Why are murrican women such coalburners??
Explain yourselves americans, is this your young generation?
Why are murrican women such coalburners??
Explain yourselves americans, is this your young generation?
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skip to 1:47
They could have her. She's fucking gross
Thanks Poppa Pump
low test
Yeah like every american? so what?
Bitch looks like she was sucked outside the dome in total recall. Lucky for this bitch wade activated the reactor.
he's right tho
Quade... Douglas Quade
wtf just put them to sleep forever
Is there a name for this? Craving cock on laughing gas?
The name is called attention whoring, the shit they give you doesn't fuck you up that bad.
>Is there a name for this? Craving cock on laughing gas?
My God, the degeneracy.
>chubby girl
It's not like she has a choice. The black guys love a thick white girl. They're like trophies.
Way to miss the point. Sure this particular girl is ugly but ALL white women are being memed into thinking they belong with black men. Coalburning is an epidemic in the west and I've seen the cutest middle class girls holding hands with feral niggers because they saw it in a music video so it must be "cool".
The kikes will pay for this.
She wants her pussy stretched by BBC, it's normal.
You Americans are so fucked up for drugging up all patients with a dental appointment. Even little kids. Ever heard of lidocaine? Something they use in civilized countries? Seriously this is so fucked up
Doesn't look very white to me
well done
obvious bait
Dentist here. Laughing gas has been known to elicit uninhibited sexual reactions from people. Basically they start thinking about sex and lose their inhibitions
> not immediately recognizing female """humor"""
> current solar year
I am disappoint.
Why do people film their family members after surgery and post the videos online? What a ridiculously fucked up breach of a persons trust. Your only job in this situation is to get somebody home safely and if they embarrass themselves while they are fucked up on drugs you pretend it never happened.
some people have a sense of humor
Niggron interracial relationships are rare, and when you do see them, the girl is either fat or trash, the amount of actual women that would date The Grape Ape is like fucking .00013%, It won't become a noticeable issue before we're all in the ground so it's whatever.
get her out of the white gene pool, idc. you can tell by how she acts and looks that she's a talentless, hobbyless slut who watches netflix and eats nutella all day while scrolling through social media. HUMAN GARBAGE
I know this girl.. I have some pics of her on my spank bank.
Not me though I eat tendies and browse Sup Forums.
far right.
This is why I'm horrified about doing this, I'm going to shout all my sick fetishes
Dont look like her
She does look like coalburner. Did she get DOX?
Dude, when was the last time you even SAW a girl? The 'coalburning epidemic' is an absolute myth, and EVERY STATISTIC proves it doesn't exist.
>All those retweets/favorites
I kind of thought it was real at first, but this is just attention whoring. When I had my tonsils taken out I said practically nothing, I have 3 kids now and none of them said anything either when they were under the gas.
She probably was just over exaggerating the effects of it. Literally every dentist told me it slows down your motor control and ability to speak and form coherent thoughts, which ends with your brain practically shutting down and making you sleep it off.
yeah she has dated a nigger before. I am pretty sure she has already been blacked.
How do the Brazilians know exactly where to look for the BBC content?
Why do they always have that "look"? The ones I've seen with Hispanic guys don''t have that "look".
This vid is a Fruedian wet dream if its real.
But she's pretty fat tbqh. Fat chicks usually lower the bar the same way that the spergy white guys do.
She looks much better in pictures than real life
>says the mulatto
No shit. They didn't invent phone filters for dudes.
imagine caking makeup and shit on your face your entire life and putting on a mask every day
imagine never being judged on your merit, imaging always being praised for doing nothing, imagine never having to demonstrate work ethic, patience, or responsibility ever in your entire life
women have no soul
She's from texas. Are texas hoes coalburners too?
>every statistic
Provides no statistics
for the most part they are.. I do not know what they put on the water supply but it is becoming a common trend..
hahahah whiteys so BTFO
Yeah but they have that ugly look to them.
This is so stupid. OP is probably some Jew trying to make this video viral. An attempt to promote degeneracy.
Not surprising that the average Sup Forums user fell for it.
Look at how our society glorifies niggers and their culture.
It's literally a fashion statement to date a nigger now.
I could never record someone close to me in a compromised state and post the video online, that is so fucked up on so many levels.
I don't know what makes normies think this kind of public humiliation is cute/funny/acceptable.
Regardless whether or not this particular video is fake
her body, her life.
Fuck I really need to go to Texas
Lol the shit I was spouting off was in the opposite of that direction and god knows what would happen if that shit would get posted. It's just your daily retarded media slant with retarded shit. Carry on plebs.
>Video of some random normie whore has been shilled on Sup Forums all day
sage and report these threads
hmmm.. fuck outta here shill.
Lmao Americucks. You worship niggers in sports, on tv, in movies, and music. All white American girls want to be good BBC sluts and serve black men. White men are sissies.
If a white girl is an uggo fatty that is just burning coal cause that's all she can burn, is that a bad thing? I mean really, she just doesn't know what it is like to get attention, then Jamal comes along and gets all over her, and she falls in love quick.
Is it such a crime? Would a white male in the exact same situation not go the exact same route with a black female?
>my body, my choices.
How does it make you feel that when she settles down, she will be rammed by soo many BBC that she will crave it.
i'm willing to bet that there are far more mudsharks with half breed niggers out of wedlock than there are ones married to niggers.
so in other words, marriage statistics don't mean dick. what you should be looking at are the races of newborns' parents.
Because blacks are the only ones who go after unattractive white women.
That guy is barley black
Fucking yes. Spoiled bitches who's parents pay their new car notes and insurance AND gas and still go around fucking black dudes. White girls here are blacked. For the most part. Yeah if you're a 6'2 football scholarship white Chad then you'll get laid too. But it's a very big meme here for be with a black dude. Women are pretty loud about it.
>sense of humor
>give the kike more free content he can charge for
Why do people opt for the general anesthesia, when the topical novocaine injections work wonders by themselves. I didn't even feel anything.
he is a product of interracial degeneracy.
I can't see myself bitching about women fucking other races, desu. I have my own life to live what people do is their business.
But threads like these remind me that Sup Forums is full of losers (´・ω・`)
why is she idolized for like BBC? She would be lynched back in my day.. le wrong generation.
bomb texas when?
They are pussies. I just had my last one pulled, and I didn't even bother with the pain pills. If I was stupid, I would say it almost felt like he could have done it without the novocaine, but I know I would have come up off the chair when he twisted it out.
So American women subconsciously think about black cock. Nice.
pretty hot desu
>caring what women want
Just take them when they are wet and ready
as a texan i feel bad, this state is gonna be a third world dump in 20 years from all the coalburning and illegal immigration
and the people's response? elect windbag cucks like ted cruz to national office
just fuck my shit up family
Because woman like that are not a hot cake successful burgers look for
Nigger will fuck anything
"I can't feel my face when I'm with you"
Absolutely savage.
Does this happen to everyone who gets their wisdom teeth taken out?
can someone quaratine this video? I have a feeling that it will be taken down by her liberal parents?
Been in Texas all my life and I've met maybe 3 girls who have actually fucked a black dude. And these girls were already total whores. Nice try tho shill. All the white girls I know wouldn't dare touch a nigger, not for fear of societal repercussions, but because they find them disgusting.
lol as if. her mum is all about the bbc
i was reading a thread the other day on a forum about a black guy who lived in texas basically saying he can't get any white girl because whilst they are nice to him they are racist in their dating preferences
so what's the truth? who is memeing who?
oral sedation more like oral seduction
I live in Austin, the liberal shithole of Texas, and like I said, I know only 3 girls who have banged black dudes. So if its not happening here, it probably ain't happening in the more conservative areas either.
I used to work at Wamart for like a year and I saw white women with Mexican guys all the time. Like normal looking women.
I always wonder why jews never show off Hispanic/white relationships? Its pretty common here in utah too. I wonder if they feel threatened by it?
those liberal hipster girls aren't very likely to date nigs in my experience. it's usually kind of dumb slutty bimbo girls, or white trash, they can be attractive though.
race mixing is very common where i am, more common than london, but it's hardly an "epidemic" like what Sup Forums makes out. on an average day you see a few girls with nigs, you see a few guys with azns and poo in loos, then you see a few random mixes - the rest of the couples are white.
that makes sense given demographics
Does this girl even have a father around? He must be so disappointed in his stupid daughter.