Black Guy


Hillary Clinton’s State Department Armed Saudi Arabia to the Teeth


FBI Reports Linking Hillary To Vince Foster "Suicide" Disappear From National Archives


Hillary’s health: Clinton emails obsessed with sleep, “exotic drugs”


Immigration Expert: U.S. to Resettle Nearly One Million Muslim Migrants Under One Term of Clinton Presidency



How many rubles is Giles-Parscale paying you?

lol might as well link to a blogspot blog

>Why did you guys opt for electoral suicide for the GOP?

1. Any candidate would be in a same or worse position after the media calls them LITERALLY HITLER for month after month.
2. Why do you think we have ANY loyalty to the GOP whatsoever or vice versa?
3. HRC's mental faculties have collapsed since 2008. She couldn't even debate Bernie, who never went on the attack, and had to call him sexist.
4. I voted for Obummer specifically to try to troll America into putting forth a real opposition candidate.

Here's the thing. There is no GOP and the GOP is just starting to realize that. They have two large factions who completely hate each other.

70% are uneducated loser whites who are poor, idiotic, and racist. They are so retarded that they are doing as badly or worse than minorities (who are actually at disadvantage). They are dumb as shit, have zero class, and believe themselves to be part of some repressed majority. They think that the reason the GOP keeps losing elections is that they are fielding candidate who are "not conservative enough". They are basically subhuman.

30% are educated and successful people who do not want to be taxed. They pay lip service to the other 70% and then try to spin the ideas for sale to the general electorate. They understand that the ideas of the other 70% are base, crude, and repulsive to anyone with sense-- so they create media institutions like FOX to pander to them and perpetuate the fantasy that they are some repressed majority. The 30% would never allow any of the 70% into their parties or social circles-- unless it's to give a speech or for demonstration purposes.

The 30% tries to hide the 70% from the public. Because they understand how abhorrent and disgusting they are.

The only thing these groups have in common is hypocrisy. The 70% have kids out of wedlock, can barely hold jobs, never try to advance themselves, and are overwhelmingly on welfare. The 30% will argue against abortion, but when their daughter is pregnant, they will take a trip overseas to where it is legal.

The thing is, the internet has revealed to the 70% of the GOP that the other 30% do hate them. But they still believe in the fantasy that there are more of them out there, that their tiny little group is actually relevant.

I do it for free, because I actually love my country and don't want someone who already usurped the will of the people with a literal body count to continue her rampage.

Nobody who has watched this cycle believes the lies.

That Hillary, who couldn't even reach HALF of Sanders donations, with the median value being 100x higher donation, had more support?

You might be able to bully people into believing that in the public spectrum, but you can't do that here.

But if you really want your war in syria/turkey, you'll probably have it. Can't have another person usurp her coronation again like 08'.

You could have been ruled by a glorious Canadian, but you fell for an orange meme democrat plant who is losing on purpose
It's over

Waste of dub-quads. Kill yourself.

One of the dumbest newfag/shill threads I've ever seen

You do not love your country, you fall for a mantra, "MAGA" that suggest disdain for your country. You support a candidate who presents an existential threat to this country, from undermining our greatest allies, to enabling our greatest rivals.

Trump advocated for Obama to engage in a full-scale invasion of Syria. You're a moron if you believe for a second that he was against intervening. He supported going into Iraq, he supported leaving earlier than either Obama or Hillary, he supported intervening in Libya, he supported the ousting of Mubarak.

Your comment is evidence of what I've been saying all along. You've been conned. Everything foreign policy-wise that Clinton and Obama supported, Trump has been cheerleading them on the sidelines.

The GOP has been using presidential elections as an opportunity to stage elaborate performance art projects for the last 4 cycles now.

Why they do this I have no idea.

Preach it Reddit, faggot.

Because the government turns a blind eye to anything crooked brought up about her because cuckbucks

Waste of trips

Pretty good image, but it would be nice to see some citations included.

We don't because it's a meme and hillshills don't get to enjoy memes.

You ever think maybe there wasn't enough evidentiary support? Of the hundreds of classified emails, the overwhelming majority of them were SENT to her, she did not send them. The overwhelming majority of the ones she SENT were not classified at the time they were sent.

It's difficult to prosecute considering mens rea with such a small amount that were sent while classified.

There is simply no rational reason for you to believe in these conspiracy theories.

Must be monday morning and the CTRs are back on the job.

Trump has been subject to thousands of lawsuits, it's hardly surprising. Something like 1300 he was the defendant in, about 1800 he was the plaintiff in.

He's a total litigious criminal who files lawsuits at the mildest of insults for "libel". No wonder he wants stronger libel laws so he can sue anyone and undermine the First Amendment.

Is Monday the same day you Giles-Parscale employees come here to defend Trump against factual allegations?

You do realize abortions are perfectly legal in the US, right?

Holy shit. Those repeating numbers.

Kek has forsaken us for this fucking shill.

>has no debating skills

Did you listen to Hillary's last speech? She sounds pathetic, throwing weak accusations and trying to make sad memers "Pokemon Go to the Polls" what the fuck?

You say debate but they've not had any one versus one conversation so far. You can hate Trump all you want but he's a fine orator and smart enough not to show up to an actual debate against Hillary unprepared. You'll see what I mean in the coming months.

You come to a place that cheers every disaster, every calamity, as a "happening". The people here are hoping and preying something terrible will happen IN THEIR OWN LIFETIME! Knowing damn well if the kind of shit they wanted to go down actually did, they themselves would almost certainly not survive it, or at the very least would be severely negatively impacted by.

I don't think you fucking get it normie.

Sup Forums doesn't care if it's Trump or Clinton, at the end of the day. Sup Forums is convinced that it doesn't even matter. We know that a happening is guaranteed under Clinton, and we're pretty sure a happening is guaranteed under Trump.

The biggest reasons Sup Forums backed Trump is because Trump is the wild card. The "chaos candidate". He's also funnier. And there's a slight possibility that the happening will be a good one under Trump.

Other than that, more than half the people on Sup Forums don't give a fuck, and don't sincerely believe there is a positive outcome to this situation anyway.

We're all just enjoying the ride at this point.


the Pokemon Go to the polls was months ago

Look at Clinton vs Obama in 2007/2008. She is a strong debater. Trump's only shown benefit to debating was with a very huge crowd. He has very little policy, while Clinton has very detailed policy and will most likely tear him to shreds substantively. Trump is just a showman, when it's one-on-one, he is going to be eviscerated.


Well said OP.

Rubio or Cruz totally could have won. The aw shucks golly gee Republican always does, and the media and Democrats always treat him fairly and respectfully. I mean look at the rousing successes in '08 and '12. McCain and Romney won because they were good, establishment politicians with a proven track record, and more importantly, they were squeaky-clean and super polite. No wonder Republicans won so handily.

>wasted quads on a shill with no source or evidence
>settling out of court to avoid lawyer fees and whatnot means he's guilty
literally retarded, kosherburger.

so you aren't REALLY a Trump supporter? I wanted Kasich - and spare me the dead meme 'cuckservative' or 'cuck' - then again, you guys beat memes like a dead hooker.

So Sup Forums and the uneducated picked the dumbest in the whole huge pack, and so I've been forced to vote Democrat for the first time in my life.

You liberal faggots suddenly care about amendments now? Remember the words "shall not be infringed".

Romney came fairly close to winning. Cruz is not a traditional GOP candidate, so I'm not sure why you'd mention him.

If Romney won in an open election year with no incumbent, he would have won handily.

Because you being able to own guns with thorough background checks is totally the same as fundamentally abridging the freedom of the press.

I keep reading this and I don't understand. Everyone thinks that because she did alright against Obama that she'll stomp Trump. The difference is that she doesn't understand the young voters at all (or her team is giving her terrible advice) whereas Trump understands them very well (or his team is giving him great advice). You say she'll eviscerate Trump? I'm almost certain it will be the opposite. She'll crumble against Trump. He's not going to show up without a game plan, and it's going to go way over the top of whatever she brings to the table. Trump knows they'll question him on policy, don't you think his team is working on that right now? He'll have the 'politics' stuff all figured out, but on top of that he'll have his showman abilities and his understanding of the young voters that he can fall back on. Either way I can't wait for these debates.

Are you kidding? She is beating Trump by a bigger margin than Obama did in 2012.

Let's see a "law and order" candidate try to win over black voters when Clinton reminds voters of his involvement with trying to get the death penalty for innocent minorities in the Central Park Five.

If Bannon is helping him on policy, he's doomed., nevermind Manafort who's still helping him.


>memeing the clinton lead

Internals have Trump up 80-20 or so. Clinton's internals are showing the same thing according to a few leaks we've gotten from their side.

This will be close to a 50 state sweep for Trump.

>Average at worst
My sides.

Don't know how to read huh?

Let me put it into perspective for you. Remember the whole operation where Sup Forums decided to back Hillary for a few days because she was going to point people here? I watched this whole place turn into Hill Shills, and they were actually making pretty good arguments for some shit they didn't really believe in.

You're a fool if you think Sup Forums is picking the "best" candidate. News flash: there is no best candidate.

I would like to see Trump win. I think it would be even cooler to see Johnson win. I would really like to see Hillary lose if nothing else.

holy shit you forgot to take your seroquel

>He has very little policy

He has so much policy Clinton has been taking some for herself.

Trump would be a disaster. He's the kind of crazy that would DESTROY the country, destroy the economy, exacerbate the Middle East situation... "if we have nukes, why can't we use them?"

Johnson is the right kind of crazy we could use. Clinton is the technocrat we need.

She is a sick as fuck person morally mentally and physically

that is reason enough

look at what she said about a getting a rapist off scot free and then laughing about it

Bringing blacks to heel

lying about multiple things to try and make herself look like she is being persecuted for political points and expediency

Shifting blame to a fucking video to try and curtail the first amendment for her fucking Saudi donors

Changing positions when it suits her and makes her more likely to win, no principle = no backbone and I won't ever support it

Her multiple rape assault cases she has covered up, Just go look at CFG and you know your trolling is going nowhere

Nothing you say or do will convince me Hillary is a good person, she was at one point but Alinsky killed any humanity left in her

Not being found guilty in court is not the only way to be guilty on this earth. so fuck you, your Hillary shills and stop supporting the destruction of one of the greatest places on earth for your fucking globalist wet dream
Just Fuck Off

I honestly believe this.

I have been saying for a while now that Romney only lost by 6million votes.

Hillary isn't getting the number of votes Obama did.

Trump is getting more votes than Romney.

Its pretty simple honestly.

No doubt he's going to have to win in an absolute landslide to get the electoral college though, those Clinton's are dirty.

Like....? You mean the 5 issues he has outlined on his website, as opposed to the dozens on Clinton's?

LMAO this poll denialism is honestly nothing but hilarious. The same exact shit Romney made his supporters believe in 2012.

Wild card buddy.

I'll take my chances with the wild card over the well known corrupt career politician.

Sorry, I'm not sorry.

But again, Johnson would be awesome. I voted for him in 12. But we know that shit ain't going to happen.

>le Clinton is gonna win meme

When you do polls in urban environments and get more D than R.
Urban 25% of pop higher Democrat
Suburban 50% of pop ?/?
Rural 25% higher Republican.

Now tell me how urban conducted polls are nonbiased

>w-why aren't they responding to my virtue signals and bullying like leddit?

>look at what she said about a getting a rapist off scot free and then laughing about it
That was years later. Nevermind that Trump himself has been charged with raping a 13 year old.

The "blacks to heel" is about the 'superpredators', teen/tween gang recruiters.

Trump has set absolute historical records with his lies.

The State Department has documents linking the video to individuals involved - one of them explicitly admitted it inspired him to attack the embassy.

Yeah, Trump is guilty of this - look at when he changed his position on abortion 7x in 24 hours, or his recent immigration lies.

She has never been accused of rape, unlike Trump with the 13 year old, or the rape that ended Trump's first marriage.

I never said she is a good person, but she is a technocrat.

You're the one who's supporting the destruction of the USA through Trump.

Think what you want.

Its not like Romney had anywhere near the support Trump does.

You can't dispute what I said, its plain and simple.

>mathematics and statistics a-are a l-lie!!! P-polls have been bastardized even though they ALL uniformly say Clinton is leading!

Are you a lobotomy victim? Every single poll shows Trump performing well below Romney in every single state.

Yeah, nah, nigger. Democrats barely break 30% of the voters, under their own admission, and the registered democrats are actually a lower portion than that in the final voting count.

Aka, 65% of the people being asked is ridiculously oversampled, even if you just consider Republicans and Democrats.

Again, fuck off, nigger.

Look at the primaries.

Trump trounced him despite having a much more diverse field.

You think Hillary is going to get more votes than Obama?

Come on, be reasonable.

Republicans make up 27-29% of the electorate.
Democrats make up 31-33% of the electorate.

You don't know what you're talking about. Republicans have been the smallest group for over a century.

And Trump wins fewer Republicans then Clinton does Democrats.

Both are going to be under 50% in the general.

So we are in agreement that HRC isn't getting the same turnout Obama did and Trump is getting a better turnout than Romney?

>but she is a technocrat

>Technocracy is an organizational structure or system of governance where decision-makers are selected on the basis of technological knowledge



if you think she chooses anyone for a position based on their merit or skill and not how deep their pockets are or how much influence they wield and she can get from them you are the delusional one friendo

Just in comaparison do you think trump has ever chosen peole for important postions based on nepotism alone no way to get his far with only that mentality

How is Hillary not supporting the ultimate destruction of the U.S though I would love to hear you reason your way out of that one!

I know you are a troll now and I can't believe I fell for it.

Yes and? You didn't actually deal with the fact all those polls oversample democrats beyond what's possible with chance alone even when you decide to drop independents.

You seriously though no one would all you on your shit? Also, 42-29-27 was the 2016 numbers, supernigger.

OP is wrong, but nice quads. Are meme magic duels a thing now?