Becoming a cop

Been thinking of becoming a cop for some time now and hopefully you can redpill me. Should I Join the military or go straight into being a pig?

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Straight ta the piggn'

Enjoy dying for Kikestan retard.

Any insight on where to start? Should I pay for academy myself or what? NJ if it helps

im not from USA and i can say, with the civil war so close, i wouldn't recommend it, wait till november

Marines to police academy is ezpz route

They will probably put you on patrol bikes during the college basketball games and what not. Cops doing that gets tons of hot sorority pussies

With a military background, you wont be the loser traffic cops who hand out tickets. those are usually the kids who were bullied in highschool and start power tripping and being an asshole

So yea, military to cop gets the gud lyfe

This is probably the hundredth time I've seen this pic but it's fucking triggered me like nothing else. How can that pretty white girl look at that chink that way? There are millions of decent looking lonely white guys that would give anything to be looked at by a pretty girl like that. I'd say I'd do anything to get looked at like that by a pretty blonde girl but I clearly wouldn't because I'm not. It's not even a matter of looks or being fit because I have both. I'm just a shy, low self esteem loser. I could t start a conversation if it killed me. I'm walking around as a freshman in college seeing tons of beautiful girls my age passing me on the streets as I walk to class and I say absolutely nothing. I'm going to college out of state so I don't even have any friends to make me feel like less of a loner. All I get is playing Borderlands with one of my friends back in Pennsylvania in the evening. Fuck I'm semi sure I've even gotten looks back but I was to much of a pussy to ever act on it. I have all these amazing chances and I throw them all away. Like at lunch I was sitting alone by myself eating while a cute blonde girl with curly hair was sitting alone eating on the next table over on her laptop. I told myself she was busy doing schoolwork but I knew if I actually went over and made an effort I could probably get a number, maybe a friend, maybe something more... I told myself if I ever saw her at that time again I would go over and introduce myself but I don't know if I actually will or if I'll be too much of a fucking coward again to do it. Theres at least another one or two examples like that just today that I won't get into, but it happens all the time and honestly I think I'm fucking losing it. I'm gonna try and join a frat but that's honestly not what I want to do with my time and in worried how it'll affect my grades. If I could just get one pretty white girlfriend who won't cheat on me I'd be set for fucking life That's honestly all I want 1/2

Would you bleed for Bimini?

Would you rather kill nigs or muzies?

Just ask her out man, thats what that asian did. And asian dudes have a disadvantage in the sexual market. If chang can do it, so can you

Man I dont know.
Most cops I've talked to have said the best cops are the ones that never wanted to be one.
ou need to be an ALpha who learns how to act beta to be a good cop, not the other way around.

if you want to read a really red-pilled thread that had a kick ass copper posting in it check this one out.

search for posts by id: 7BwGmrLx

oh, also I have a very close bud that did college while doing marine reserves and got school paid for and is now joining a swat team.

so maybe college with military lite and then cop?
would give you some valuable life experience.

>see the previous thread i posted, I really should edit that thread down for posterity.

Do you want to serve and protect the people? Then you should be a police officer. If not, don't do it. You will see dark shit, like domestic abuse for example. If you can deal with those things, do it. We need good people.

I'd say friend but there's honestly no way I'll be as close with anyone else as my friends back in Pa.

Anyway most Asian guys I've met irl are pretty decent people. Though there are a small but growing subset that act like fucking niggers. They just make me want to stomp there weak little faces into the ground until there's nothing left but a smushed cerebellum. That can be said for most races though. What I hate most about my generations guys is if you don't talk like a nigger your seen as the fucking square. I honestly don't think biologically they're any worse (except for the ones brainwashed into thinking they're female) it's just all the brainwashing they've been given for their entire lives. I'd say it's also true for even black people. Now the whole Chris rock "black vs nigger" thing is a fucking retarded meme, but I have noticed that there are a number of what I'm guessing are upper class blacks trying to act white at this university. Now I'd never actually trust any of them but o would prefer this to the "muh dick, shaniqua, weed, thug shieeet" that I became used to back in philly.

Anyway I know I got off topic but basically this picture just really fucking infuriates me and brings out all my insecurities and what I hate about multiculturalism. Again I say I would give anything to have a cute girl like her but if is actually why am I throwing away al these dozens of chances I'm getting every single day to just start talking to one off the street and or getting her number, then offering to take her out for coffee, then eventually becoming her boyfriend, telling my parents and making them feel like their son isn't such a hopeless loser. But then I remember she's probably a dirty whore that'll get pounded at a frat party and won't take a relationship serious at all But then I think they can't all be like that and I see myself finding the cutest girl you could ever believe, but then I'm somehow still too fucking shy to ever do anything about it 2/3

Anyway basically I hate myself. You guys keep telling me the only way I'll ever be able to get over it is if I go out of my way and try to talk to pretty girls and just not care. I just can't though. I'll think about doing it but then I'll just blank on anything to say to her as her clothing is brand name and reveals nothing about her. I'll still tell myself I should talk to but an even larger voice will just say it'll be way easier if I just don't and that voice is just always gonna win. the only way I'd ever have enough confidence to ever do that would be if I had alcohol/drugs in me and since I have know friends here and have been to no parties there's no way to get access to it so I guess I'm just fucked. I really do t want to spend all 4 years all by myself. In the past I've had friends just pop out of nowhere but here it hair seems like I'm not gonna have that kind of luck. I'm not really sure if I'll eventually kill myself. I'm definetly not until at least after the election.

Anyway basically I hate myself and really want a cute girl to cuddle with at night but I have no idea how to get her. Well... I should say I do know how to get her... Or at least have a rough sketch at how. It's just I have an inability to accomplish the task. Or mabe it would be more accurate to say an unwillingness.

Anyway sorry about blogpost. I just had to get this rant out of me.

>pic related is where I'm going


How old are you?

t. Cop

your local department has a website with application info. a military background will give you an edge over other cops and way better training.

what type of brown people do you want to kill? light or dark?

theres always military police

this, wait and let's see how things shake out.

You might have a new army to fight for next year user

This lad is asking the right question OP.
You have to choose.

If you're going to be a cop just work ina city and retire in 20 years. If you're young you can get out in your 40s, still young enough to fuck around. with your pension and shit as long as you're not a nigger you'll be fine with 1-2 kids.

>Should I Join the military or go straight into being a pig?

I just got pulled over today and harassed for literally no reason other than the cop didn't like the way I looked. Checked my IDs, asked me question about where I lived and with whom, even fucking asked me for my social security number, which I started to give before I realized I should never give that out to an officer and stopped at 4 digits. After 40mins of looking for something to pin on me, they let me go after I came back clean and the excuse they gave me was "your license plate was partially covered by the restraining mold" which it fucking wasn't. The plate is clear as any other's.

Fuck the police, I see why they get shot on sight now. Don't be a cop. Learn a trade.


nig or spic?

Lmao, I'm sure the next time you run in with the Po Po it won't be THAT bad.

Sounds like a good idea if you can stomach it. Can't be outsourced or destroyed by machines, seems to pay pretty good, at least here in oz. Robocop is probably way off.

Free gym, so healthy and chicks dig healthy. Good luck with divorce though high divorce rate afaik.