Why are you not an Atheist?
Why are you not an Atheist?
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Pretty sure the only religion that still exists is dirty muslims.
I am and I'm fine with every religion except Islam
>Not agnostic master race.
>hurr durr gods real, Hurr durr gods not real *tips Fedora*
shoo pest. This board belongs to God now.
I don't need to ride the coattails of greater minds to accomplish my goals in life. Parroting off nonsense from doctrine contrived by losers isn't any different than mass prayer. The only arguments you can possibly provide here will be prediscussed drivel from failed scientists who resorted to writing books for laypeople.
>not being agnostic
Tell me exactly, what the fuck is the problem with wanting to be happy in life? If you believe it all means something, that you'll live for an eternity in the arms of your god, shy is it a bad thing?
Do you angry enlightened atheist pondscum have nothing better to do with your sad uneventful lives but sit in mommies basement thinking that because you shit on someone's beliefs it makes you superior?
You people are sad, worthless piece of human shit that deserve no better than the lonely sad life you will live.
I'm Christian and I don't force my beliefs on anyone. Why are you guys such elitists about special snowflake beliefs that essentially lead to literally nothing?
It's not so much an atheist thing as much as it is an SJW thing
I'm an atheist and I'm perfectly fine with any religious beliefs(except Islam)
I'm an atheist at this point (sorry agnostics who straddle the line).
But the older I get, the more I realize how important religion is.
For other people. :^)
that's like being a beta atheist
>"I don't belive in god"
>people gets mad
>"n-no guise, I b-belive that god can exist but we don't know yet, please don't hurt me!"
>"those hat memes make cry, that's why im not an atheist, im an agnostic master race guise!"
I think all religion (except for islam) are fantastic! Fuck off neckbeard!
I find religion kind of ironic. Take the islam for example. Sunni and Shiite both read the same book, the Quran.
Then they kill eachother for being the wrong religion. But they both read the same book. It makes no sense at all.
If someone wants to believe or not - I don't give a fuck. It's only a problem when it's forced on you.
>literal proof that most of the shit in the bible is not true
hElLo evEry onE I'm AgnOstIc and WE can nEVEr kNow what is TruE and WhAT isnT I'm juSt a CucK who can't maKe Up HIS mind
Or any time people cherrypick versus while ignoring others. How can you ignore the literal word of your god?
This. Fuck off, Gaytheists. You literally kill fun and joy.
Everyone is religious, even atheists. They're just rebranded humanists and deify man and his ideals like rights, liberties, and equality.
Remember secular morality doesn't exist.
You're right, What would we do without morals of religion? Like not circumcise children and burn and stone people alive? What kind of immoral man does not want to do that?
For you.
Oh yeah something called the crusades happened pretty sick idk what it was about tho but seems good
Atheism is nothing but sinful self righteous intellectuals trying to justify their degenerate lifestyle to make themselves feel better about their empty lives.
Christians are lied to
I don't like being lied to
So I'm atheist
Why do you guys think atheists are edgy cringelords still?
Prove that they are lied to
Abraham created the basis of the three main religions as we see them today. They are literally fiction.
> I don't like being lied to
> So I'm atheist
This meme again.
The earth is a million times older than any religion ever created
>The sun is a gorillion years older than heliocentrism
so what?
what's being known and how or when it's known are two different things
what i meant was prove that everything they say is a lie
and you can't, its impossible to say
now, there are obviously inaccuracies in the bible but there are many truths to it of the historical standpoint as well (unless you decide to not believe in the roman empire which is mentioned in the bible etc etc)
And science has lied to people before so i guess you can't believe in that
Then why did your false gods take 100 billion years to create people?
Fucked up>science has lied to people
ok but at least science doesn't tell people to stone gays and burn witches.
I was raised as an atheist, I became an agnostic after taking some red pills and I finally stopped sniffing my own farts.
>1 post by this ID
Well i don't do that personally and for the most part neither does most Christians currently
i thought you meant i pre-emptively fucked that post up with my post at first.
my response: "why not?" or "because He felt like doing it that way."
take your pick.
Ok whatever but what about evolution. All religions don't believe in evolution but there's visible evidence that it's true.
lso not to mention
Continued...(finger slipped on submit)
Also not to mention I'm just trying to argue with common sense. I'm really not the smartest guy but people like Richard Dawkins would destroy you guys on this subject
The Catholic Church doesn't say its 100% true but they recognize it as a possible valid theory
but again its a theory so maybe one day something out of the blue will disprove it
>I was raised as an atheist, I became an agnostic
Oh, you silly moron. Agnosticism isn't a middle-man/mutually-exclusive.
You're, without a doubt, an Agnostic Atheist.
I'm a grown-up
>Maybe something out of the blue will disprove it
That's just like saying some day they might disprove gravity or that the earth is round just because they're theories.
>no arguments: the thread
I'm atheist btw, you can't convince those brainwashed retards, they can only do it by themselves.
Also as an example of evidence we witness evolution in our everyday lives, babies recently are being born without tonsils because we don't need them.
>disprove gravity
gravity isn't even "proven". no one on earth can claim to know what gravity is and how it works hence "theory" of gravity
the earth being round is not a theory because it's been physically prove many times
>tfw deist
>tfw hated by theists and atheists alike
>tfw hate myself
>I'm really not the smartest guy but people like Richard Dawkins would destroy you guys on this subject
come on, man.
if you're going to cheerlead an atheist intellectual you should at least pick a better one than dawkins.
Because my existence doesn't depend on me constantly telling people what I don't believe
Well personally i believe in evolution to an extent, but its not so much that it will be disproved as much as it will be that a new discover changes the way we see/think about what we call "evolution"
Is it because you don't believe in any certain sect of religion that they hate you?
It what keeps us from floating into space because of earths extremely large mass. The larger the mass the more gravitational pull.
Example: earth has one moon, Jupiter has 67 moons because its 11 times bigger than earth in diameter. That's enough proof to me
Because it would be a deeply illogical position to take, and I would therefore look stupid, like atheists do in fact.
I said people like him lol
because Christ and his example makes me wanna be a better person...
>physical evidence it's true
except we've never witnessed 99% of what evolution claims
except half of the evidence "for" evolution actually counts against it
Human babies eat shit off the ground, almost as if they were compelled to. According to *most* of the hypothesis of evolution, we should be extinct. We are not extinct, so evolution is wrong.
They granny-shot it by screaming some bullshit like "b-b-but that means only the most v-v-v-igilant parents pass on their genes!" but really -- REALLY, that's a big "FUCK YOU!!!!" to every other part of the theory of evolution.
"It will only breed if it's the most fit -- unless it's fucking carried by its parents"
Scientist is based on predictability and reproducibility -- and the predictions all fall short. Sure, we can breed traits into and out of animals. Sure, prettier birds of paradise land all the babes, so their kids look prettier.
But breeding flightlessness into fruit flies doesn't create ants.
Atheists are just wannabe Nihilists that love to debate Religion without having any solid facts to back them up.
There's nothing to argue against, atheists can posit no theory with any degree of certitude, and which explains the creation of the universe.
If they actually believed in anything of substance, other than their chinese cartoons, then it might be possible.
And thiests are just a bunch of 'intellectuals' that believe they are special snowflakes that have to have a floating sky man to justify their empty lives. Point being it doesnt fucking matter if you believe or dont believe just shut the fuck up. I like how dumbasses link degeneracy with athiesm.
because steve shives is one
>Is it because you don't believe in any certain sect of religion that they hate you?
Yes. People treat religions like football teams and they're ready to publicly ostracize you, even find it moral to harm you directly for not endlessly praising theirs. I just want to love god without anyone telling me how to do it.
I get that there is some irrationality in my justification of rejecting atheism or agnosticism but I view both as walking outside the boundaries of the ontological discussion and into those of complete nihilism. I believe in evolution but I also believe to a degree some ridiculous concepts like collective consciousness and conscious observers having an effect on physical reality (which isn't too crazy I suppose) which makes me think there might be a conscious observer much larger than what we can possibly perceive that gives our physics this mathematically sound design. And I admire it.
At social scale, there is no such thing.
Christianity or islam.
But all the religions are just as illogical of a position.
The only logical position from the information we have right now would be the agnostic position.
If there are literally infinite possibilities the chance that christianity/judaism/islam are right is just as low as the chance that no god exists.
A god or godlike entity may possibly exist, but i doubt it is related to any religions mankind made up if it does.
> stone gays and burn witches
But that's good. We should oppose degeneracy.
Because I'm not a faggot like you.
Would it be logical to make a pie with apples? Yes.
Would it be logical to do so with grapefruit? No, it is bitter.
Both are fruits, and yet they are very different. So it is with religions.
Atheism is trying to make a pie out of air, these people are just stupid.
Reminder: If you don't care about the gods or god and you aren't concerned with dying (it's an essential part of life and inescapable) then you are automatically wiser and better off than 99.9 percent of all people who have ever lived on earth.
I'm going to die, so I will take all the consolation I can thank you very much.
If I can leave this world thinking I'm going into the arms of the lord rather than oblivion I will take it any day.
I'm an agnostic. I don't know what the fuck any of this is, and scoff at the idea that anybody else does either.
That said, Christianity is the way for humanity. Godless societies lack direction, morality, and purpose. They rot away from the inside out.
Christianity has produced the greatest civilizations the world has ever seen.
Your metaphors are pretty weak.
There is just as much solid proof for religion as there is against it.
So there is no logical conclusion.
Atheims is just as logical/illogical as any existing religion.
Give me some good points next instead of barely working metaphors and hot opinions.
>Would it be logical to make a pie with apples? Yes.
>Would it be logical to do so with grapefruit? No, it is bitter
why is it logically necessary for pie to not be bitter?
Prove to me that God does not exist, and I will become an atheist.
I suspect that you cannot, and neither can anyone on planet Earth.
That is what makes it such a completely fucking pants-on-head retarded position to take. Even the agnostics are pretty redpilled in comparison to the average fedora.
atheists: speak out against delusion no matter where it comes from or the risks to their career or safety, convinces droves of people to give up islam and make the world a safer place
christians: biggest cucks to ever live who follow a middle eastern jewish religion that teaches them to turn the other cheek and to not only to forgive thine enemy but give him charity
>If I can leave this world thinking I'm going into the arms of the lord rather than oblivion I will take it any day.
you'd willingly live and believe a lie? religious belief isn't just about death. it affects your day to day life in a million little ways also. so instead of existing, and knowing beauty and knowing yourself and facing the unknown like a human being, come what may, you'd believe an old jewish fable merely out of fear of death? do you truly believe, if god were real, he would accept followers who merely run to him to escape death? he'd cast them away. i am baffled by this, what people are willing to give up and become, simply for the empty promise of an escape from death, which isn't be any means terrible. there's all this talk, but when you actually see death, it's just a moment in time, like all others, it comes and goes and life continues. i don't see whats so horrible about it.
prove to me that odin does not exist, and i will become a christian
>burden of proof
Did you not read the fucking sticky?
>"I can turn into a unicorn"
>"prove it"
>"you prove that i can't turn into a unicorn, or you're pants on head retarded"
>aren't concerned with dying
Most people aren't so afraid of dying as they are concerned for what comes after they die. If you can't fathom fear of the unknown this doesn't in any way elevate your intellect above that of those who rationally aren't at ease knowing their consciousness could disappear in the blink of an eye.
Countless scholars have tried for millenniums to alleviate this fear through religion and the concept of an afterlife or cyclical existence and undying conscious. You are not above them for hand waving this fear as irrational. You are no wiser for dismissing it just because it's natural.
Even animals understand and fear death. Death is the worst possible outcome to come out of any conflict and conflict has been the driving force behind our progress.
Please user.
I never said its a better position than religion.
I just said its just as good of a position.
You cant prove god doesnt exist, you cant prove he exists either.
Also just as i said earlier, even if a god or godlike entity would exist, why would it be like the existing religions describe it?
There may just as well be an insane malicious entity or a neutral entity that doesnt care about living beings. The possibilities are literally INFINITE.
So the chance that christianity has it correct is basically zero too.
I just wanted to say that i think following e.g christianity is just as illogical as atheism is.
Animals don't understand fear of what comes after death, and their fear is instinctual. Ours isnt. You and I know we die, but it takes religion indocrination to make us be afraid of something coming after death. Greeks feared Tartarus, Egyptians feared being found unworthy in the afterlife, Christians fear death, Vikings feared being found unworthy of Valhalla, Buddhism fears rebirth in hell, etc etc. A rational man accepts that he will die, and does not obsess over it. It is religion that causes the fear of "what comes after death". It's like someone obsessing over "what came before life". It's nothing. It's unmanifest. It's an unconcious state. You'd have to be insane to fear what came before life, and you must be indocrinated to fear what comes after death. We are for a moment, and then we're gone. It's not hard to understand, unless you introduce religion.
> this ego
Tell me what did you accomplish more than 99.9 percent than all the people who ever lived in this earth, besides saying: 'lolreligion, I am a thinker and therefore superior even through I use my superior thinking to shitpost online'.
Summa Theologica
It is is not me who is claiming to absolutely have proof of the non existence of a creator, a theory which is of itself quite probably the most logical position to take. Did things come to be as they are by chance or by design? This is a good place to begin.
In this case, the burden of proof lies with the atheist to substantiate their lurid claims that things are as they are not by design, but by mere happenchance. In this regard, I have yet to see any atheist present this evidence to support their somewhat wild and outrageous belief system.
you've read it in its entirety?
>God exists!
>uhhh, he's all around us
I don't see him
>hes spiritual!
ok buddy
>you can't prove he doesn't exist!
You'll see Him with your own eyes. He promises.
What we're trying to do is get you to see that waiting until then is not a good idea.
That if you wait until then, your free will has been overwhelmed, you are dead spiritually, and will be cast into hell forever unless.....
....you prove to God that you are God.
>Christians fear death
Exactly the opposite is true, as usual.
I dunno man. Mankind has always had this religious hangup, each culture has completely contradictory religious views when compared to another, and this inherent contradiction (even among people of the same religion) has led to war and stupidity and all kinds of strange ideals for thousands of years.
So yea, I kinda think that someone who sees the flaws inherent in religious belief, using hsitory as a guide, and puts them aside and strives to move beyond them are better off than all other other people who sacrificed to Zeus or crusaded for Christ or cut of heads for Allah or whatever.
You can't prove nor disprove the existence of a God. In order to disprove God, you'd have to scan or understand every facet of an ever expanding universe. Which is impossible.
In order to prove God you'd have to be able to contemplate an infinite infinities. Which is impossible.
Either way it's a matter of opinion.
To me it doesn't really matter one way or another, if there are any gods they can go fuck themselves this reality is garbage and these things called humans that some claim were made in gods image are a fucking cancer to this planet and left unchecked probably the universe. But it doesnt really matter what happens either way.
Is the universe that God created in existence?
Is God eternal?
Doesn't really seem like a difficult argument to make.
You must be a hoot at parties.
Cause I can do what I want.
>Christians fear death
uhh i meant to say hell there
but it's absurd to say Christians are not afraid of death, as their entire religion is centered around escaping it
their god is literally a dying god who overcomes death and promises to save his followers...
I've known Christians who lose someone, say their brother who is a fellow Christian, and they still freak out and lose their minds. Because we know in our core being that when someone dies, they are gone forever. The attempt by religion to remove our fear of death is hollow. We just have to accept it. It's part of who we are, death, and there's nothing wrong with it. Fighting it or praying to gods won't change that.
Dude nobody knows how the earth is created but I doubt a "god" would be anything more than raw energy. I believe we were merely created by chance but to think we were created by design is ridiculous because that would mean an organism actually had a conscience and created the universe by making everything appear out of nothing. Matter can not be created nor destroyed
Not once in the bible is God said to be omnipresent.
Yes, Escaping it. So, not afraid of it.
You could actually make the point that we have already died, and didn't even notice it.
That's how much it means to us.
Fear of hell? No, the only fear of hell I have is that someone in hell knows my name, and still ended up in hell.
this is the wrong reason to be an atheist. even if ur an atheist, degeneracy is bad. it's just bad that degenerates are almost always atheists
You're really starting the path on recognizing just how awesome God truly is.
Not chance.
Not random.
1 part in 10^120 precision.
1) I don't know, nobody really does for sure.
2) God is infinite in an infinite amount of ways. I don't really know what it really is, because I don't understand infinite infinity.
If you had two neurons to scrub together you'd see I'm right. There is no way to validate or invalidate the existence of God.
kek, nope. Christianity is not motivated by a fear of death, that's why one of the central premises of it is that when you die, you ARE gone. You may be resurrected or you may not.