So getting a mechanical arm suddenly makes you a different race?

So getting a mechanical arm suddenly makes you a different race?

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He looks Persian


Many people are broke and cannot afford the fucking augs, hence the envy.

Its like burguer Trumptards being unable to date girls resulting in envy for niggers and beaners (hey... i cannot score anything either).

Scarcity is a bitch, regardless of context.

The new Deus Ex is blue pilled garbage.

>So getting a mechanical arm suddenly makes you a different race?
So being part of a different religion suddenly makes you a different race?

People who can't afford the augs--which can enhance cognitive ability and general usefulness in the workplace--are at a disadvantage in society; therefore they have a scorn for augmented people. Not really about race but the game plays it out like it.

>blue pilled garbage.
Nah, it goes deep into some controversial topics are forces you to make some hard decisions. Heck, the dev's have already received flak for saying it's a mechanical apartheid.

"The developers of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided came up with the term "mechanical apartheid" for the repulsion and distrust shown by natural people towards augmented people in the game. However, the use of the term caused controversy; the developers were criticized for using it, especially due to the historical use of the term "apartheid", referring to discrimination against blacks in South Africa. "

"The game was accused of being racist and racially insensitive by some critics.[28] Eidos Montreal's Jonathan Jacques-Belletete responded in an interview that he felt the complaints were "ridiculous" and justified the use of the term as appropriate for the game since the Deus Ex franchise is about human nature, which has historically repeated trends of segregation."

"Mary DeMarle, the executive narrative director of the game, responded to the controversy by saying that they are trying to present the issues of the world without judging anyone for their actions. Gilles Matouba, the former director of the game and a black Frenchman, added that the term was coined by him and Andre Vu, an Asian Frenchman who is the brand director of the Deus Ex franchise and they wanted to offer the audience something unique and something that was close and personal to them. He continued, saying that racism was a dark part of human nature and they wanted to treat this subject. He also scorned those who had criticized the developers for using the term, especially those who had suggested they were all white."


No, but I'm assuming this has to do with the new games storyline? In most fictional settings there are always people that are purists and refuse the idea of joining man and machine into one, but that's in no way racism.

God damnit. I haven't played the new one, but with what I heard they did to the story I don't think I will.

Splitting people into a separate group or race makes them easier to hate. Remove the human element is the best way to do it.

Go away Square Enix shill

I want Malik back ;_;

Ignore the hate, Having just completed it yesterday I found it incredibly fun. You might want to wait if you want to get it on PC, the main block of negative reviews on steam are due to it being laggy and the microtransactions. This game does require a significant amount of memory, and the main concern was with the MSAA. Turning that off fixed all my issues. On the microtransactions side of it, they are irrelevant. There are plenty of ways to get all the resources you need, and plenty of paths to complete your objective.

Sorry Spyboy, she's not in MD. You could dig a little deeper though, they have littered thousands of easter eggs throughout the game. I keep finding new ones every time I play.

>illuminati implant good goy chips in everyone who gets an augment
>signal sent out that causes everyone with said chip to chimp out
>mass divide between clanks and fleshbags

I mean, it's stupid that they base the divide off race relations, but it does make sense contextually

yet another anti-semetic form of media painting (((them))) as the evil baddies

If you've even played the game and understand the story, you would know that the chip was never meant to make everyone go crazy. The illuminati wanted it for control, not destruction. It was Hugh Darrow that sent the signal out because he feared what the illuminati could do with it. Making everyone go crazy would make the world stop pursuing human augmentation.

The thing I kept seeing pop up was that the story seems to cut-off and leaves a lot of questions, which was turning me off. Did you feel that way? Does it wrap up pretty nicely at the end like HR?


It's in the series nature to leave a lot of questions, though there are many ways to find answers to them. If you strictly run through the story you won't have all the details, but if you look around and dig you'll find them. Pocket secretaries with pieces of the puzzle. The ending is a bit like mass effect 2, your choices will determine how it ends. Unlike with HR, you don't have the three button choice.

Fuck, I think I'll just pirate it.

I mean, even if the story ends up being cucked, there's still dat cyberpunk atmosphere though.

They did that extremely well at least.

Even if you don't like the story, you'll love what they've done with the gameplay.

Is it out for pirating?