Why is globalism a bad thing again?

Why is globalism a bad thing again?

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Here's the thing, cutie. They don't want it to be a utopia. It's ment to fail.

Who is 'they'?

Globalism is the only way we can solve the global problems like poverty and global warming

>affirmative action in outer space

Just fuck my shit up already and get it over with.

In this rotten system is heading towards a one world government and total obliteration of sovereign nations, cultures, identities, differences and traditions; pride in one's own country and heritage is demonised and slandered. It's essentially just an attempt to create neo-feudalism at this point. Nationalism's core ideals and values are against the interests of the greedy hypercapitalist financial élite that is enslaving us and wants America and Europe as a mixed, multiracial, multicultural, rootless and disgusting HUMAN FARM of easily controllable consumers.

Nationalism isn't something to be scared of, and is not the enemy at all. I admire the French when they are proud of France, I admire the Germans when they are proud to be German etc etc. We can celebrate our national identities and different cultures without wanting to conquer other people's countries.

You're retarded.

Aka ethnic cleansing of whites

So it's bad because nationalists say it's bad?

The JEW WORLD ORDER is made up of:

Political Power,
Military Power,
Economic Power,
Scientific Power,
Cultural Power,
Religious Power, (Lucifer)

All to produce:
A One World Government,
A One World Economy,
A One World Military,
A One World Society,
A One World Religion,
A One World JEW BANK,
A One World Currency,
A Talmudic Orwellian New World,


The JEW WORLD ORDER will be financed by CARBON TAXES from the JWO Fraudulent CO2 SCAM.
The JEW WORLD ORDER One World Government will be totally OWNED and CONTROLLED by the London and Wall Street JEW BANKERS.

There will be:

NO Democracy,
NO Voting,
NO Freedom of Speech,
NO Gun Ownership,
NO Property Ownership,
NO Farm Ownership,
NO Protest Marches,
NO Privacy,
We will all be SLAVES.


YOU will all be forced to serve in the JEW One World ARMY against anyone who resists the JWO.

Any person who does not fall in line with the COMMUNIST JEW WORLD ORDER will be EXTERMINATED.

Resisters will simply disappear.

If you want to know what is coming soon in the JWO all you have to do is go back in history to the JEW COMMUNIST Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

The JEWS Invented Communism. Communism is a Talmudic tyranny made manifest.
The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was totally financed by New York JEW Bankers.
The Russians were mostly White Christians.
The JEWS fraudulently forced COMMUNISM on the Russian Christian people.
65 MILLION PEOPLE were MURDERED in that JEW COMMUNIST Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
All the Military Leaders and the Educated were MURDERED FIRST.
FOOD was used as a WEAPON.
All Resisters simply disappeared in the Gulag system.


Magic is the only thing that will make me care about those problems. You will need magic to fix the third world.

>he thinks globalism is good

Monopoly of power.
Stagnation of technology and science.

Plus, with globalism comes equality and egalitarianism, which is the most cancerous ideology in the entirety of existence.

Imagine Brazil....but everywhere.


because it "averages" out the human race, which means successful races like whites and japs lose while pretty much everyone else benefits at their expense

So it's bad because a conspiracy theory?

>Globalism is the only way we can solve the global problems like poverty and global warming

Are you retarded? poverty isn't a global issue it is a nationalist one. You can't solve poverty with a global approach, it requires a nationalist approach. We need to stop taking good, smart people from shit countries and giving the dumb fucks aid, we need to encourage nationalism and hard work in developing countries along with entrepenuership and business building.

Global warming is bullshit, climate change is legitimate but it all comes down to one thing. If we cut down trees it fucks up nature. I don't give a fuck about the globalist bullshit sdurrounding global warming and climate change, I plant fuckloads of trees through a charity and do far more as an individual then any tax or global initiative would.

When was the last time you did something for the environment other then shitpost on the internet and share posts from the greens on facebook?

>Why is globalism a bad thing again?
Because they try to push the wrong Earth flag on us, for one.

You didn't say why globalism is bad. You just claimed it was bad. Do you not know why globalism is bad or what?

Globalism is worldwide welfare, so fuck that shit, you jew bastard.

look jew, with jew you lose.
Now stop shitposting and go back to listening to Harry Potter on tape and listening out for the devil to call from space on his gravatron machine under the sphinx.

In high as shit and this tripped me out

Lol this board is funny. Shit posting is fun I bet.

vary goob. noww whad dib yu learb??

There is literally nothing wrong with globalism. The only people that complain are losers that cant get a job

You ever stop to think, the people pushing for globalism are the ones causing those problems in the first place?

That that's crazy

Yes. An unelected bureaucracy hell bent on white genocide sounds great!

it's not, we need the NWO asap, we need the 666 asap and we need the 2nd coming asap

Globalism will lead to elimination of cultural and physical differences between nations and races. This is bad because:

1-An homogeneous humanity is more vulnerable to epidemics, climate change/global catastrophes. For example, if for whatever reason the earth enters a new ice age, dark skinned populations would die off, but white people would thrive. If everyone is dark skinned, everyone dies.

2- If you look at most technologies that exist they are created in a certain civilization, then it is transmitted to a different civilization, that improves this technology, and then to a different civilization that improves it even further, and etc. This kind of cooperation is only possible because people have different cultural backgrounds, skills and ways of looking at things. A homogeneous humanity will eliminate that and make technological advancement slower.

3- Lack of competition between different nations will probably stagnate technology even further.

Diversity and heterogeneity are extremely important for the success of any organism. Dumb leftist people argue that globalism will enhance diversity, but this contradicts basic principles of population genetics. Diversity can only be maintained by structured mating and globalism is the opposite of that.

Loosen up your tin foil hat retard

The wealthy have always been the ones to profit from one-world government.

>Supports one world government
>Has a pegging fetish
>Calls others paranoid
Seems legit

A flag is only relevant when you can wave it against another.

What good is this flag for if we're not fighting off like an alien invasion or something? I feel no connection to the rest of you fuckers.

Piss off.

Not really that tinfoily desu

Consolidating absurd amounts of power into one place has its disadvantages.

History is filled with abuse of power, and it didn't stop being a problem just because it's 2016.

Yeab thereerm robably nothn wron boud dyen for fad joos. They boob jus lig the nex un. Bud, I'd realy ejoy do read wadever i wand and dribe whereber, and humans will reject the venus project because it's overtly gay and if humans are to be humans at all they will become naughty and burn the place down and start all over rather than sit in little minimalist cubes singing kumbaya all day, so stop being faggots and make movies great again jews. Your movies suck now.

I admire the Polish even though they got absolutely shit on by the Krauts.

it's bad because the people who want globalism want power. they don't give a fuck about you. they'll fuck you over just to get more money and power. these elites are driven by greed and easily the most evil people on this planet.

nationalism is wanting good for all people in the country that abide by the same culture.

globalism is disguised feudalism. we're the peasants, theyre the kings. they put us on the eternal debt treadmill and make us slaves to money


>scared of a one world government
>masturbates to traps
>is paranoid
Pick all 3

Welcome to Sup Forums where the JWO is happening

So globalism in this case is bad, but not in general? And you're reasoning for this case of globalism being bad is based on a conspiracy theory? C'mon, Sup Forums. I knew you were all idiots, but this is embarrassing.

Because nations are different. Because nations naturally like their own volk more. Because there is no need for globalism. Because it takes power from the nation states and puts it into the hands of a few people that can not adequately understand each separate nation.

Some nations are better governed differently than others.

Also there are always divisions in every group - the bigger the group, the more sects it has. Enforcing a globalist world would require many times more control over the common people as it does now.

I would like however, to see a wider adoption of a lingua franca - seems to be English for now.

One species under one flag.

Are you willing to kill for globalism? I'm more than willing to kill you to stop it. Is this worth it for you?

Oh, that's boring. like, as opposed to what other sentient species? There's got to be two flags at least for flags to be meaningful. What will sphinx satanjew's flag be?

If a one world government doesn't scare you, describe how one would work in your mind. Put aside the human element that will inevitably fuck it up and give me your ideal version.

You still can see certain shape. They should try harder.

>conspiracy theory

it's not even a theory anymore. they've come out and said it. people working closely to them have admitted jews run the government.

just because you havent done research or it's not on CNN doesnt mean its a conspiracy theory.

I'm with you bro. Death to cucks. Death to globalism.

Juan World Government?

God that flag is atrocious.

The fucking futurama earth flag joke looks better then that.

You want to fix a local problem with global resources. Seems inefficient and wasteful, as well as dependence building (erodes national self sufficiency)

A local/national approach is far better. It also reduces the spread of problems from one region to another with the ability to barricade against or quarantine threats with the use of borders.

because it undermines national sovereignty

how would you feel if someone pushed an idea that clashed with your culture onto you? sharia law, for example

we would get use to it, Jews need to push it and purge the countries that down follow it

The world will eventually turn to globalism, probably led by the US. We're doomed to die to the sun unless we massively progress in space-travel technology, and that takes cooperation and funding.

It's the death of cultures and ethnicities.

A cross hair... Fuck yeah, kill kill kill

>die to the sun
That's gonna take a while m8. We'll die to a plague or an impact before that.

> Why are magic teleporters and unicorns made of birthday cake a bad thing again?

That doesn't explain why you believe it's bad.

>Globalism is the only way we can solve the global problems like poverty and global warming

The EU has worked so well for the Mediterranean countries. It sure has fixed their poverty.

Why is it good? Please elaborate. I actually want to know. I'll be honest, I've never heard the other side of this argument aside from manipulative platitudes from shady characters like George Soros.

Whats so great about this? They already had a monkey in space

Humans and human interest varies too wildly and we will never be united. The sooner we abandon this fanciful notion the sooner we will all be happy.

It's run by jews

It's not.

Globalism only entails nations working together.

However globalism paired with the multiculturalism anti-national meme is cancer killing the West.

Jobs. Africans will work for less which means brits lose jobs. Like why machines are inheritly flawed because the more they take away jobs the worse society becomes

>6 outer rings
>making 6 points
>with 6 points inside the core
literally 666, not even memeing.

Ah a modern day luddite. How's things?

Honestly it is bad because the world isn't ready for it, our cultures are too far apart as are our morals and beliefs. Also those pushing hard for it now just want power and we do not want one government that is incredibly corrupt.

rich get richer and the poor get poorer family

Globalism = eternal conflict

the most accessible argument against globalism is the fact that it is basically just further dividing the (((1%))) from the rest of the country, especially the working class.

the globalists do two things to the working class
1. they shift their jobs overseas to developing countries where they can pay the slaves - woops, i mean the employees joke-tier wages and not be annoyed by unions or any of that shit

2. they push the government to flood western countries with unskilled immigrants so working class jobs become even MORE competitive and people will work for less money. don't ever believe that bullshit about like 'immigrants are good for the economy', just see attached pic

and then on top of this they use offshore tax havens so while they make squillions off fucking over the working class all around the world they don't have to pay shit all in taxes and basically contribute nothing to society

once you realise this it becomes incredibly clear how the left wing is being controlled by the very people they should be against.

this. they'd love a military coup or something else which justifies total control.