I'm Dumb

Can someone explain the difference between DemSoc and NatSoc? Is Democratic Socialism actually Marxism? I'm mostly interested in the economic policies.

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DemSoc is a jewish lie

Take a look in The answers are there


sorry, try this instead

Neither of them are true Socialism. The economics of NatSoc are neither Socialism or Capitalism except for the Strasserist branch which is true Socialism.

Just fuck my shit up

I don't even know anymore. Which is what "they" want.

Each of these terms had very basic and simple definitions. But people keep adding all these extra elements to it.


They just talk about pizza and post pictures

DemSoc is one brand of stupid, and NatSoc is the other.

There is only one ideology fit for the modern world; Neo-Fascist Traditionally Conservative Libertarianism

Isn't everything?

the copypastas from the pastebin address most questions

Strasserist branch wanted to treat the Jews like the bourgeois? Isn't this what the Nazi's did?


The important thing is, you tried.

>Neo-Fascist Traditionally Conservative Libertarianism

what is that

>Overarching culture of Militarism and Nationalism
>The state provides basic social welfare programs for taxpayers only
>Traditional conservative values are enforced through education, media, etc.
>Liberal economic policy, free market capitalism

hahahaha nigga what the fuck is democratic socialism just give the government your money haha

also natsoc is not typical socialism.

just gas the kikes and free up the markets, literally all your problems will disappear.

>Liberal economic policy, free market capitalism
Do you mean Libertarian? If not, can you explain?

I kind of dig it.

Yes, libertarian

Just a lot of similarities. I'm sure they're not the same. Want to know what the main differences are.

whats the difference between ancap and alt-right?

don't derail my thread. make your own

>Is democratic socialism Marxism

No, then it would be called Marxism

anything can work when you have a class of traditional, hard-working, homogenous men and women. Family unit, strong morals/values, honour.

Being frank with you, I haven't read enough on the issue to give you advice. I am in the process of it, I recommend you do the same and not ask opinions from random anons on a Nepalese knitting forum.

How is it Neo-Fascist? No Democracy or Republic system?

WTF i love bernie now!!!

True. We just need a government which supports community.

Mostly researching things people mention on Wikipedia. I find this fascinating.

anything with socialism will fail.


proceed with caution, friend.

a square is a rectangle but it is not called a rectangle.

The "Neo-Fascist" part is just to differentiate it from the original form of Fascism, which impeded individual rights and liberties in its effort to assert itself.
Neo-Fascism would essentially be a more liberal form of Mosley's fascism.

Keep in mind I'm using the classic definition of liberal, not the modern one.


fuck. nothing is safe

The "socialism" under NatSoc amounted to education, healthcare, old age pensions. But only for citizens (which became an increasingly narrow definition) and only for workers. The economy wasn't exactly a command economy, but wasn't exactly free market. The means and modes of production were left in the hands of capitalists, but mobilized for the the good of the nation. Some industries were nationalized while others were deregulated.

Democratic socialism removes the "good of the nation" aspect. Offers social programs to all peoples from everywhere. And democratizes them rather than have them left to authoritarian direction. Bernie was actually more NatSoc than he was DemSoc, but whatever.

Both are autistic
Socialism is a jewish cancer
even natsoc

They even got to Mein Kampf, most versions are subverted by (((translators))).

Big redpill for me on Hitler was the amount of shit they spread about him.

Hey, did you know all Nazis had subhuman IQ scores? Did you know Hitler had a micropenis?
Did you know he was also a poop fetishist?
Did you know the Nazis ate babies and made soap from Jews?
Shilling in overdrive for this shit, the only thing the Nazis did wrong was let the kikes go free. They should have finished the job.

Is it possible to have a drive for action without stomping on liberty? Actually, I'll just read into Mosley instead of bugging you. Thanks

Hitler did lots of "lefty" things domestically. The NAZIs were socialists. He also did the whole holocaust thing and WWII.

People on the left don't so much think about words as they do feel them. They feel that NAZIs were bad so they can't acknowledge that the NAZIs did lots of things lefties would like. Because they feel like they don't like NAZIs they have to hate all they did even the stuff they like.

So they invent new words to describe what they like and pretend they are completely different things. Instead of just saying yes I would like a national socialism party that doesn't start wars and kill people en masse.

You see a similar thing with the invention of Gender being something different than sex. Prior to about 10 years ago. Gender and sex were literally the same thing. They now have to redefine gender so that trannies can call themselves women, instead of merely Men with a neurological disorder. Again for the lefty feelings trump reason and reality.

I see. NatSoc controlled the economy for the good of the country/people/culture. DemSoc is more of a wannabe utopia. is that a good way to summarize this or am I over simplifying?

I'm not a huge fan of Nazi Germany. Those Krauts killed a lot of good American boys. Mostly curious about their economic system.

I agree never to subvert brothers into fighting brothers.

It is precisely because the Americans fought against the Germans that the future is the way it is today.

As I understand it, yes. But I'm not as nuanced as some of these guys. As far as "controlled" the economy goes, you have to understand it was an emergency economy. They were in a horrible economic depression and they were under quite a few international restrictions. Much of their international trade actually amounted to in kind barter, and internally they printed up what we would consider corporate currency. They also suffered from being German.

My grandparents are Danube Swabians and were sent to camps after the war by the Soviets. Savages.

Why are trips in the middle of the post not acknowledged?
In this case, they let your grandparents rest in peace. Checked and respected.

Natsoc is demsoc but for a nation. Democratic socialists are all about gibsmedat to everybody. Natsoc gibsmedat help the nation prosper.

My Oma and her mother escaped from the camp. My Oma is still alive.

Also this explains the books she told me to read.

well, we DID invade them after they just tried to rescue germans in eastern europe

not sure what you expected to happen...

their economic system was similar to what we have today. it was basically deficit finance to prop up extreme levels of socialism. it could have worked for a time, just as ours had worked for a time, but it is doomed to collapse.

the nazis might have lasted 30 years with their economic system but longer seems unlikely

blame the english. the rest of europe folded to teh germans because they realized they were being cunts.

think about it for a second. england was literally the ONLY holdout against germany. the main threat was the COMMUNISTS in russia, and american jewish interventionists like hiss.

europe WAS unified. england was being a bunch of cunts.

This is a breath of fresh air, no autistic shills shitposting random garbage. Good thread, mate.

I'd recommend going to 8/pol/ for redpill general threads, they post some really eye-opening stuff and ban shills for derailment and D&C.

I've heard that Churchill was a Jewish puppet. Seems more so the more I learn about the history of WW2.

I think I just took some sort of pill. Never thought of US and GB as controlled by the Jews during WWII. And that the Communists were the real problem.

NAZIs were perceived as much of an existential threat as communists. Despite the US having a similar economic platform. I don't really know WTF Britian's problem was, they hated mainland Europe at the time.

FDR was literally on a yacht taking a cruise when one of the big prewar monetary conferences was going on. a lot of people were trying to call him, at his yacht, looking for support for stability in europe. he ignored them and was with one of his jewish financial advisers. I'm pretty sure I heard this from peter schiff, who is, himself, jewish

half of his cabinet was also jewish, and thought would come to be tried, all managed to earn executive pardons.

it came out later tha hiss, among many others, was a paid soviet spy.

this is a fairly common bit of knowledge among stormfags and/or financefags. a lot of this kind of knowledge is very domain specific

FDR wanted to dismantle the british empire so that america could control them defacto. so he waited for churchhills to fuck europe, which then forced britain to concede to american restructuring not only of the empire, but of similar postwar conferences such as bretton woods.

FDR was almost certainly in bed with jewish communists. there's no other reason to explain why we drew them into the war against germany and allied with what was obviously a non-european, communist, power.

the new deal itself was accused of being a communist program until after 16 years of FDR rule, they basically managed to rewrite all of teh school textbooks and gain control of the press.

FDR is quite possibly the worst president we've ever had.

Both are watered down communism.

not to detract from your statement, which is true, but we basically ONLY have communism left in the entire world

all of europe save switzerland is super fucking far left socialist and turning into communism. it ends up being a matter of spectrums.

US and the anglosphere are less bad in this respect, but every year getting worse. and already are worse, in some respects. the leftists enjoy complete power and simply haven't killed the golden goose yet.

japan and china use what is essentially an overtly communist system of capital controls and allocations. japan is socially right wing, but economically have the highest tax rates and central allocation that is smply efficient enough to not collapse. it's communism.

the only actualy capitalist places in asia are hong kong and singapore, who are slowlygetting starved.

communism won.

DemSoc is higher taxes and nationalized industries in the name of all the citizens of all walks of life. NatSoc is the same but with a more heavy emphasis on national identity and forgetting that multicultural shit. Ultimately there would be no way America would become DemSoc or NatSoc. Too big to fail company's and the elite wouldn't allow it. They'd have too be stupid as fuck too. Even if Hillary wasn't running there would have been no way in hell of Bernie ever getting the nomination or let alone winning. The amount of money invested in this country wouldn't tolerate a socialist America. Not too mention it would ruin the economy even more having them all leave.