Mixed here, half Persian and half white (let me preface by saying gas all the kikes/niggers/arabs...

Mixed here, half Persian and half white (let me preface by saying gas all the kikes/niggers/arabs, ESPECIALLY the arabs for making present day Iranians and Afghans into mudslimes in the 600s).

Although I'm the best shitskin, unfortunately I'm still a shitskin.

I have a dillema. I know racemixing is bad but boy do I want to raise a white conservative family with a white conservative wife.

Maybe if I teach my kid(s) that white is right he can eventually get rid of the subhumanity given to me by my traitorous race-mixing parents.

Or should I go down the cuck road of not passing my genes down and raising someone else's white child with my white wife? As much as that would benefit the white race, I'll still feel like I'm cucking my ancestors and it just doesn't feel natural to not want to breed. Not including religious things t seems like passing down our genes and continuing the human race as a whole is the only purpose we have in life.

Am I being self-hating or just being real right now? I love my life right now, I'm incredibly smart and all my friends like me. I do realize that there are certain races that are higher up than others and while it is unfortunate that I was born as a partial savage I'm glad I've been given the brain to at least realize it.

Lastly, will you all take me in as one of your own during the inevitable race war?

Other urls found in this thread:


Just with get other coalburners we have cast off the white race.

Just marry white, spell your name white, and pretend you're white.

It's what half the white people in America today's ancestors did.

Mulatto here. I don't know what to tell you. Maybe look for another freak of nature such as yourself?

I'll take your white side, and if that's your whole side then you'd be welcomed.

>whole side
Oh yes, you know it. I was raised white, went to private school, and have a strong hatred for all that nigger rap music all my friends listen too and think is "hip and cool"

I'm more white than my white friends

Exactly. There you go. Got your answer

Your children would be 75% white, if that helps. Pic related, that's what I think they would look like

You're more Aryan than 99% of pol

> This is what Brazilians consider majority white

On the downside, they are more degenerate than me. On the upside, they are white.
I can pass off as either spic or sicilian too, I may pick one of those if it's an all out race war
breddy good advices eckz-dee
Hell I'd take that, basically a sandnigger Rashida Jones (who is part black but you would never know it)


Aryan master race, it's actually a common misconception that Hitler was a white supremacist and hated anyone without blue eyes and blonde hair but he had a love for the Afghans and Iranians. Considered them hid own people, which they were since they were all Aryans. My dad tells me how Afghanistan was neutral in WWII partially because of this.

Iran started to insist on being called Iran rather than Persia to get Hitler-sempai to notice them.

If you're persian you're Aryan, if you're a non-persian iranian you really have nothing to be proud about

I'd agree with that. I am Persian and half of my family is from Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, close to where I live

Why are you sucking whiteys cock so hard, OP?

Don't think about it too much, stop asking Sup Forums for validation it isn't needed.

Have kids with the best girl you can find it doesn't HAVE to be white, you won't be accepted by either white people or arabs so might as well embrace being hated by everyone.

Because whitey is superior and I'm not being a cuck I'm being realistic

If white supremacists can say it why can't I?
I shall leaf, I shall.

>Half person half white
>Half Caucasoid adapted to cold climates
>half Caucasoid adapted to hot climates
>Still 100% caucasoid

Really makes you think?

>based user.

how about you find a cute halfie chick, and keep things as they are ;)

>fake as fuck.

>loira oxigenada, e escolheram os mas branco dai.

You're the definition of cuck and inferiority complex. Stop trying to fit in a Malaysian cartoon image board

Dude, why do you even think that germans are whiter than persians? Germans are literally wild hunters.

Also I think blood is important. But I am mixed too, russian-polish, but define myself as a polish guy, eveb with native Russian (but not sure).

Also the Persian language should use latin and Iran should be free and secular.

>tfw your race has shit-tier women and because of low IQ average, most of them aren't worth it, but if you race mix, everyone will hate you

I know, that I should stay in my race for the good of society, but...

>might as well embrace being hated by everyone.

Every western male ever.

>Hurr durr, it's impossible for you to have nice things

I don't care about race, but every retard which talks about "united american nation" is a left-cuck. Because americans are not nation. People without one blood and history can't be a nation.
America is a field for mexicans, germans, anglos, irishs, poles, italians and etc.
It's not a nation and never will be.
You choosed the wrong language.
With French you would be. With English - no. Never.

Persians are white.

>persians are white
Yeah. About as white as your average Mexican sitting outside the back alley at Home Depot.

You can be proud of your own ancestors mate. Just dont corrupt ours

If you're half white half persian, that means you're probably around 60-70% Caucasian.

Personal cutoff is 50% for me, but your kid would likely be 80% and their kids would pretty much be white.

Not a problem IMO.

am i white?

Not being a Muslim is enough. Don't beat yourself down to hard op

> Am I white
> LITTERALLY 0.6 East Asian and Native American
You fucking nigger. Not even close to white. Stay the fuck away from me and my family you demon spawn of a human.

Nahh I'm only kidding I love you buddy.

yes, white persians are aryan.

You are literally a cuck for even thinking like this. You are a race traiting pathetic faggot and no one will ever have respect for you. Be proud of who you are and your background, there's more dignity in that.

That fucking nig nog on the left with the zombie confederate soldier tee

The Aryan race and it's allies, Persians, racially decadent Aryans, Japanese honorary Aryans that serve the Aryan races interest, Hindus racially decadent Aryans (some of them).

I know this is satire but
>people really think they and their race are 100% genetic material and take a .6% so so seriously that they spend their lives being angry that people they will never know thousands of years after they are dead may look like them.

Who cares about what happens to MUH white race? You're all going to fucking die and it will never matter.

Right now Aryanland is the only state fighting the Jew disregarding their racial decadence.

>I know racemixing is bad but boy do I want to raise a white conservative family with a white conservative wife.
Get an Orthodox wife from the Mideast pham
Syriac, Coptic, Greek, Lebanese, plenty to choose from

bud, im sicilian and i look like a sheet that was dowsed in olive oil. im very pale with a hint o green. but to get to the point, find an uncucked girl of a same or similar mix. there are plenty of secular uncucked shitskins. be proud of your race, dont let the modern examples ruin your view of yourself. i think your people are inferior but it should work vise versa. its just healthy and natural. work to make the worlds and your view of your race more positive. youre a good person and recognizing the issues of your ilk will help you access the race-less good side of humanity. race is only a defining factor for shitty people. the small percentage of illuminated humans are all of the same quality. if youre in, youre in. your skin color doesnt matter at that point. just try to preserve your culture.

If your mom is persian and your dad is white, then you're white. If your dad is persian and your mom is white then put a bullet in your head you half-breed degenerate before you're put up in a tree on the day of the rope. Be sure to kill your filthy whore mother first.

If either of your parents aren't white you aren't white you stupid cuck
Persians gave been turned full kebab centuries ago

yeah you may not be completely white but most of your genetic information is inherited from your pops.

I feel sad for you, growing up that fucking stupid.

>the conditions of Prader-Willi Syndrome and Angelman Syndrome are very different, but they are caused by mutations in the same gene. If the gene came from Mom, it will express itself as Prader-Willi. If it came from Dad it will express as Angelman Syndrome.

Shut the fuck up leaf. You aren't white unless be your parents are white. That's like saying a half white half African kid is white.

This is one of the most pathetic threads I've seen on Sup Forums all week.

You're seriously considering not fucking someone because of memes you've seen on Sup Forums????

Bruh half of us are shitposters. The true believers are literal kissless virgins who took the shitposting seriously and use it as a crutch for their suicidal self hatred.

This is your only chance. If you read this post and disagree with me, then by the whiteness vested in me, I command you not to reproduce and spare the human race your puke inducing servility.

are jews white because my dad was a jew. My mom is 100% portuguese, you can notice I'm kknda red head by my hair unlike my dad.

I'm converted to Satanism so it's cool.

Persians were never White.

The tribe of Aryôs is the whitest in spirit.

I'm Iranian.

You aren't white, you are an abomination. Respect the people who took you into their nation by not mixing blood. Oh wait, too late. Fuck off and die race-mixed scum.

if you love white people so much (as you should, they opened their borders to you knowing full well it would spell demographic genocide), then why do you even consider mating? You will further pollute the white race by doing so. Stop this pathetic mental gymnastics, Iranians and Europeans are distant cousins, many of us are white-passing, but not white. I have olive skin, similar to a Greek.

Just stay with your own women (you have none, so just don't breed and fuck everything up for everyone else).

>Lastly, will you all take me in as one of your own during the inevitable race war?

>I'm still a shitskin
Persians are Aryans. How fucking new are you?

>Persians are Aryans.
Persians are Aryans that got conquered and raped by savage Arabs.

>every single Iranian was raped/bred with rape babies to the point of total genetic annihilation.

The natives were subject to diseases they had never before encountered and fell ill, eventually dying, in massive droves. There was also miscegenation between the early European settlers and the Natives.
Why are they still around? Not the half-breed (1/64 Cherokee blood flows through my veins), but legitimate Native people?
Why does a single shred of Iranian culture exist if they had their entire people wiped out?
The Persians were conquered from within (in terms of the acceptance of Islam), the leaders of the nation adopted Islam and the people followed.

Why do Iranians not fall in with Arabs if they were bred out?

non whites who are not black need to stay out of the race war in murica. hispanics want to participate but you really dont want to get dragged down by the black power guys

in europe every one who isnt black or middle eastern needs to lay low and maybe to to a airport. fair warning. shit goes down you go to the airport. you didnt walk in you got money dont be a idiot

blacks in america or blacks and middle eastern people in europe are the only targets. some want to expand the scope of it but you know it will be to hard to justify anything more. self defense =/= free for all and you will only get to say the angry black guy or muslim was a threat

I'm addressing their genetics as a whole. Not all of them are purely Arab, but most of them aren't purely of one stock or another. And of course, traditions are almost always kept, even/especially in times of persecution.

Does this Persian look White if he shaved his unibrow?

>but most of them aren't purely of one stock or another
The Persian subgroup is literally the most dominant ethnic subgroup in Iran.
Iran is also in Western Asia (pretty centred place, geography-wise), so it would make sense that they are of a different array of people. My point is that those people settled down and came to be known as the unique group of Persians, distinct (provably so) from other groups.

>I'm addressing their genetics as a whole. Not all of them are purely Arab
You'll have to be more specific. What are you referring to? How many are not whole? I can't just take your word for it. When you say this, you are referring to the point that Iranians aren't Iranians anymore, but you have to tell me how many. In what way?

>traditions are almost always kept, even/especially in times of persecution.
If this is true, then a conquerer should recognize that, in order to break the tradition entirely, the people must be bred out of existence. Why has Iranian tradition been preserved for thousands of years? If they are no longer true Iranians, but some mixed abomination off-shoot, why do they retain a single shred of their ancient culture?

At least you didn't start this conversation with that stupid copy-pasta again. I'm sick and tired of you. You're worse than that Danish-Iranian psychopath.

It's time we end this with a show-off, khar.

while it may be difficult, find an iranian girl to marry that would be willing to raise kids in a non-islamic way.

I always say, it is efficient at getting my point across. I don't want to spend an entire thread elaborating when I could do it precisely in one post.
Instead of whining about why you hate it, tell me what about it you dislike.
I am an immigrant who is an ally of WN and believes that immigrants should be second-class. I don't like being here, but I don't want the death waiting for me in Iran because of my faith.
What about my beliefs do you hate. I am just trying to open a dialogue and you just ad-hom the post into irrelevancy.

I mean that Iran has gone through a lot of admixture. How come India still has a distinct culture after their long history with colonialism? How come Indonesians have retained their culture through their history with colonialism? How come the Berber language has persevered the French rule in Algeria? Why are there languages built off of Sanskrit? Cultures generally tend to remain with the people who are being tainted. Persians are a group of people who have retained their culture through many, many years of being polluted. They may not be the same as their forebears, but it is still their culture more or less. Aspects of the conqueror's culture just gets added on.

Persians are by far the most racist people I have ever met. The light skinned ones can be honorary white during the race war, but afterwards you have to go- we'll give you a state or something like that.

>I mean that Iran has gone through a lot of admixture.
Why are we not genetically similar to our conquerers, then?
>India, Indonesia, Algeria, etc.
I know Indians are still genetically the same as their ancestors, not different enough to show up with other ethnic groups because they did not genetically replace them. Don't know enough about Indonesia or the Berbers.

>Cultures generally tend to remain with the people who are being tainted.
This is simply not true. The mixed have no connection with their ancestors who founded the culture because they have the same connection to the culture of the conquerers (that is to say, divided allegiance).
Look at the Natives who bred with the settlers from Spain, their culture was entirely destroyed. If what you say is true, then there should still be a proud mesoamerican cultural centre in SA, but there is not. This is because they lost all ties with it once they were bred out/killed.

>Persians are a group of people who have retained their culture through many, many years of being polluted
Polluted to what extent? At what rates? I can't just take your word for it, show me why you believe this. You are going off of the belief that the minute a people are conquered, the men become impotent and the women are automatically impregnated with the children of the conquerers.

>Aspects of the conqueror's culture just gets added on.
Iranians shaped Islam in Iran, not the Arabs. Most of the Islamic golden age can be attributed to Iranian scholars.

Is this dude serious? This is legitimately one of the cuckiest, beta-est things I've heard in my life. Think about the lives that the men that those girls go for live, now think about your pathetic Sup Forums existence asking a bunch of faggots whether you self-hate. You will never be as good as them idiot. Honestly, reevaluate your priorities.

Iranians (Persians) are a indo-European group.

>Why are there languages built off of Sanskrit?
New Persian is built off from Middle Persian.

>How come India still has a distinct culture after their long history with colonialism?
Persians still revere the Shahnameh, their Zoroastrian national epic. They also still continue Zoroastrian national holidays like Nowruz, Yalda, and Mehregan.

>tell me what about it you dislike.
We've had this convo before, and you totally ignored all of my points.

All modern races are a mix of preceding groups of people. Modern Europeans are a mix of

1) blue eyed dark-skinned Mesolithic hunters
2) neolithic Anatolian farmers
3) Proto-Indo-European nomads from Southern Russian steppes (such as the Yamnaya)

Northern Europeans like Norwegians have significantly more Yamnaya ancestry than Southern Europeans like Spaniards. Depending on the region, Europeans have varying admixture of these three groups (e.g., Sardinians have little to no Yamnaya). There are no more pure Yamnaya, and genetic studies actually pointed them to being tall, light-skinned, dark haired and eyes, and broad head.

Iranians are similar. Iranians in Tabriz have more Caucasus admixture whereas those in the South probably have more Elamite/Mesopotamian and less Caucasus. Those in the East, such as Khorasan, probably have some Proto-Indo-European ancestry too (though the more East you go the more you also find Mongoloid admixture due to the Mongol invasions). Haven't you noticed some Iranians look very Western whereas others don't? Well, there's your reason.

Mixing is fine with intelligent people. It's ideology that shouldn't mix because it brings disharmony to future families. Everyone is already mixed.

Dude move to Brazil and stay with your own kind.

Persians constitute 50.5 to 61% of the population of Iran. For a state that stayed mostly untouched by immigrants apart from the Arabization that occurred long ago, that is pretty polluted. This percentage of the population that I mentioned aren't necessarily purely Persian either.
>Why are we not genetically similar to our conquerers, then?
You said it yourself, here: You are going off of the belief that the minute a people are conquered, the men become impotent and the women are automatically impregnated with the children of the conquerers.
>Iranians shaped Islam in Iran, not the Arabs. Most of the Islamic golden age can be attributed to Iranian scholars.
The scholars were Iranians that were either mixed or had undergone Arabization, they acquisition of the traditions of their Arab conquerors.

I don't know
I mean after we'll wipe iran off the map being persian would be really rare
I think you should just marry a nice perisan whore and settle somewhere as far away from the middle east as possible

Dude why the fuck do you care about being "white". American made concepts of "white" have been polluting the internet forever. Care about being a civilized human being instead, you are not an abo nor a congoid nigger thus your people have been capable of great things.

Persians never mixed with Gulf Arabs, only in the deep South of Iran are there Arab minority groups.

In general, Iranians are a mix of people of Transcaucasia, dark-skinned Elamites, and Proto-Indo-Europeans from Southern Russia (but I believe that is more in the Iranians of Khorasan and the East, like Tajiks who have that more).

Autosomal DNA plots show we are in an intermediary position between Anatolian Turks and Armenians. Autosomal DNA is more important than haplogroups.

We do not cluster closely to Gulf Arabs.

>Why are there languages built off of Sanskrit?
New Persian is built off from Middle Persian.
>>New Persian is built off from Middle Persian.
I'm not referring strictly to the Persian language.
>How come India still has a distinct culture after their long history with colonialism?
Persians still revere the Shahnameh, their Zoroastrian national epic. They also still continue Zoroastrian national holidays like Nowruz, Yalda, and Mehregan.
>>Persians still revere the Shahnameh, their Zoroastrian national epic. They also still continue Zoroastrian national holidays like Nowruz, Yalda, and Mehregan.
That is my point. There is still a distinct Persian culture even though they are barely a majority in their own land. Not to mention that the majority isn't necessarily genetically purely Persian.

Dude you are absolutely not mixed being half Polish and half Russian doesn't make you mixed both are Slavic groups. That's like being half Dutch and half Swedish is not counted as mixed.

It depends on what kind of conservative you mean.

Islamic conservative
Right minded capitalistic free markets conservative.

>Not to mention that the majority isn't necessarily genetically purely Persian.
There has never been something like a genetically pure Persian. Persia began with mixing much like how Europe began with the Proto-Indo-European migrators (the Yamnaya) mixing with the natives there. Check this

To be precise, Persia began with the Indo-Iranians mixing with the Elamites. There are no pure Indo-Iranians anymore just like there are no pure Yamnaya anymore, even the Norwegians have about 50% Yamanya in their ancestry (added an image of that for clarification).

I could be wrong but I was under the impression that Iranians (the same as Persians? Again not sure) were proto European Aryans.

Iran literally means land of the Aryans, but I'm not sure how much merit that has to it.

being mixed isn't bad , just don't be a muslim. the ideology of islam is what is what makes people subhuman

>you totally ignored all of my points.
No, I ignored your defeatist conclusion.
You say that people are mixed and that this is a point against mine. I have never claimed that there is a people on Earth that are 100% genetically unique without any mixture from different areas. I am saying that certain populations are different/have different backgrounds, and that this difference should be respected. Of course Iranians are not 100% pure whatever, I have never claimed this and never will (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3399854/). That link literally highlights everything you said.
My point is that simply because people are, to some degree genetically diverse, does not mean that we should all just breed together. You critique my stance of WN, so are you hinting towards the point that I should breed with Canadians? Or other groups?
The morals of our ancestors change with time, now people respect differences and try to uphold them.

>Mixing is fine with intelligent people. It's ideology that shouldn't mix because it brings disharmony to future families. Everyone is already mixed.
So some smart black guy who is genetically related to you (from some point in time) is acceptable, by your standards, game to mate with your sister (if you don't have one, mother or some other female)? Simply because you have some mixture from your ancient ancestors? Everybody is already mixed, so just mix even more and further the damage. This is why I disagreed with you, not that everybody is 100% pure (I agree with you on that point), but that the defeatist conclusion you arrive at is not an accurate response to the issue at hand. You would rather destroy than mend.

>You said it yourself, here: You are going off of the belief that the minute a people are conquered, the men become impotent and the women are automatically impregnated with the children of the conquerers.
That was sarcasm? Proof that there is a massive link between ethnic groups m8.


So I know this board thinks Jews control the world and the west, and that whitey is already irrelevant. Sure maybe in 50 years if lib policies continue to fester, but whites still hold most of the wealth in the world. Yeah, Jews are very rich for their numbers, but whites are still better. Just saying

Fuck off shitskin, being mixed is worse than being a pure shitty, die in a hole FAST

>Iran literally means land of the Aryans
Aryan was an ethnonationalist tone that didn't have any racial connotation. It meant someone who followed Avestan traditions, which descended form the Indo-Iranian migrators who mixed with the Elamites. Check here:

Even then, Iran is very genetically diverse. They have undergone Arabization even though their conqueror's genetic impact hasn't lasted.
Of course they are a mixture. A true Persian is characterized by the ratios/amounts of each possible group of origin. Conquerors end up changing the basis of what the conquered area's people are made of. This is sort of like saying everyone is the same because we have the same basic origin.

Iranians are Aryans. Don't stress too much.

Duh, it was extremely obvious sarcasm. That is why I quoted it.
>Why are we not genetically similar to our conquerers, then?
Your response that I quoted makes sense. Here it is with sarcasm removed: Genetic groups aren't instantly wiped out when conquered.
See it now?

>now people respect differences and try to uphold them.
Considering Norwegians have significantly more Yamanya ancestry than Southern Europeans, on average, does that mean they shouldn't mix? At what point do we lump two disparate groups as one race? At what point do we split it from another race? For example, on autosomal DNA plots, we cluster closely with Armenians. Does that make us one race? A different race?

>Everybody is already mixed, so just mix even more and further the damage
I think there are other factors that take more priority when choose to mix: values, individual faculties, and much more. Nature/nurture is literally 50/50, I think.


>when choose
when choosing*

As a half white (mostly Norman with other Anglo and French influences), half American native, I am conflicted in s similar yet different manner. Give thoughts pls.

>Iran is very genetically diverse.
No, look at the autosomal DNA plot I gave:
>They have undergone Arabization even though their conqueror's genetic impact hasn't lasted.
We never underwent Arabization. We underwent Islamization though. Arabization involves replacing the language and rituals of the people. We still celebrate our Zoroastrian holidays, live I've said, and we still speak Persian. We still have a Persian character even though we were Islamized. Islamized =/= Arabization. Egypt was Arabized though.

>A true Persian is characterized by the ratios/amounts of each possible group of origin.
We never mixed with the Arabs or Mongol in Iran much. We did mix with the people of the Caucasus a lot during the Safavid time. They probably changed our genetic impact a lot.

Anyways, I've decided to post a pic of what Persians looked like during the Sassanian Empire. This is from a mosaic of Bishapur, and they're not Elamites.


I'm all White (Amerimutt Anglo-Irish, German, Norwegian) myself, but I think you'll like Mr. Yeagley. He was half Commanche and half German. He warned about the threat of ethnic displacement of Whites like what had happened to his people. The truth knows no color.

If you're worried about miscegenation there are plenty of mixed breed people in the West.

>During the reign of the Ummayad dynasty, the Arab conquerors tried to impose Arabic as the primary language of the subject peoples throughout their empire. Hajjāj ibn Yusuf was not happy with the prevalence of the Persian language in the divan, ordered the official language of the conquered lands to be replaced by Arabic, sometimes by force.
Arabic is still spoken in Iran.

Thanks for your response, I'll listen to the linked video.