vintage /brit/ edition
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vintage tune for a vintage brit edition
The United Kingdom is the most depressing place in the world with the most passive-aggressive and insane people of any place I've ever been to.
If there is ever a story about a pedophile ring involving thousands of children, it's in the UK, and in response to this the population of the country is in permanent pedophile hysteria. British people will accuse you, your company, your extended family, your dog of being "paedophiles" the moment you annoy them. They are a people at the risk of mental brink 24/7.
Their government beats them like a fleabitten dog, steals their guns, limits their ability to buy butter knives. They make medicine and TV free but take away their personal liberties. They make the television airwaves free, but put every person who buys a fucking television or monitor on a list like some sort of sex offender and then sends goons to make sure they pay the piper.
The British populace does not know how to exist without being told what to do. Like a disobedient child, they thirst for discipline. Their Parliament operates with a fucking House of Lords and only with the blessing of the Monarch. If the Parliament tried to take away the Crown's authority, I'm pretty sure the British would do away with the Parliament and put the Queen back as head of state.
It always rains in England because God himself cries for your country.
does dave live in manchester
the IQ aussie still here
malembawambe runs straight down the inside of me sisters arsehole
stayed up all night studying for my machine operator exam and only managed a pitiful 44%
gutted, I proper needed this job
>it's a "mum argues with the neighbours and starts slamming doors" episode
stop the noise please
business idea: anti-runt paramilitary
Dave lives in your head, he isn't real
phoned up speculatively for the machine operator job and got told I don't have enough experience operating machines
yes, in the gay village too I bet lol
ask israeli flag for a job cleaning off the robot overlords' phalli
have nae so much as felt the touch of a woman in approximately 2 years
I live in manchester and have been called dave a few times
broke: Dave
woke: Dane
fucking hate being poorthern
anyone who thinks they're too worried about pedophiles is probably a pedophile
it's all your fault louie
want to work together to make money? have a throwaway email?
look on the bright side, at least you have the best english accent
bloody wogs
>little britweenies get chased out of Sup Forums and have to impotently hate yanks from Sup Forums
like pottery
monster hunter world any good?
would really appreciate links to these wayne and louis videos ngl
same haha
why do we have so many paedophiles in this country (not including muslims)
meeting of the minds
fuck off
Like how you conveniently leave out Muslims who fuck little white English girls
>fuck off
miss the mid 2000s internet lads
All Quiet on the gf Front
Just killed the last boss yesterday with 70 odd hours of playtime and it was a great experience. Fun to play with pals too. If you like 3rd person action games and loot systems or hitting dinosaurs in the face with fucking bagpipes then go for it.
would HEEM the queen(or any royal as a matter of fact) if I ever saw them in person
acting all fancy and shit just because you dropped out a certain cunt
Need the monarchy abolishing
good come back i weigh like 130 pounds pos
i've honestly lost my accent
won't ever get any thinner than this. might not gain more weight, but won't lose any in the future
alri jezza lad
shitty british culture and poor police funding
>i weigh like 130 pounds
Ah yes, waiting 20 minutes for a flash game to load. What a time to be alive.
Don't know who this girl is but I'm absolutely obsessed with her and already fantasising
Lads I NEEEED a schizophrenic edgy druggie gf with loads of mental problems
>>i weigh like 130 pounds
>good come back i weigh like 130 pounds pos
5 foot tall girlboy??
Remember seeing her in bridge to Terabithia
things i have noticed ever since i got my first gf:
>her boobs completely change size depending on her pose, from medium to almost invisible seemingly by magic
>girl panties are made out of MUCH nicer materials than boy panties are
>girl lips are softer than boy lips
>girl butts are much more squeezable than boy butts (probably because fat instead of muscle?)
>girls are really sensitive all over and they make cute noises
>girls like it when you say their name during sex
how do you lose your accent, it's not a pair of fuckin car keys
dick still bigger than yours. stay mad virgin
Hard to say why paedosexuals are so common. Think a lot of it is caused by underfunding the nhs. It's another issue that would be solved in a socialist britain.
cringed till the cows came home reading this
oxfords life is driving me insane
go on and give us a vocaroo of your thick irish brogue then
>car keys
whoever recommended 'Wings of Desire' before good lad, that was fucking kino to the max
whats going to happen in 30 years when Britain is non white?
5 feet tall and your dick is over 7 inches?
pretty sure i need you in my life
how accurate is this
people will have darker coloured skin
she got a haircut and she looks so bad in it, would tell her to get it fixed but she wouldn't believe me
cows just came home lads
that's not going to happen
>>girl lips are softer than boy lips
how do you know this?
wrong, it's civil war
i got it off Sup Forums but I guess it's the same thing at this point
absolutely and completely obsessed with the 6.8/10
right ok
>We demand to be taken seriously
because i had 4 different boyfriends before my girlfriend
what would be the factions in this civil war?
would it be whites vs blacks vs pakis or whites vs everyone else?
what will trigger the civil war?
she's cute and interested in me and we're really similar
>till the cows came home
where did you even get that from?
people were sent to australia for minor crimes like robbery and stuff a lot
do people even care about e-celebs anymore? seems very 2016
Why does this the UK hate free speech?
are you still a bender or what
bit gay
identity europe is all about publicity stunts. this is just another one
proper want to nosh the fanny of the girl at work
where do people get the idea that muslims are going to outbreed whites?
long term immigration is going down and will go down further with brexit
muslims are starting to westernise more, I know a few gay pakis, they're not going to be having kids
and most of the white people I know are having 2 or 3 kids
or is this just my area