Guys i'm telling you the alt-right is thriving

guys i'm telling you the alt-right is thriving


Bring back Ted Cruz

I just read that poll. Trump still would've won because he got the plurality (29%), the 2nd place is Cruz with 15%.

It's a good thing we just had a primary season that stated exactly otherwise!

>a majority

False. Trump won by a majority. Fuck off.

>Huff n' Puff


Damn, did my record ever get corrected!

the delegates Donald

Most votes in GOP primary history.

People are just understandably scared that he won't win due to the full-on media blitz. I say have faith.

we're not alt-right

65% of White Americans say they'd vote for a Nativist third party with Trump's positions. Which means even higher support. Trump is shitting up his campaign but his ideas won.

Yeah we all wanted Ron Paul but his lame son ran instead


>assuming everyone who identifies as alt right wants Trump
>assuming nobody who isn't alt right wants Trump

Holy hell, way to generalize.

Just like how brexit voters "totally want to stay now like for reals leaving was a mistake they all say so!"
Im sure

hey OP did you actually watch clinton cash or are you too busy browsing buzzfeed-tier entertainment to educate yourself

More shilling, just wonderful.

If you identify as "alt right" you should seriously be killed. It'll be a brighter future.

The problem is that the primaries are FPTP. Which is bullshit.

They should use an instant-runoff voting system instead.

>Huffington Post

35% of 50%, you mean


Gonna be a rout

Great proof that they clearly aren't polling an accurate sample.

>It's a good thing we just had a primary season that stated exactly otherwise
Uh, no. The majority of GOP primary voters picked someone other than Trump. He won because of a crowded field.