Next to balding at a rapid pace, I'm also discovering more grey hairs every day

Next to balding at a rapid pace, I'm also discovering more grey hairs every day.

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my consolation at getting bald is i would have grey hair if i had hair

atleast you live among baldies

Have you tried minoxidil? There's some scientific research claiming it can help with hair loss.

i tried it, it somehow slow the process if taken alone but you have to take with finasteride to proper work and finasteride can cause a lot of problems

Not sure about the actual effects. And in rare cases it can lead to rapidly increased hair loss.

That shit makes your dick not work. And it lowers test.

>taking a pill constructed by ((them)) that makes you unbable to cum

I know but thats the only thing that works.

t. tried minoxidil alone, didn't work

Personally I'd say it's worth a try (if you can afford it). And in the rare instance it increases hair loss, I'd say to just cut your losses (literally) and go fully bald. That tends to look a lot more presentable than male pattern baldness (unless it's a widow's peak, you can usually get away with that).

I wouldn't mess with dangerous shit purely to keep your hair though.

ive been using it for 2 years now and my dick still works

its still unused

Oh, and there's always the possibility of hair transplants, though that's both expensive and painful. But it doesn't fuck up your hormones at least.

I'm 30 and I haven't lost any noticeable amounts of hair nor have I discovered any grey ones.

Feels blessed with good genes.

Gray hair looks good so long you either become full-on gray haired, or get a partially gray haired beard

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Congratulations, that means you're high test.
If you lift and get generally in shape you'll be fine.
Don't try to cover it up, shave it now.

i am too ashamed to go to a doctor to cure baldness and finasteride needs a medical prescription

>Congratulations, that means you're high test.

It really doesn't. That's just a statement that baldies use to cope.

yes, but it's just 1 mg though so it's not a lot
dude, when I went to the doctor to get finasteride, you know what happened? an intern was with my general practitioner, she was a girl of my exact age, and my general practitioner asked me if it was alright if she listened to our convo because she is an intern
lmao I said I don't mind

Huh, I always thought it was.
Well still, no point in trying to hide it. OP should shave it now, better to be up front about than cling to what's left.

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It's a quarter-truth. It's a certain kind of hair follicle's receptor's probability of having sensitivity to a certain kind of testosterone that doesn't have anything to do with the actual functional benefits of testosterone.

you are retarded. There is a reason a pill used by fucking aspiring trans are what "cures" baldness.

I'm using neocapil and it's working pretty well. But I did start pretty early. It's not gonna do much if you already have a fully clear crown.
Side effects are that it's not limited to your head, I also got thicker eyebrows which I have to pluck regularly now and it leaves white flakes in your hair every day.