Hurr durr Sup Forums is christian

>hurr durr Sup Forums is christian
>hurr dur christchan xD

God, the cringe.

Be honest, you're not Christian, you don't believe in God, you probably haven't stepped foot in a church for years, assuming you were even raised in a religious household.

You're just contrarians trying to do the opposite of internet fedoras.

wrong website/board, Sup Forums is a christian board fagit

Sup Forums Christians just like to LARP as crusaders

i pity you



Sorry, jews don't get to have a say on western people's religion.

I met one of the christchan posters irl. He was 16.


>implying I would go to a church of the synagouge of satan.
Acts 17:24
God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;

Im a sufi Muzzie

Sup Forums is not christian, look at this link to my thread..

nobody fuckin replied

the current Sup Forums meme mindset is to be as stereotypically white as possible, so yeah that involves pretending to be christian.

This is literally We Wuz Kangz tier, go to with this and they'll laugh their ass off.

fuck off schlomo

I'm an atheist, but because of the number of these troll anti-christian threads, I suspect DNC.

ok I thought the same thing, I'm not alone then. I feel like people on here shout DEUS VULT and all kinds of christian nonsense to act like LE /POL GUY to fit in

The fedora is affecting your brain functions. Take it off for the good of mankind.

> be honest
Fedora thinks he can teach morals better than the source of all morals he has ever known. Cute.

technically there is no mandate for going to church in the entire bible. old testament to new testament no requirement for going to church


I do agree with your post.

I think once conservatism goes mainstream (again) you can expect to see Sup Forums turn into reddit

Except it's literally in the Bible.

Not an argument

>calls me a Jew
>"""""follows""""" a Semitic religion founded by a Jewish Rabbi, who was the supposed son of the God of the Jews.


Trying way to hard to fit in here senpai

Not an argument.

>le cringe XD

you have to go back

Wasn't raised to go to church, I did that later in life and continue to do so.

I'm christian. I go to church, I read the bible and I believe jesus watches over me. Finding peace in god is the true redpill.

I go to church every Sunday m8. Sure I have my perverted thoughts but nevertheless I believe in Christ

I agree. Back when bush was still in office this place was way different and pretty liberal. Of course once obongo was elected it gradually became more conservative but never did I think people would start to believe in god as well. You've all fallen for the two party system meme

>Sup Forums is one person
BTFO, (you)