MY FUCKING SIDES, you retards are so gullible xD
Trump Dumps Plan To Build The Wall
Other urls found in this thread:
>Moderately changes his stance as was expected
Why the fuck would anyone vote for Hillary even if Donald dumped the wall completely m
He is still better than her immigration plan
>Capable person who achieves what she wants no matter what
>Idiot who panders to the lowest common denominator aka simpletons by trying to win them by giving them simple solutions to a problem they cannot comprehend while praising them and blaming all the evils on others.
Yep, only one choice is right
That sucks.
Still voting for him though
outright lies from the liberal media
they get away with it by saying "allegedly" and "it seems" and "our user sources say"
Trump has never backed down on his plans for the wall
he says it every rally
if you want to know Trump's plans, take it from him
ha ha OP, the laughs on you. We know that Trump changes back and forth on everything so this does no bother us. By tomorrow he will be back with the wall promise and that's good enough for me.
>capable person who achieves what she wants
A lying corrupt sickly old cunt who would sell her own daughter for some extra cash,
Very likely let our embassy be taken over than get caught gun smuggling
Let her be bribed for favors as Secretary of State defended child rapists
Kicked off of the watergate case for being unethical
Panders to radical black terrorist groups
Wants to destroy our nation trough socialism and endless 3rd world migration
Helped foment and create Isis and the Arab Spring
May actually be behind a number of mysterious political murders
Are you out of your damn mind? Why would anyone support her
Hillary is intelligent and not a retard who will cause a recession
>trump now a retard that will cause a recession
That's not how any of it works assclown
He is and he will, you didn't even read either of those papers.
You said that perpectly - she accomplishes what she wants no matter what, not what americans want.
Face it shill, barbell awaits you.
Not when there is a mutual goal for her and america ;^)
>He is actually stupid enough to believe Trump and expect him to do anything
literally a simpleton
Kek like brexit right?
>it will cause economic ruin!!
How does it feel to be an easily swayed cunt...
Oh wait ... A leafe.
My bad, I forgot that something is only credible to Trumptards if it's a poorly photoshopped picture with an infowars watermark
>for her and Israel
No source, faggot. Give me a quote of Trump saying this.
Some faggot reporter said "he may"
Well guess what, Hillary may rape and murder a small child tomorrow. I mean, it's technically possible. Now go write a story about it.
Uk is still in the Eu actually, everything has been going as normal ;^)
They pussies need to activate article 50 first, and they still havent done it to start actual negotiations.
They are gonna get so cucked and we will be laughing xD
Pay denbts
>haha I'm happy to live in a corrupt pseudo-fascist global oligarchy as long as other countries are too
You disgust me
This was from 2 days ago. He hasn't changed a thing.
>no argument
>better spout memes at him like the cringeworthy 14-year-old i am
(((((((((((((((((((Ari Melber )))))))))))))))))))))
The last time I went to Greece old men were jumping in bins looking for scraps of food.
Lmao stupid leaf
The virtual wall just got 10 pixels higher. And Mexico is going to render it.
>Talks about children because retards get emotional over them
>Connects the death of dumb children to le immigrants as if they wont find drugs when they want to
>Supports his idea by creating a fake problem
And you people are falling for this dumbshit xD
Wow, Greace, thank you for corregting my regord even though you're still busy with all that denbt XDDDD
oh yeah, totally isn't some Nigerian scam site we all get on our phones like BANKOFUSAERICAONE YOUR ACCOUNT IS FROZEN GIB ME THE DELEGATES ROLAAAAAAND
user the problem is what she wants is not good for anybody but her.
Kill yoursef you fat repuslive faggot
This to be honest.
Media are having to lie and spread libelous information. I can't wait until Trump sues and uses that money to help fund the deportation of illegals.
We can mark today as the day Trump lost the election
>Implying half his base won't now stay home on election day.
Nah, it is called being cuddly :3
Go back to Plebbit you fucking 12 year old third worlder
Reminder that the media is trying to build a "flip flop" narrative and is trying to say Trump won't hold any of his promises.
Shills you can go home. Your shit is obvious.
>seems like
>sounds like
>these are somehow facts
Shit article, on a click bait site. The whole article is based on a tweet by a reporter.
Wake me when you have something real.
>Implying he will
>They unironically believe that Drumpf says
The only sad thing is these people are too retarded to learn a lesson from all of this and will probably fuck us all again in 2020.
>he unironically calls him Drumpf like its a good insult
Agreed, ignoring, emotion drive simpletons are a problem of this world, they are not even useful most of the time because the limited services they offer in their job are easily outweighed by the damage they do by being terrible human beings.
And some of them are so attached to their beliefs they simply cant be saved, i am not sure what is the best solution for this, killing them outright wont stop people from being retarded, education wont suddenly make them smarter, decisions should probably move to only people with knowledge in a subject instead of le "i read shit on a website and am now so redpilled and unbiased"
>hahaha xddddddd hillary for president amirite? fuck donald trump he is LITERALLY Hitler x-D
Kill yourself, idiot.
This website isn't legit.
t. professional
Exactly. The cherry on top being that he web store just put out a shirt that's says #buildthewall. It is clearly a cornerstone of his campaign.
The article in the OP doesn't have any quotes from Trump except "Build the wall" they say others reported and "it sounds like" without giving the quote that would imply a virtual wall. Unless the Don't says it, I won't believe it from the lügenpresse.
>all these non-americans having opinions
Kek. Looking forward to the resulting fracture of the RNC from Trump's loss and subsequent fallout tho
Your 0.02 shekels have been deposited into your account. Thank you for CTR!
These are talking points pushed by Hillary operatives to try to damage Trump support
No basis in reality
Smelly bullshit as always.
I hope those shekels are worth the lifetime of remorse that you'll feel from trying to make the world an even worse place to live.
Exactly, not a single quote FROM trump saying they wall won't be built
Ironic coming from someone who would vote for Drumpf, but understandable since simpletons have a very tiny and close minded world view and thus are unable to see the damage you are causing
>greek flag
Fuck you man
>unable to see the damage you are causing
Oh shit, I better vote Hillary because she obviously had nothing to do with destabilizing the middle east
wait a second,
did anyone actually think he was going to build a wall?
>Build a Wall!
>"That is a terrible idea, Mr. Trump." - opposition
>We can't build a Wall!
>"OMG WHAT A LIAR WHY DON'T Y BUILD LE WALL!?!?!?!" - same opposition
I don't get this """"""article"""""" there are literally no sources from the Trump campaign that he is changing his stance.
wait a second
did anyone actually think france was going
to fight muslim invaders?
This website isn't legit.
>t. professional
This, the only "source" is a tweet from some literally who NBC reporter with no evidence.
A tweet from an MSNBC reporter, no less. That's like getting the daily stormer to report on Obongo
wtf gun?
you are not from greece faggot.
>being satisfied with a failed policy
Like pottery. Trumpkins will never abandon their infallible "God-Emperor xD".