Thoughts on Gary Johnson?
Thoughts on Gary Johnson?
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I liked him in 2012, but I preferred Ron Paul.
Then I did more research on him, and he's a fucking crook.
Not a libertarian.
Just another Liberal.
Libertarians are getting cucked by liberals.
Faggot lolbertarian who's going to take away the votes that Trump really needs to win because he's a crybaby cuck loser
wish he'd actually come out and talk about net neutrality, which Trump and Hillary are against
for all the armchair activism Sup Forums has done, it's about to put Trump in the white house who will pass the reigns over to TWC and Comcast
>open border
Literally nothing else he can say or do will make up for this cuck behavior.
That will be 30,000 dollars.
That's a lot of buzzwords you have there sport! I Hope you think of me and my vote for Gary when Trump loses by one vote.
Democrat running as Libertarian
For the record it's now Charter not TWC they bought them (I have twc) but yeah I wish all candidates talked more about net neutrality and other real tech issues but most of them probably don't really understand tech related things. They think net neutrality will "take over the internet" where censorship and shit will happen when it's actually that it makes it so the internet is left alone and companies can't go exploit it with pay tier access shit so you pay more to get netflix faster.
ultimately, him getting support so that we can break the two party system that paralyzes this country is far more important than most of his policies
Gub grabber, government expansionist, trade dealer, feminist, queerosexual, dudeweedlmao, no eyebrows, etc
Am I the only one who gets a gay vibe from Gary?
the republican primaries do not have a diversity of ideas problem while the democratic ones do.
If both parties' primaries worked properly then the two party system would be really good.
Bernout cop out
He was on FOX News Sunday yesterday, sounded like a total fool.
>I will spoil the election and the House will make me President
Open borders and for amnesty. What the fuck happened to Libertarians?
Two party system has to work, or do you want the House to pick our President every four years?
Libertarians were bluepilled all along.
Even Ron Paul hates Trump.
I started a libertarian, and when I grew up, I became conservative.
Also he picked a gun grabber as his running mate in the libertarian party. Pass.
>we need a wealth of options to select the president of the united states!
you're fucking retarded, a man of that caliber comes along MAYBE once in a while. You can't just have "more viable parties" That's fucking stupid kid shit. FUCK you.
A shit excuse for a libertarian who panders to the Sanders crowd
>the republican primaries do not have a diversity of ideas problem while the democratic ones do.
the diversity of ideas is the problem, because ultimately it leaves a bunch of people who don't agree and sometimes hate each other stuck under the same banner. you could split the republican party in half and still not fix this, it needs to be completely broken apart
the democrats have less of a diversity of ideas but would still do better split into different camps
>or do you want the House to pick our President every four years?
if thats what it takes to prevent another debacle like this election then so be it
>you're fucking retarded, a man of that caliber comes along MAYBE once in a while.
there are over three hundred million people in this country
i can guarantee you that there are at least 4 or 5 fit for the job every election cycle, it is statistically impossible there wouldn't be
How so?
an anti gun open borders narcissist blm supporting globalist double faggot
I just think that if neocons had their own party instead of running on both tickets people wouldn't hate this two party system so much honestly they are the ones shitting it up for all of us. I think a poly-party system would have the problem of allowing people with extreme views to get elected too often. I do think congress would work better in that system though just not the presidency.